Thank you for the mention Ron. It was wonderful that you and Tinka were able to take a weekend off from her photography course i Tokyo to visit us here. I just wish you had more time and we could have gone outer island like we did with Steve and Cathy.
As there is no perfect room for everybody and that by and large room and system building is a personal pursuit, it's all a work in progress. As a long time golfer of limited talent and fitness level, LOL, I take the golf philosophy of competing against myself and no one else. When I go around and visit others I always seem to learn a thing or two that might be useful in my own space.
The room was designed to replicate a cozy jazz club using standards for recording spaces as opposed to recording control or mastering rooms. Basically this means that room gain is to be leveraged by the loudspeakers the way the instruments are allowed to do so in the recording space. This takes care of almost all music genres. For classical music we knew that we would need a little bit more diffusion and the best way we modeled is if we used the ceiling and almost the entire back wall. This allows a higher ceiling to the sound scape as well as implied width. A simple analogy would be to think of lets say a drone whizzing by you and off behind you to infinity. If the back wall was 100% absorbent then the sound would indeed trail off into infinity. If it is reflective you would be able to guess that the drone is stopped in the area where the rear wall is. With diffusion you know it went and is still behind you but you're not quite sure how far back it is only that sounds it farther in all directions implying a larger space. It also helps when playing live recordings of arena rock.
Anyways, While I don't seek validation, I would be the biggest liar if I said I didn't appreciate receiving it!

Believe me it doesn't go to the ego. It goes directly into the "It's okay Jack, we don't think you are nuts" bucket LOL A lot of people did you know. Just sayin'
Every time the topic of my room comes up I will always thank the man that made it happen not to mention the cost effectivity. My speaker cables cost more. Puts THAT into perspective LOL. Mike Pedero, AES fellow and AES elected officer for South East Asia, Musician, Composer, Producer, Radio DJ....Acoustics genius. Prior to my engaging him for my room, he did our soundstages and our post production facilities in both the Network and the subsidiary commercial production house. Done everything from iso booths to cathedrals. My room was a piece of cake for him. The genius was how he got it the way I described to him specifically how I wanted it. The only revisions were the addition of about 10 ceiling tiles. That's it. Thanks Mike!