Thanks to Peter's demonstration of how small adjustments in VTA can affect the playback sonics of certain LPs in a way I consider material I think I may take David's recommendation for a tonearm with easy -- and easily repeatable -- VTA adjustment, and replace the plan of a Schroder LT with a Graham Phantom Elite.
While Peter can make his VTA adjustment (unlock the V-12 sled, insert the screw tool, adjust the height and re-lock the sled) in a minute or less I do not foresee myself doing that. I can foresee myself turning a calibrated VTA tower.
Who has an Air Tight Opus 1 mounted on a Graham Phantom Elite? Is that a great combination?
Which armwand length has proven to yield the best sound on a Graham Phantom Elite?
Who has compared directly the sound of the standard Graham 10" titanium armwand to the sound of the TechDAS titanium armwand? (I know Jack has both armwands, but I do not remember reading his detailed thoughts on the sonic differences between the armwands.)
While Peter can make his VTA adjustment (unlock the V-12 sled, insert the screw tool, adjust the height and re-lock the sled) in a minute or less I do not foresee myself doing that. I can foresee myself turning a calibrated VTA tower.
Who has an Air Tight Opus 1 mounted on a Graham Phantom Elite? Is that a great combination?
Which armwand length has proven to yield the best sound on a Graham Phantom Elite?
Who has compared directly the sound of the standard Graham 10" titanium armwand to the sound of the TechDAS titanium armwand? (I know Jack has both armwands, but I do not remember reading his detailed thoughts on the sonic differences between the armwands.)