lacks 2 midbasshorns above HF, but line source from 65 and up....
and "electronic pointsource" from 65 and up
Yes it lacks a symmetrical array to control the radiation pattern, therefore your setup is quite different from a D’Appolito configuration.
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it has control of radiation pattern, but in a different way
A D'Appolito array is a specific configuration of drivers. All we are saying is that your speaker system is not a D'Appolito array, and it is not similar to a D'Appolito array.

It is totally okay that your speaker system is not a D'Appolito array. :)
Make sure that you are listening to the video on the YouTube App or on the YouTube page in a separate window tab and not on WBF. It makes a difference.
Yes, they do sound better from YouTube directly.

"What are you doing today, Honey?" "I'm having heated arguments on the internet with audiophiles with systems costing big bucks calling each others' systems garbage using YouTube videos." "Oh, okay, just don't get too mad and don't forget to take out the garbage!"
Some company took the Altec 604s with a 515b woofer below (something you get used for 5k or less) and put one more woofer above, to make it Dappolito, and had shown it a show for 150k. Very WAF woof and the new GPA altec drivers.
A D'Appolito array is a specific configuration of drivers. All we are saying is that your speaker system is not a D'Appolito array, and it is not similar to a D'Appolito array.

It is totally okay that your speaker system is not a D'Appolito array. :)
Totally different acoustic centers vs D’Appolito . Take one of the lower horn woofers and place on top of your Hi frequency horn and Bob’s your uncle ...!


Correct. In addition to the Midrange-Tweeter-Midrange drivers’ arrangement, there are driver center-to-center spacing requirements to address lobe tilting and to maintain a point source polar radiation, typically a 1/4 of the lowest frequency’s wavelength center-to-center spacing.
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A D'Appolito array is a specific configuration of drivers. All we are saying is that your speaker system is not a D'Appolito array, and it is not similar to a D'Appolito array.

It is totally okay that your speaker system is not a D'Appolito array. :)
Technically, a true D’Appolito also uses a third order crossover as the crossover type affects the lobbing tilt.
'Nother one with 2A3 tubes on 75 inch ribbons. Voices darker and more downturned a bit than live. Still, a reasonable effigy all considered.
Technically, a true D’Appolito also uses a third order crossover as the crossover type affects the lobbing tilt.

Not always Morri , many designs used 1st and second order , Dunleavy for eg used 1st order slopes , excellent step responses..

Not Sure what Peter at PBN using on his Horns ..

Correct. In addition to the Midrange-Tweeter-Midrange drivers’ arrangement, there are driver center-to-center spacing requirements to address lobe tilting and to maintain a point source polar radiation, typically a 1/4 of the lowest frequency’s wavelength center-to-center spacing.
Perfect D'appolito is almost impossible if the distance between the drivers is too large. acoustic energy speakers do this excellently.listen to this then you know how good it sounds.

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Saw the video. Helmholtz Resonator?
Hi Greg,

There is either a Helmholtz resonator or something like a Helmholtz resonator built into these custom, high Q Resnick-Ator TubeTraps.
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'Nother 2A3 Luv vocal on 75 inch ribbons to despoil the thread. Live is more dynamic, and I can hear his breath sounds moving around the microphone, which I can't hear on the vid (at least I can't).
Ron, that's interesting. I seem to recall Paul McGowan building a modified Helmholtz- Resonator into the wall of his custom room build for his NOS Infinity V.

I anticipate an update on th sound.

P.S. Members should keep an eye out for Tik-Toc style videos by Ron on you tube.
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Not always Morri , many designs used 1st and second order , Dunleavy for eg used 1st order slopes , excellent step responses..

Not Sure what Peter at PBN using on his Horns ..

The original design by Joe D’Appolito was with 3rd order crossovers, I discussed it with him in person back when he was designing for Usher loudspeakers.
'Nother 2A3 Luv vocal on 75 inch ribbons to despoil the thread. Live is more dynamic, and I can hear his breath sounds moving around the microphone, which I can't hear on the vid (at least I can't).

What Ribbon is this..?
Here is my logic, with over 37 years in this hobby, I now have roughly 47 systems at home with some of the world’s best components, expanding all topologies and factions of this hobby, which give me first hand experience to just about every type of system here at home. Add to this, I have literally traveled all over the world which has allowed me to listen to the latest, greatest, most expensive, and highest regarded systems and components in dedicated rooms at both dealers and end-users optimized settings. My in-depth understanding of the recording, mixing, and mastering processes allows me to have expectations of what can be achieved not only in playback but more importantly in the realm of technologies available to optimize the retrieval of nuance and inner detail. And last but not least there is my technical background in physics, electrical engineering, and acoustics which allows me to understand the elements at work in sound reproduction. I have an extreme understanding of electronics design and mastering techniques and those allow me to analyze system videos for the relevant information required to make assessments and drive corrective action, when needed. That’s my logic. What is yours?
Your experience surpasses mine.

I have been around for awhile 55 plus years and have had many systems and components over the years so I do have some experience! I have travelled all over the world too but other than going to live concerts or an audio show or showroom here and there, when I travel I am more engaged in the country than I am in hifi.

As far as the recording, mixing and remastering you have me there but I continue to listen to as much live music as I can. Your technical background clearly surpasses mine.

Having conceded that you have considerable experience I must admit that I still don't get this fascination with recording a system's music on an IPhone or similar and then playing it back on the same. Again I ask am I missing something? You really didn't address that you just told me that you have superior experience.

Always willing to learn.
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A lot, but it has been covered for last 5 years in the acoustically video coupled thread, which “summarises” similar discussions across many threads. I am happy to continue that discussion here or on Al’s system thread because both these thread owners owe us that space.
Thanks Bonzo I will check that thread. I am relatively new and this forum has an incredible amount of information and opinion.

Always willing to learn, lol!

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  • What’s Best Forum is THE forum for high end audio, product reviews, advice and sharing experiences on the best of everything else. This is THE place where audiophiles and audio companies discuss vintage, contemporary and new audio products, music servers, music streamers, computer audio, digital-to-analog converters, turntables, phono stages, cartridges, reel-to-reel tape machines, speakers, headphones and tube and solid-state amplification. Founded in 2010 What’s Best Forum invites intelligent and courteous people of all interests and backgrounds to describe and discuss the best of everything. From beginners to life-long hobbyists to industry professionals, we enjoy learning about new things and meeting new people, and participating in spirited debates.

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