Ron's Speaker, Turntable, Power and Room Treatment Upgrades

Thanks to Peter's demonstration of how small adjustments in VTA can affect the playback sonics of certain LPs in a way I consider material I think I may take David's recommendation for a tonearm with easy -- and easily repeatable -- VTA adjustment, and replace the plan of a Schroder LT with a Graham Phantom Elite.

While Peter can make his VTA adjustment (unlock the V-12 sled, insert the screw tool, adjust the height and re-lock the sled) in a minute or less I do not foresee myself doing that. I can foresee myself turning a calibrated VTA tower.

Who has an Air Tight Opus 1 mounted on a Graham Phantom Elite? Is that a great combination?

Which armwand length has proven to yield the best sound on a Graham Phantom Elite?

Who has compared directly the sound of the standard Graham 10" titanium armwand to the sound of the TechDAS titanium armwand? (I know Jack has both armwands, but I do not remember reading his detailed thoughts on the sonic differences between the armwands.)
Thanks to Peter's demonstration of how small adjustments in VTA can affect the playback sonics of certain LPs in a way I consider material I think I may take David's recommendation for a tonearm with easy -- and easily repeatable -- VTA adjustment, and replace the plan of a Schroder LT with a Graham Phantom Elite.

While Peter can make his VTA adjustment (unlock the V-12 sled, insert the screw tool, adjust the height and re-lock the sled) in a minute or less I do not foresee myself doing that. I can foresee myself turning a calibrated VTA tower.

Who has an Air Tight Opus 1 mounted on a Graham Phantom Elite? Is that a great combination?

Which armwand length has proven to yield the best sound on a Graham Phantom Elite?

Who has compared directly the sound of the standard Graham 10" titanium armwand to the sound of the TechDAS titanium armwand? (I know Jack has both armwands, but I do not remember reading his detailed thoughts on the sonic differences between the armwands.)

Ron, best way to determine if you like the set up you are suggesting, is to see if you can listen to it, primarily either on your own set up, or failing that on a similar system, before making the purchase decision. IMHO relying on someone else’s opinion of the combo is probably going to result in disappointment. Personally, I never buy anything in audio unless I can have a chance to at least hear it in the scenarios above...if at all possible.
I know it is nice to have validity from others, but at the end of the day, it is your ears and your ears only that matter.
I agree.

I have liked the Opus 1 in every system in which I have heard it. I had a Graham 2.0/2.2 for 18 years. Christian, Jack and Steve all like their Phantom Elites.

But if someone reports some unexpected incompatibility with this particular combination that would be useful to know.
Thanks to Peter's demonstration of how small adjustments in VTA can affect the playback sonics of certain LPs in a way I consider material I think I may take David's recommendation for a tonearm with easy -- and easily repeatable -- VTA adjustment, and replace the plan of a Schroder LT with a Graham Phantom Elite.

While Peter can make his VTA adjustment (unlock the V-12 sled, insert the screw tool, adjust the height and re-lock the sled) in a minute or less I do not foresee myself doing that. I can foresee myself turning a calibrated VTA tower.

Who has an Air Tight Opus 1 mounted on a Graham Phantom Elite? Is that a great combination?

Which armwand length has proven to yield the best sound on a Graham Phantom Elite?

Who has compared directly the sound of the standard Graham 10" titanium armwand to the sound of the TechDAS titanium armwand? (I know Jack has both armwands, but I do not remember reading his detailed thoughts on the sonic differences between the armwands.)
I would recommend the Graham over the Schroeder for its sound quality with or without VTA tower also the exchangeable arm wands are another advantage.
I agree.

I have liked the Opus 1 in every system in which I have heard it. I had a Graham 2.0/2.2 for 18 years. Christian, Jack and Steve all like their Phantom Elites.

But if someone reports some unexpected compatibility with this particular combination that would be useful to know.

That makes sense if there is a report of an incompatibility, which I am sure you are trying to discover ( not a unexpected compatibility ?). However, I still think in this hobby that since there are so many opinions on what sounds good...and conversely what does not, that even if one heard of such an incompatibility, that a personal experience is still warranted. At least it would be for me.
This is one of the very reasons why I rarely “recommend” anything in this hobby to others...what I like is not necessarily what they like and vice versa. That plus the fact that there are so many room combinations, gear combinations and varying tastes in music and sound, that to go out and ‘recommend’ something based on my experience is most likely doing a disservice to the party I would recommend it to...simply best to let them experience it for themselves; as I would do for myself...and without any kind of influencing- so called ‘ expert opinion’. This is IMHO.
The new Durand Tosca has VTA adjustment?
Yes, it does. It incorporates a little elevator with an uncalibrated vernier. Hopefully the production version will have some numerical calibration on it (not merely the etched lines one sees on the vertical element now).
I would recommend the Graham over the Schroeder for its sound quality with or without VTA tower also the exchangeable arm wands are another advantage.

Thank you, David.
I would consider the SAT, the Axiom, or the new Durand, all before the Graham. Steve and Christian both have the 3012R and the Graham. You should ask them how much they listen to the Graham and perhaps visit Steve again and see if you can compare the 3012R to his Graham with the same cartridge.

Do you plan to just leave the 3012R set at some height that will sound good with some LPs? You might want to see how easy it is to adjust that arm if arm height adjustments are important to you. Alternatively, why not just get three 3012R arms and set them at three different arm heights based on LPs in your collection and then leave the arms alone, never adjusting them? Then play an album with all three arms and make a notation of which arm sounds best on that LP, #1 (120g), #2 (150g), or #3 (180-200g). (I have found that it is really a combination of cutting angle and thickness that determines the best SRA/arm height). Having three $3K arms would be cheaper and perhaps sound better than having the Graham, if indeed everyone agrees that the 3012R sounds better than the Graham.

Do you plan on having more than three cartridges? If so, there are always the removable headshells on the 3012Rs.
I would consider the SAT, the Axiom, or the new Durand, all before the Graham. Steve and Christian both have the 3012R and the Graham. You should ask them how much they listen to the Graham and perhaps visit Steve again and see if you can compare the 3012R to his Graham with the same cartridge.

Do you plan to just leave the 3012R set at some height that will sound good with some LPs? You might want to see how easy it is to adjust that arm if arm height adjustments are important to you. Alternatively, why not just get three 3012R arms and set them at three different arm heights based on LPs in your collection and then leave the arms alone, never adjusting them? Then play an album with all three arms and make a notation of which arm sounds best on that LP, #1 (120g), #2 (150g), or #3 (180-200g). (I have found that it is really a combination of cutting angle and thickness that determines the best SRA/arm height). Having three $3K arms would be cheaper and perhaps sound better than having the Graham, if indeed everyone agrees that the 3012R sounds better than the Graham.

Do you plan on having more than three cartridges? If so, there are always the removable headshells on the 3012Rs.

Thank you, Peter. Three 3012Rs is not fatally expensive, but three Opus 1s is!

Three VTA options I think would do the trick, but after my visit with you I am not sure that two VTA options necessarily would do the trick.

I am sure Christian will way in on 3012R versus Graham Phantom Elite but I believe Christian has been quite happy with his several Grahams, and the on-the-fly VTA adjustability of the Graham is pretty unique. The Tosca will not have on-the-fly adjustability, I think.
I thought you were getting a ZYX on the 3012R and looking for another arm for one Opus. You could just have one set for thin LPs and one for thick LPs and be done with arm height. Different flavor cartridge for different thickness LPs. If you don't want to change multiple cartridges, why get an arm with a detachable headshell?
Ron, have you listened to the new Basis Transcendence with the new Superarm 9, or Superarm12? This combo is IMO one of the most revealing that I have ever heard...
If you liked the amazing Basis Inspiration, I think you would like the Transcendence even more. I remember that you were going for the Work of Art, which is probably not doable now, but the Transcendence is pretty much at that level...and maybe even higher. Plus, it is readily available.
Superarm 9/12 or SME 3012R...well we have had that discussion before:rolleyes:...just go and listen and the results will be more than obvious, imho.
I thought you were getting a ZYX on the 3012R and looking for another arm for one Opus. You could just have one set for thin LPs and one for thick LPs and be done with arm height. Different flavor cartridge for different thickness LPs. If you don't want to change multiple cartridges, why get an arm with a detachable headshell?

Do you think only two VTA options have been sufficient to correct to your satisfaction the sound of Carole King's voice and the muddy piano/dull cymbals on Take Five?

If the 3012R had a no detachable headshell option I surely would take it (and not sacrifice, at least theoretically, rigidity and electrical connection break).

I know I like the sound of ZYX UNIverse Premium on 3012R. And, as Tang put it so artfully, I want the "complete recipe of Michelin Chef Karmeli."
If the 3012R had a no detachable headshell option I surely would take it (and not sacrifice, at least theoretically, rigidity and electrical connection break).

You just touched on one of the Achilles heal of this design. Unfortunately, and I think I have stated this before, it is a fatal flaw.
Ron, have you listened to the new Basis Transcendence with the new Superarm 9, or Superarm12? This combo is IMO one of the most revealing that I have ever heard...
If you liked the amazing Basis Inspiration, I think you would like the Transcendence even more. I remember that you were going for the Work of Art, which is probably not doable now, but the Transcendence is pretty much at that level...and maybe even higher. Plus, it is readily available.
Superarm 9/12 or SME 3012R...well we have had that discussion before:rolleyes:...just go and listen and the results will be more than obvious, imho.

Other than the vacuum hold-down the Transcendence looks like a light-weight version of the AS-2000.

I think the Superarm 9 is fantastic. But for the second tonearm I am realizing (thanks, Peter, I think!) I would like on-the-fly VTA adjustability. What tonearm other than the Grahams offers that feature?
You just touched on one of the Achilles heal of this design. Unfortunately, and I think I have stated this before, it is a fatal flaw.

It is clear to me that the 3012R has no fatal flaw. Tang is the only member with a sufficiently large collection of turntables and of the top tonearms to make valid comparisons. Look at which tonearms are mounted on his AS-2000 . . .
Thank you, Peter. Three 3012Rs is not fatally expensive, but three Opus 1s is!

Three VTA options I think would do the trick, but after my visit with you I am not sure that two VTA options necessarily would do the trick.

I am sure Christian will way in on 3012R versus Graham Phantom Elite but I believe Christian has been quite happy with his several Grahams, and the on-the-fly VTA adjustability of the Graham is pretty unique. The Tosca will not have on-the-fly adjustability, I think.

I wont bother you again Ron. From a view of a user who has been there done that I honestly wish you really look at my and Christian's behavior on arms purchase. Of course you could do the curiosity thing like me and explore interesting arm purchase. But if I can guide you to a short cut and save money, just go with the SME. This arm is simple, adjustable, "cheap," and most of all sound great. Comparability with Opus, ZYX, AtlasSL, and VdH is proven. Forget about the skeptic on removable headshell, oem tonearm wire and phono cables. They are just excellent, no drawbacks and even sound better than super expensive highend ones.

"If I could only go back in time.." that's what I am thinking now.

Your sincerely,
Thank you, Tang! There is no question -- I am going with the 3012R. I might go with two 3012Rs (won't David run out of NOS silver 3012Rs at some point?).

But I like researching and thinking about alternatives for a possible second set-up. I would like to come up with a solution for what I heard with Peter.
Do you think only two VTA options have been sufficient to correct to your satisfaction the sound of Carole King's voice and the muddy piano/dull cymbals on Take Five?

If the 3012R had a no detachable headshell option I surely would take it (and not sacrifice, at least theoretically, rigidity and electrical connection break).

I know I like the sound of ZYX UNIverse Premium on 3012R. And, as Tang put it so artfully, I want the "complete recipe of Michelin Chef Karmeli."

A single one time VTA/SRA setup for the arm with any cartridge combo guaranteed. The only reason to VTA/SRA hop is because it was NOT setup correctly for that cartridge to begin with. Correct VTA/SRA height means that everything, ie from upper to lower frequencies all in balance and all in focus with that cartridge and when you change VTA/SRA try to compensate for rolled off highs or whatever else, you lose the resolution and the full depth the music and all you have is brighter highs. It's all in focus when the VTA/SRA is properly and the thickness differences among average LPs won't effect that setting.


It's fine if you believe that there's a sonic bottleneck because of SME's detachable headshell but you haven't hit with equipment you list in your signature, that includes the AS2000! In nearly 30 years and living with some of the world's best gear the 3012-R continues to surprise me with every upgrade and I don't think I've discovered it's limits yet!


PS. NEVER on silver if I have a choice, at least for now :).
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So you are telling me if you heard an SME3012R in your stereo and loved it, you would not use it because you are afraid that it is secretly sounding bad since it isn't as rigid as a non-headshell design (in your mind). The actual rigidity could be higher for the purpose. The strength at which, say, they could hold up a vibrating 30lb weight is irrelevent to playing a record. Coupling points are probably most frequently the strongest point in most applications, the world over.


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