Ron Resnick Launches Audio Cafe LLC, a New Clarisys Audio Dealer

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they may or may not affect your impression or perception of those things. Resolution is more complicated. Are you asking about the inherent resolution of a speaker, or your perception of the resolution of the system? Your perception of how resolving the presentation is is what determines clarity, in my opinion.

A system has an inherent degree of resolution. Whether or not you optimize that depends on other factors like set up and the room. Whether or not you are successful at optimizing the inherent amount of resolution from a system determines the level of clarity.

information is a related concept. Different recordings have different amounts of information. The source component has to extract that information and then the rest of the system should not corrupt it. That then is reflected in the resolution of the system and then the set up and room affect the degree of clarity.

these concepts are related and I haven’t given it a lot of thought, but I think of them as distinct qualities.
I like your attempt at explaining these concepts. Your conceptualization of things makes sense. Personal perception of course is always a wild card and it trumps everything! That's what makes things so complicated in system assessment and explaining our viewpoints. IMHO.
they may or may not affect your impression or perception of those things. Resolution is more complicated. Are you asking about the inherent resolution of a speaker, or your perception of the resolution of the system? Your perception of how resolving the presentation is is what determines clarity, in my opinion.

A system has an inherent degree of resolution. Whether or not you optimize that depends on other factors like set up and the room. Whether or not you are successful at optimizing the inherent amount of resolution from a system determines the level of clarity.

information is a related concept. Different recordings have different amounts of information. The source component has to extract that information and then the rest of the system should not corrupt it. That then is reflected in the resolution of the system and then the set up and room affect the degree of clarity.

these concepts are related and I haven’t given it a lot of thought, but I think of them as distinct qualities.
I mean if you went hardcore objective and used a mic and software, the impulse reaponse and timing would measure better. Or more true to what is coming off the media. I assume you would hear this too.
Congratulation Ron!

I definitely like your decision to move over to the professional sales side of the High End world.
Your personal contacts to the industry will enhance your product portfolio on offer easily,
even if you do not want to go this step soon, your potential upcoming customer base will ask you to do so,
as they will like and trust your competence in this regard.

As you can see in my new signature, I did recently a similar step,
as more and more people were asking for advice and sourcing recommandations,
and following the growing customer interest and demand my products on offer listening has increased faster than planned.

I like, that you are still listening preferable with your Gryphon speakers, a product which is not on current offer @Gryphon,
which shows, that your listening room is mainly hobby and not business focussed.

Same here, the most of my personal system (Avalon Osiris speakers, Acoustic Arts Mono V amps, Invictus jr turntable and more) is not part of my dealer product offering and follows pure hobby purposes and not business plan needs.

Enjoy your upcoming customer visits, hopefully new interesting contacts and listening hours will happen accordingly :)

Thank you, Juergen, for your support and kind words! Congratulations on your move to the business side! I wish you the best of luck!

But I have no plan, intention or desire to expand beyond Clarisys Audio. I have a specific lifelong interest in, and experience with, planar dipole loudspeakers.

I do not want to be beholden to a "portfolio" of brands. I am willing to accept the appearance of a conflict of interest -- versus indisputable neutrality and impartiality -- only with respect to Clarisys Audio loudspeakers.
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So what were the impressions of the first listening panel with the Clarysis, or did they have to sign an NDA?
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I didn't ask each participant for a formal report. I also would not want to misquote anybody.

Generally, I think people were quite impressed.
I do not want to be beholden to a "portfolio" of brands. I am willing to accept the appearance of a conflict of interest -- versus indisputable neutrality and impartiality -- only with respect to Clarisys Audio loudspeakers.

What about Hegel electronics? Everywhere else there seems to be some association between the two brands and you said you would also sell them. I see you slipstreamed a Hegel linestage into you personal equipment list, but no amps.

Given the critical importance of the amp speaker combination it is hard to imagine auditioning speakers from a dealer with no amplifier offering specifically paired with the speakers.. I thought the Jadis JA100 is out of production. As far as I understand, you bought the Jadis to pair with Gryphon speakers. What does Clarisys recommend?
What about Hegel electronics? Everywhere else there seems to be some association between the two brands and you said you would also sell them. I see you slipstreamed a Hegel linestage into you personal equipment list, but no amps.

I heard a full Hegel set-up matched with Clarisys at AXPONA 2023. I thought it sounded very good, even in show conditions.

I was not previously familiar with Hegel but they seem to be very good sounding, well-engineered, well-made products which offer very good value for money (excellent sound quality at modest price). I want to be able to offer visitors the opportunity to hear Clarisys on a full chain of solid-state electronics. So I thought the Hegel made sense as a cost-effective alternative to all of my tube stuff. I just haven't ordered the Hegel amplifier yet.

But my personal passion and focus is planar dipole loudspeakers -- not DACs, not preamps, not turntables, and not electronics.

Given the critical importance of the amp speaker combination it is hard to imagine auditioning speakers from a dealer with no amplifier offering specifically paired with the speakers..

Yes, of course, the loudspeaker/amplifier combination is important. But contrary to the David Karmeli philosophy, I select loudspeakers first.

My preliminary feeling –- which you are not going to cotton to because you are trying to make a philosophical point -- is that Clarisys seems to sound good with a wide variety of amplifiers.

The speakers don't lean cool and analytical, which, for most listeners, would suggest an amplifier on the warm and full side. The speakers don't lean warm and gauzy, which, for most listeners, would suggest an amplifier on the neutral and transparent side.

There is no difficult impedance load which has to be wrangled by a particular amplifier of vast current capability.

I know from my own experience recently that 80 watts will do the trick. Maybe even less power would still sound beautiful.

I have heard Clarisys now with Hegel (AXPONA 2023), CH Precision (Cyrus in Spokane), Jadis (home) and VTL (home). I have my personal preference, but each one sounded good.

What I am hearing suggests that the Clarisys doesn't have any tonal balance or frequency response anomalies that need "fixing" by a particular sound of amplification, and doesn't present any difficult impedance load which needs wrangling by an amplifier of a particular current capability.

I thought the Jadis JA100 is out of production.

As far as I understand, you bought the Jadis to pair with Gryphon speakers.

What does Clarisys recommend?
I don't know of any loudspeaker company that recommends as a matter of policy particular amplifiers. I am enjoying, and the people at Clarisys are enjoying, experimenting with all different brands and types of amplifiers.
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Ron, you wrote “But my personal passion and focus is planar dipole loudspeakers -- not DACs, not preamps, not turntables, and not electronics.”

How would you describe the differences between Alysivox, Clarisys, and your Gryphon?

Take off your dealer reviewer hat. I’m interested in your personal opinion as a hobbyist.
Yes, of course, the loudspeaker/amplifier combination is important. But contrary to the David Karmeli philosophy, I select loudspeakers first.

Same here. Had my Octave tube amp not worked well with my new speakers I would simply have bought the (unexpectedly) excellent class D (!) amp that Steven Norber demoed the speakers with at T.H.E. Show and which was made by him. Speakers first.

Yet fortunately my amp does work very well with the new speakers, thus case closed.
How would you describe the differences between Alysivox, Clarisys, and your Gryphon?

I am just beginning to understand Clarisys versus Pendragon.

I have not yet heard the Alsyvox in a leisurely home audition. Sometime in the Summer I will be visiting either Bob Vineyard for a couple of days, or a dear friend for more than a week.
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I was not previously familiar with Hegel but they seem to be very good sounding, well-engineered, well-made products which offer very good value for money (excellent sound quality at modest price). I want to be able to offer visitors the opportunity to hear Clarisys on a full chain of solid-state electronics. So I thought the Hegel made sense as a cost-effective alternative to all of my tube stuff. I just haven't ordered the Hegel amplifier yet.

I suspect there is an association or loose affiliation between Clarisys and Hegel. Maybe it is at the distributor level.

My asking about Hegel in your product line was driven by your statement:

I am willing to accept the appearance of a conflict of interest -- versus indisputable neutrality and impartiality -- only with respect to Clarisys Audio loudspeakers.

I don't know of any loudspeaker company that recommends as a matter of policy particular amplifiers.

Generally no manufacturer is going to say some other product is needed to enjoy theirs. But look at who they show with to get some clue about their view on compatibility. At Axpona 2023 it was Clarisys with Hegel who is out of Denmark. At Munich 2023 it was Solution which is also a Swiss company. I find most dealers who sell speakers do recommend amplifiers, usually ones they sell. Or put differently I've never encountered a speaker dealer who does not have amplfiers on offer.
I suspect there is an association or loose affiliation between Clarisys and Hegel. Maybe it is at the distributor level.

My asking about Hegel in your product line was driven by your statement:

Generally no manufacturer is going to say some other product is needed to enjoy theirs. But look at who they show with to get some clue about their view on compatibility. At Axpona 2023 it was Clarisys with Hegel who is out of Denmark. At Munich 2023 it was Solution which is also a Swiss company. I find most dealers who sell speakers do recommend amplifiers, usually ones they sell. Or put differently I've never encountered a speaker dealer who does not have amplfiers on offer.

I wouldn't look into those kind of relationships too much, most show partners are done based on accommodations and sharing of show cost , of course synergy is important too , but not always the case ..

I am just beginning to understand Clarisys versus Pendragon.

I have not yet heard the Alsyvox in a leisurely home audition. Sometime in the Summer I will be visiting either Bob Vineyard for a couple of days, or a dear friend for more than a week.

OK thanks Ron. You decided to become a dealer for Clarysis a year ago and you’ve lived with the Pendragon now for a year or so I thought you might have some initial impressions about the differences. I understand.
OK thanks Ron. You decided to become a dealer for Clarysis a year ago and you’ve lived with the Pendragon now for a year or so I thought you might have some initial impressions about the differences. I understand.

The Clarisys speakers arrived to the listening room less than two weeks ago.
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The Clarisys speakers arrived to the listening room less than two weeks ago.

Yes I understand that Ron. You share many show reports where you heard the system for less than two weeks and you bought your Pendragons based on a three or five hour audition. You wrote reviews of components never heard in your own system. Your recent visitors who heard your new speakers surely left with some impression after a brief listen. I think we all form opinions based on brief exposure. I’m going to hear some live music Friday night in a new chamber setting. I suspect I will have an opinion about how it all sounded.

So I understand if you don’t want to share your impressions at this early stage, and I look forward to if and when you ever do share an opinion about the three panel speakers which are your main interest in the hobby. But you must surely have some opinion after two weeks and after having decided to represent the brand a year ago.
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Ok, but how many hours have you listened with them now? Surely, you have formed some reliable impressions by now?

I have only initial impressions of Clarisys.

As far as Pendragon versus Clarisys I have the very preliminary sensation that Clarisys might be even more differentiating of different recordings than is Pendragon. Clarisys is at least as transparent and at least as resolving as Pendragon but with no edginess or brightness or any frequency response anomaly I can discern.

I continue to think the Gryphon powered woofer tower is completely brilliant. I'm not sure anything can better it from 20Hz to 200Hz. Of course dedicated subwoofers like Goebel Sovereign and REL No.32 6 Pack and Wilson Master Subsonics should better it from around 30Hz on down to the infrasonic region. If Elliot dropped two Sovereigns into my Christmas stocking I wouldn't turn them away.

From 20Hz to 500Hz the Auditorium overall is a more consistent and satisfying and relaxing and natural experience, because there is no anomaly in any crossover. It's very nice and satisfying to have one 20 Hz-capable driver covering all the way up to the lower midrange.

Piano sounds completely amazing, maybe even as good as any big front-loaded horn I have ever heard. It is similar to Magnepan bass in sonic concept, but significantly more powerful and impactful, and maybe more resolving.

During the listening session on Saturday somebody put on an electronic music track via streaming. There was a very low rumbling sound which the commenter thought was around 30Hz. The commenter thought that it sounded like the ribbon woofer panel was bottoming, so loud and strong was this rumbling sound. Someone else in the group volunteered that he was very familiar with this particular recording and that that is exactly how it was supposed to sound, and we were simply hearing the speaker reproduce accurately the depth and power of that sound on the recording.

From top to bottom, the Clarisys is truly a full range loudspeaker. And I am somebody who would put subwoofers on a ham sandwich.

The Studio Plus sounded good right out of the box, with no fuss, no muss. There is no edginess, no frequency balance problems, no fussiness. The speaker just works right out of the box.

The critical frequency range of upper bass to lower midrange needs no excuse, like it does on the various Martin-Logans I had my whole life, on other electrostatic loudspeakers, on other hybrid loudspeakers, and even on the Pendragons. It all sounds very natural right out of the box. And everyone reports to me that it will only get better after about 200 hours.

My initial reported positive impressions from AXPONA of last year are confirmed in all respects. Unsurprisingly I like tubes on the Clarisys, and my listening room is the first time I have heard them with tubes.
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If Elliot dropped two Sovereigns into my Christmas stocking I wouldn't turn them away.
1- I cant pick a Sovereign up by myslef
2- Sovereigns will not fit in any stocking I have seen
3- I'm happy to sell you a pair and even help set them up for you
4- I think it would be fun and interesting to get them set up with a different type of speaker
5- I would consider making you a sub woofer dealer LOL
Ron, you wrote “But my personal passion and focus is planar dipole loudspeakers -- not DACs, not preamps, not turntables, and not electronics.”

How would you describe the differences between Alysivox, Clarisys, and your Gryphon?

Take off your dealer reviewer hat. I’m interested in your personal opinion as a hobbyist.
Not too sure why you are interested in his opinion. As soon as he announced he is the dealer of Clarysis speaker, his any opinion of Clarysis is not neutral anymore. I do not care he says he is impartial nor he says he can take off the dealer hat when comparing Clarysis with other speakers.

Do you expect him to say anything bad about Clarysis ( to be clear I am not implying Clarysis speakers are bad) when he just got the Clarysis dealership? If you are really interested in knowing Clarysis, I recommend you read Roy Gregory’s review. His review is detailed and fascinating. He has also compared Clarysis against G3 which you should find informative as you are a horn guy. And Roy is not selling nor having long term loan of both Clarysis and G3.
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