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FIRST: BE VERY VERY CAREFUL!!!!! High Voltages inside!!
Turn the KR Audio up side down. I took some books, as the T100 tubes are bigger than the transformer cases. Don't let the amp rest on the tube(towers)
Open the coverplate. When you power on the amp, make sure that the speakers are connected. Volume completely down.
Hook the voltage meter on ground (Black cable) and on Con 2 in the red circle. When the tubes are cold you will measure 1,3V - 1,5V which will slowely go down. After around 10 minutes adjust the pot in the yellow circle to 1,1V. Don't overdo it, but it can take some turns as the pot is a 10 turns one. Repeat on Con 10 and the pot besides it.
Recheck after 20 minutes.
The negative bias PSU voltage ist -199V (violet circle)
If the protection is on all the time, you cannot adjust as the amp doesn't have bias then.
If that is the case, you can disable the protection for this short (!) time to get to the values needed. This is done when pulling LM339 in the black circle:
View attachment 76335
Put it back when you adjusted the bias.
Here is the T100 tube socket :
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The drilled red/black cables are the 5V filament voltage. You will measure 6,1V and 1,1V here, referenced to ground.
In november 2022 my VA350 once in some days, went into protection. Waiting 30 seconds, it was working again for lots of hours.
I measured the bias again. It was a liitle low, but my biaspot was almost on its end. I was suspecting the T100 tubes would be done.
I somehow got the email adress of the designer of the KR audio amps, Marek Gencev. I wrote him an email at sunday evening, which he answered on monday morning at 7.30h (!):
The bias for VA350 is 1.10Vdc. If the amplifier goes into a protection even with correct biasing you should check thermal stability of TL431
(-30Vdc), which I did:

The TL431 is in the blue circle.
The -30Vdc can be measured at the Tantal cap, the yellow blob left to the TL431.
You can see the measure-probe on the left side of the Tantal cap. The blue arrow markes the TL431. As I heated the TL431 with a hairdryer, it was clearly visible that the voltage got from 29Vdc (cold), to 26Vdc (warm).
So, I ordered the TL431 and all the caps on the main PCB, as one of the 450V caps looked strange (see first pic, left to the TL431)
These are 4x 47uF/ 450V (RM7,5mm , H31,5mm, Ø16mm)
6x 47uF/200V (RM5mm, H20mm, Ø12,5mm)
2x 10000uF/16V (RM7,5mm, H40mm, Ø18mm)
All together some €15....
After I'd changed all, the bias was good again. I adjusted it and checked for several days if the bias was drifting. All was as should be.
When I got to do the listening, I was very surprised at how much better the VA350 now sounds!! More dynamics and the soundstage opened wide now with lots of layering and soundstagedepth... Very very nice!! A friend of mine who was here just before and direct after the modification said it has transformed my system. I was still thinking, it would be my room-acoustics and my speakers, not being able to layer well, but here it is

So, when someone has a KR Audio amp (the main pcb is almost the same in all amps. The TL431 is in all of them) he should check the bias and look for the drifting TL431.
Also, I had one T100 tube, which was making ticking noises sometimes (once in a few weeks) Sounded like playing a record, even when not playing anything. I asked Marek, what it could be. His answer:
"With a noisy tube, try to play the amplifier at maximal volume with disconnected speakers for few seconds.
Likely there is an impurity on mica holders or a grid and you can clean it with a transient signal."
This is really scary, as the amp itself makes all the musik-noise

This I had to do twice within a week and is now gone.
So, as I can say, I'm very happy to have it solved and that my system is sounding so incredible now!!
Disclaimer: don't do this yourself if you are not familiar with electronics! LETHAL VOLTAGES INSIDE!!!
but it is really easy to do
Thx for the mail support from Marek, who helped me a lot and answered my many questions!
Regards, Remco
p.s. One surprise when I turned over the main PCB:

Nice silver mica caps over the already very good Mundorf Mcap Supreme Silver/ Gold!