More great responses guys, can I thank you all for refraining from the usual analog v digital mudslinging
Ked, I only mention the SGM so often because of what it does to converge digital twds analog, and it's advantage for user friendliness re computer audio dummies like me
I know you feel it doesn't do anything to get closer to the sound of analog, but I disagree a lot w you there, it's vanishingly low noise flr enables by far the greatest level of micro dynamics from digital I've ever experienced, and this factor alone jumps the divide to analog, and that's before we even talk HQP
It also happens to be the only high end streamer I've been exposed to over an extended period of time that in effect I've got to know
But, no, I'm not convincing myself that I have to buy it, at £17k to incl Dac8 that's the cost of a eg AMG Viella V12 tt plus arm, but even more importantly, the option of 2k-3k lps/CDs off EBay/secondhand record shops
Brad, I kinda agree w you re my tt/arm/cart
It has a very pertinent sound, and the designer deliberately eschewed digital speed control because every feedback loop system he tested introduced a kind of jitter which softened dynamics
He has had to settle on a high torque system where speed can drift over time, and the least compromise chosen was set and fine tune at intervals
The motor pod was also designed to drain vibrations away from the platter and hence stylus
Hence the tt has had a lot of emgineering thrown at it, and specific choices made
The air arm IMHO is a marvel of minimalist engineering genius, a truly fuss free low pressure system, truly an alternative to the brutally complex and finnickety alternatives like the Kuzma Airline
Where there are compromises is in the areas of tolerances and fit, a similar design w cash thrown at it by a Brinkmann or AMG would have more consistency and potential
The Straingauge may well be limited by it's electronics, all I know is it outperformed the Transfiguration Orpheus cart/Tom Evans Groove Plus SRX it replaced
I suspect this rig's tendency to favour dynamics and bass lines over transparency and delicacy may have been masked in my old room, and now revealed by my very neutral new space
I guess it's just a greater divergence from my cdp is more marked, esp w what I love about my Eera cdp only enhanced by the new room