Since you weren't scared by 'The Exorcist', maybe you're too blasé to be scared by anything, or maybe it was not too realistic for you, but I can assure you that 'Creep' is going to be very different.
Not @ all,
pas blasé du tout; it's just the way I was made (by Dad & Mom) biologically and emotionally, voilà.
But I really like the music in 'The Exorcist' by
Mike Oldfield - 'Tubular Bells'. I love the flick overall, it's just that it never scared me, that's all.
It did attract my attention, put me on guard, fixated my inner self, transpired new surprises the very first time that I saw it, ...but I wasn't scared per se.
It is still one of the top scariest flicks ever, for the majority of people, just not scary enough for me...but I still love it because I must have four or five versions of it (DVD & Blu).
* You just convinced me; I'll see if I can find 'Creep' somewhere around near.
Kind of got that from your post about 'The Exorcist' not being scary.
Both 'It Follows' and 'Creep' worked well in these areas respectively, the first one with music and tension, the second one is out of the ordinary (quite tense and meandering).
Watch 'Creep'.
I will now, even if the trailer doesn't work for me...have to watch it in its entirety to have an objective judgement...agreed.
And I want to see 'It Follows' as well, even more so...I need to know what follows.
I've seen the posts: I do like Carpenter's 'The Thing' - the atmosphere is incredible, and just that opening shot with the gunshots from the helicopter chasing the german shepherd is an anthology scene.
'Prince of Darkness' : 'Hello? Hello? Pray for death' is another one.
The soundtrack from 'It Follows' reminded me of Carpenter's scores a lot.
I found 'The Conjuring' to be quite scary (all relative as nothing really scares me these days), but my girlfriend didn't, but then she was visibly shaken by 'Creep' yesterday.
Different strokes for different folks.
I see you mention 'Evil Dead 3' in this thread. For me, that movie was an anomaly, a total joke and a comedy compared to the first two.
Big fan of Barker's work, but especially the actual written 'Books of Blood' that I have in a two big volume Omnibus edition. 'Nightbreed' isn't scary at all, but I liked HellRaiser 1. Barker writes brilliantly, and this you can only get from the books themselves. 'BoB' is a masterpiece.
So far, unexpectedly, I found 'It Follows' and 'Creep' to be very good. During its time, 'Martyrs' and 'Maniac (remake)' were very good too and I'm fairly certain they still hold well today.
You sound blasé, although I agree, there are far scarier things in real life than in movies, but don't blame me if 'A Serbian Film' messes you up.
Some other movies we found interesting were: 'Coherence' and 'The Purge' (same producer I think for 'The Purge' and 'Creep').
Gaspard Noé's 'Irréversible' is gripping, bleak, moody and original as well.
I think 'The Babadook' is going to be great too.
John Carpenter, Clive Barker, Sam Raimi, ...I like what these guys do. It's fun, there is some good atmospheric music here and there (in particular with Carpenter), some bloody/gory scenes, and just simply out-of-this-world concepts from the darkest of all darkness. ...I also like red and black color compositions.
Sam Raimi of course is more humorous in his horror flicks...I like, very much. :b
There are others, just to name two:
Eli Roth - Hostel
Neil Marshall - The Descent
<<>> In general, I found that in recent years the Horror/Scary genre flicks lack scariness and horror.
Perhaps it has some to do with all the Marvel super heroes from the comic books and heavily pushed by the Hollywood studios? ...Brief, that's where the money is, mostly.
Comedies too are lacking, Romances, in favor of Action flicks (Mad Max, Mission: Impossible). ...Generally, again, it follows the money...the masses.
You make me discovering new film's titles that I'm not familiar with...I don't feel blasé @ all, to the contrary, I am delighted. :b
What do you think of
'American Psycho' with Batman (
Christian Bale)? ...Were you scared, for his friends? ;-)
Last, not a scary movie, and not horrific either, but nonetheless the main winner @ the last Oscars:
'Birdman' ...did you like?
...Because me I loved it.
Yes, movies and music I enjoy talking about, very. ...The gear, the science, toilet seats, ...all secondary in my book of life. :b
But I love talking about everything, anything, all the things. I enjoy reading you and chatting with you...and Jack loved this thread too...when he was still around.
It's important, very important to feel free when talking about the things we love to do...and be ourselves...among all of us. What we all say is more important than all the gold contained @ Fort Knox.