ASC Tube Traps (absorption side facing panels) immediately behind ribbon panels:

View attachment 104466

I am trying to use the same position and technique and SPL each time. I'm playing the break-in CD basically all day and all evening long except when I go to sleep (only because I just can't relax with super high power tubes on while I'm sleeping). So this measurement is about 50 or 60 hours after the last one I posted.

It is difficult to discern if the break-in is smoothing things out a bit . . .
Can't you borrow an SS amp for the (heavy) burn-in of the speakers and use the tube amps only for serious listening?
Can't you borrow an SS amp for the (heavy) burn-in of the speakers and use the tube amps only for serious listening?

Way too much aggravation. I think it's no big deal for the system to not be burning in for the few hours I'm sleeping. And I want to hear and begin to understand the system with my amps.
Tube Traps 25" behind panels, absorption side facing panels:


Tube Traps 25" behind panels, diffusion side facing panels:

Ron - have you ever paid any attention to the Harmon curve? Just curious.

View attachment 104470

Yes, subjectively I like the Harman Curve. I would be very happy with that frequency response:


But what you posted looks like a nightmare to my ears. This doesn't look anything like that curve.
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This system definitely is the most resolving I ever have had.

I think the woofer tower, with its 1,000 watt Class AB Gryphon amplifier, is a brilliant design. It feels like the woofer towers just take control of the room.
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Are you getting a reference turntable soon Ron ? The Denon, nice as it is, is not on the same level as the rest of your equipment at this point !

I thought Ron bought the AS-2000. He just needs DDK to set it up.
No Tube Traps; this is 4' x 8' x 2" absorption panels in the corners on the front wall:

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Dear Ron,

Here’s link to the U.S. dealer for the Swedish made Helmholtz resonators with ajustable ports.. Hope it might be of some help.

Yes, this firm builds listening rooms using SMT (Matt's) products.
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Yea, this firm builds listening rooms using SMT (Matt's) products.
Yes sir, they certainly do. As you saw on the pics I have used the bass resonators myself, and they do amazing things in troubled rooms. As I had the opposite frequency trouble in the bass region that you have, I used the VR-6 for my bass node at 30-32Hz, and the two VR-4 in each corner for the bass node at 65Hz, which in turn also adjusted the troubled dip at around 100-105 Hz due to the overtune indused by the 65Hz frequency.

So they are certainly something to concider.

/ Jk
This system definitely is the most resolving I ever have had.

I think the woofer tower, with its 1,000 watt Class AB Gryphon amplifier, is a brilliant design. It feels like the woofer towers just take control of the room.


Saraswati has been fully resuscitated from a deep suspended animation, and is ready to preside over the listening room and to encourage good, natural sounds!
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A giant THANK YOU to our dear friend, Rune Skov, Sales Director of Gryphon Audio Designs, who flew across the planet to visit Tinka and me today, and to listen to and position the Pendragons! Rune was accompanied by Anthony Chiarella, CEO of Gryphon North America, and by Joe Cali of Joseph Cali Systems Design.

It was wonderful to meet Anthony, a planar loudspeaker kindred spirit, and to talk with and to listen to music with Anthony and Joe!

Joe is the Gryphon dealer on the West Coast, and embraces an all-Gryphon system building philosophy to reproduce music the way the artist intended.

You are welcome to visit me and to examine the incredible craftsmanship and design and sound of Gryphon Audio Designs loudspeakers! And if you're interested in a Gryphon system, please call Joe!

Joe Cali
Joseph Cali Systems Design
Pacific Design Center
8687 Melrose Avenue, Suite M60
West Hollywood, CA 90069

Rune Skov
Sales Director
Gryphon Audio Designs
Industrivej 10B - 8680 Ry - Denmark
+45 2624 9197 (Cell)
+45 8689 1200 (Office)
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Did they improve the sound of your system Ron ? Or just tell you that you need more Gryphon gear ? ;)
If ever there was a safe bet it is that Ron will remain a tube amplification man for many, many years to come:)

The room is looking great Ron and it must have been fun to have your friends from Gryphon come and help calibrate the Pendragon set-up.
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  • What’s Best Forum is THE forum for high end audio, product reviews, advice and sharing experiences on the best of everything else. This is THE place where audiophiles and audio companies discuss vintage, contemporary and new audio products, music servers, music streamers, computer audio, digital-to-analog converters, turntables, phono stages, cartridges, reel-to-reel tape machines, speakers, headphones and tube and solid-state amplification. Founded in 2010 What’s Best Forum invites intelligent and courteous people of all interests and backgrounds to describe and discuss the best of everything. From beginners to life-long hobbyists to industry professionals, we enjoy learning about new things and meeting new people, and participating in spirited debates.

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