But I'm talking more specifically about music to be released (and some of it also recorded) in the future, and the huge existing library has little or nothing to do with that. If a recording is mastered at 24/192, why should it be any easier to release at 16/44.1? Slightly cheaper, perhaps, but right now CD's are often cheaper than MP3's, so file size alone is only part of the retail cost (and I don't want to get into discussing the reasons for that); releasing the 24/192 will bypass several processing steps.
I doubt that file size will be a huge issue in the future. We are likely to see audiophile downloads become a key source of better quality music as physical formats get more scarce over time. Also, the march of progress to more capacity/lower cost storage continues.
I think the bigger issue is likely to be how comfortable the record labels (which imho continue to act like dinosaurs) are with releasing near master tape quality in digital format that can be easily copied.