You are listening to the video with the iPad speaker or with headphones?
Well I listen with the IPad. Clearly there must be a better way?
Yes, they do sound better from YouTube directly.

"What are you doing today, Honey?" "I'm having heated arguments on the internet with audiophiles with systems costing big bucks calling each others' systems garbage using YouTube videos." "Oh, okay, just don't get too mad and don't forget to take out the garbage!"
Love it
Your experience surpasses mine.

I have been around for awhile 55 plus years and have had many systems and components over the years so I do have some experience! I have travelled all over the world too but other than going to live concerts or an audio show or showroom here and there, when I travel I am more engaged in the country than I am in hifi.

As far as the recording, mixing and remastering you have me there but I continue to listen to as much live music as I can. Your technical background clearly surpasses mine.

Having conceded that you have considerable experience I must admit that I still don't get this fascination with recording a system's music on an IPhone or similar and then playing it back on the same. Again I ask am I missing something? You really didn't address that you just told me that you have superior experience.

Always willing to learn.

I will try to be more direct this time. For me, system videos offer two distinct functions:

1) Aural memory is fleeting and when you are trying to hear differences between two different set-ups or to compare and contrast before and after a change, I find the system video playbacks more informative than relying on aural memory for relative comparisons.

2) For comparison analysis I find system videos an invaluable tool. At the end of the day, any and all systems should be judged by one and only one thing only, and that is the resultant sound. It is very difficult or should I say impossible to hear the latest, greatest, and most praised component’s and systems in your own home. Even if you could bring them into your own house any comparison with your current system would again rely on aural memory. As I’m the type of person who is extremely competitive and likes to assemble the best systems in the world, I must measure my system’s performance against what others believe are truly great systems. I don’t do this just for ego, but also to implement corrective action in my own systems when deficiencies are observed. I cannot leave well enough alone, I’m always striving for improvements. Because of the logistics involved and quite honestly lack of access to these systems, the most efficient way to compare the resultant sound of my systems to the resultant sound of other so called “world class systems” is over system videos. Don’t get me wrong, I’m fully aware of the numerous and different variables involved but as I said previously at the end of the day none of that matters and the only thing that needs to be judged, in my view, is the resultant sound. Over YouTube all videos undergo the same processing so that is common and levels the playing field for the videos. I realize that the sound quality takes a hit going through YouTube but that is normalized as all videos take the same hit in quality. Furthermore, as I explained to Ron, Bonzo and others earlier, because of the microphones, typically used for these system videos, there are low frequency capture limitations that give the sound a slight high frequency tilt but again for the most part this is also normalized as most of us are not using professional recording level microphones for this videos. Even with the Magico M9 video that was professionally recorded, it didn’t make a difference

As you can see, to me these system videos serve as a great tool for relative comparisons of changes in the system but also the videos allow us to benchmark the relative sound quality of our systems against other systems.

In summary, 1) system videos are a better tool to rely on than aural memories, and 2) system videos are the most accessible way to step up and make comparisons to the sound quality of other systems using a common yardstick.

Let me know if any of the above requires further clarification.
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common yardstick?
not all the videos are recorded in the same way or even with same phone/mic

It doesn’t matter. It is what it is and that is all we got. Never will all variables be the same. You have to work with what you have. Part of being a good engineer is to make the most out of the given. We are talking, in most cases, about multi-hundred thousand dollar systems. They should sound great even on videos you would think. Don’t come up with excuses and give yourself or anyone a crutch. You either bring it or you don’t!
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common yardstick?
not all the videos are recorded in the same way or even with same phone/mic
Just So Leif … Folks might spend a little time listening to the ‘Professional’ material recorded by Moiz Audio and posted up on YouTube, having gone through the same signal limiting buffers as any and all mobile phone uploads on there.

He utilises various Pearl microphones captured to a Nagra Seven recorder, amongst the very many highly favourable comments referencing the sound quality of the many disparate systems featured in his show recordings are several comments from responders who find it incredulous that these recordings are of a live in room system and query whether they are not a direct feed recording … compare and contrast with pretty much all the mobile phone captures on YouTube !

Just So Leif … Folks might spend a little time listening to the ‘Professional’ material recorded by Moiz Audio and posted up on YouTube, having gone through the same signal limiting buffers as any and all mobile phone uploads on there.

He utilises various Pearl microphones captured to a Nagra Seven recorder, amongst the very many highly favourable comments referencing the sound quality of the many disparate systems featured in his show recordings are several comments from responders who find it incredulous that these recordings are of a live in room system and query whether they are not a direct feed recording … compare and contrast with pretty much all the mobile phone captures on YouTube !

When recording to magnetic tape you are no longer listening to the sound of the system. The capture have therefore introduced all the additives and subtractive qualities of magnetic tape. The videos are no longer faithful to the sound in the room.
Can y'all please take the 17th (117th?) re-litigation of YouTube videos over to the YouTube thread?

Thank you.
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Can y'all please take the 17th (117th?) re-litigation of YouTube videos over to the YouTube thread?

Thank you.

No we would like to keep it here thanks. You made the video discussion on topic for your thread
No we would like to keep it here thanks. You made the video discussion on topic for your thread
With all due respect, this is Ron's system thread. He requested that the discussion carry on elsewhere and that is exactly what we will do.

This thread is about Ron's system and not about videos. Let's keep it on track and focused on that.

And you think the speaker in an iPad is sufficient to judge sound quality of videos?
No I certainly do not! Nor do I think using an IPhone to record a system likely to produce a descent quality replica of what the system sounds like.

i must be missing something here. Bonzo pointed me to another thread that is covering this but I have not had a chance to read it. At this point I am skeptical but will make an effort to educate myself on this practice.

Apologies Ron I didn't see your request to move to another thread and was just answering. I have no problem moving the conversation. Not sure I have much to add other than a response to Carlos as I now understand his logic as stated in his last post. i guess if one must compare but still recording with an IPhone, call me a skeptic at this point.
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Ron, if you’re open to changing out your VTL pre maybe a Thomas Mayer silver 10y pre might be worth exploring… maybe Carlos could lend you his to try out or if he’s not using it anymore might even be open to selling it.
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Ron, if you’re open to changing out your VTL pre maybe a Thomas Mayer silver 10y pre might be worth exploring
Thank you for the suggestion. I am a big fan of Thomas' work!

The output impedance there looks low enough that the preamp should be able to drive the long interconnects.

But I am not doing anything until I sell the Siegfried IIs.
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Thank you for the suggestion. I am a big fan of Thomas' work!

The output impedance there looks low enough that the preamp should be able to drive the long interconnects.

But I am not doing anything until I sell the Siegfried IIs.
It’s not like you’re suffering terribly with your current setup so it makes great sense to not rush. I’d imagine the Mayer 10y in silver could suit a range of amplifier moves in the future and would perhaps be a destination kind of preamp... I’d be looking at having one for sure if I was travelling in that end of the market.

I’d imagine there’d be a number of fab SET amps that’d pair up very nicely and it has a lovely bespoke feel (I’d love the new metal chassis version) and while I understand that Kondo on Kondo is traditionally a very good thing but maybe the Mayer silver 10y might even open itself up to a couple of Kondo Gakuahs or Kaguras… as a very luxe kind of system outcome.
Kondo Gakuahs or Kaguras… as a very luxe kind of system outcome
Not enough power in those amps for me to be comfortable. And why PSET?

I'd rather go higher in power and pure SET with Wavac 833.

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