Ron, what puts Marty’s system in the top tier and your system in the second tier?
1) The dimensions of Marty's room and the built-in ceiling Helmholtz resonators and other acoustic treatment result in a room which seemingly cannot be overloaded by bass at any remotely normal SPL. They never has any low frequency thickening or dulling or overhang.
Marty's room is an example of a top-tier room which would allow any pair of loudspeakers to shine.
2) Marty's system overall has a more natural tonal balance than mine does presently. Marty's room is quite absorptive, and, for example, piano in my room sounds lighter and more "tinkly" than it does in Marty's room + system.
3) The width of Marty's room allows the development of a wider soundstage than my room can support.
4) Marty's dynamics are stunning. Grafting big dual Gotham G213 V2s onto a full-range system gets you more oomph and impact than does my two-way with no subwoofers.
5) There is better, more seamless integration between Marty's Alexx Vs and the Gothams than I have between the panels and the woofer towers.
From the bottom of the frequency range to the top of the frequency range the integration of drivers is so seamless that I think it may be the case that people who complain about Wilson loudspeaker driver coherence simply have never heard Wilson speakers set up this well.
I wonder very seriously if Daryl Wilson has ever heard Alexx Vs accomplish what they accomplish in Marty's system.
In summary: better room, more natural tonal balance, better dynamics, better integration. All of this adds up to a greater suspension of disbelief and a more believable re-creation of the sound of what I hear in Walt Disney Concert Hall.