I suppose one's choice is by definition a personal preference. While different components and systems will sound different I don't believe there is one that is singularly "right" - just as there is no singular performance of Beethoven's 6th Symphony that is the right performance - there is no one true example that is right.
Although your comment seen as a whole, is one of the best I have read, I have some things to mention.
The artistic part of a performance has nothing to do with the 'rightness' of the reproduction of this performance. Hope you get what I mean.
Vintage violins for example have gained a unique reputation because they have a distinctive tone of their own. Such a violin in the hands of a top performer is enough to make you break in tears. It is his artistic performance and the uniqueness of the organ that make the real difference.
In order to perceive this uniqueness you need dead flat reproduction component(s), with the minimum signature of their own. In order to enjoy the signature / style / artistic performance of the unique moment that has been captured, you need the minimum 'distortion' of the original signal. It is there exactly that you need experience, knowledge and the ability to distinguish the reproduction 'rightness' among different gear. It is there exactly where most of the Hi-Fi lovers fail.
Regarding the rest of the comments, related to several loudspeaker brands, all of them impose excessively strong character of their own. In other words, all the mentioned loudspeakers are not a clear window to the actual performance. As previously stated, what could be well expressed in an Avant Garde speaker might not be equally well expressed in a e.g. Wilson loudspeaker and/or vice versa. This is called character, signature, coloration, etc. You can name it the way you prefer... It is a mechanism of induced distortion that the speaker creates on its own. This character is a combination of myriads of parameters that can't be all included in a single equation/model. It's the result itself that counts. And the experienced listener can make no mistake. Usually less than one minute of listening is enough to perceive the rightness and/or abandon the presence of excessive character/signature/coloration/distortion. One minute is IMHO the maximum allowed, no more.If you have no goal or intent then it can be whatever strikes your fancy on any given day. And that's fine for some people. However if you have a reference against which you are assessing, then the "right one" may be a function of that - how close to your reference is what you hear from what you have?
If your reference is the sound of live acoustic music how similar is your sound to that? Granted that reproduction wil be distinquishable, how close does your system's sound get to your reference? Different systems can come closer or further. Two different systems can be credibly natural and still sound different.
While there may not be a singular example of a performance of Beethoven's 6th that is the right performance, that, imo, doesn't mean its all subjective. After all, there is a score, the most basic reference. Maybe not the best way to say this but think of a performance as an implementation of a score. Some are better than others. Is it different for reproduction?
FYI, I have never experienced a speaker released under a currently commercially available scheme, that is a true window to the music, open, transparent and faithful to the source. Never. Sorry guys. I do not have the intention to disappoint you or challenge your ego. If I have to select one and only one currently available speaker, that comes closer to the real thing than all its competitors do, this is easily 'Pnoe' from Arcadian Audio. Very easily. I am not affiliated to Arcadian Audio in any way but I can't lie and can't deviate from what is called truth and reality. There are quite a few guys reading here and know me very well, both in person and through my creations. I simply can't lie or candy cover inner meanings, etc.
On the other hand, I have listened many times to DIY speakers that come so damn close to the real event... All these loudspeakers had vintage gear from Altec, JBL and Western Electric. No single exception. The only commercially available speaker that really blew me away, back those years, before going out of production, was the flagship model of Shindo, equipped with the crazy fully original Altec 515 & 288c, both transformed to field coil drivers. I think the model was named 'Latour' but I can't swear on this...