Back in the "real" world, I did think my thread would uncover sime guys here who had actively moved from analog to digital
Other than Bob/rvisinta on an allied thread who really has settled for a good streamer solution/Tidal over his analog sources, and my dancing on the margins, not many others have come out of the format closet
C'mon guys, it's good to share
Who else has been a loyal advocate for vinyl but has subsequently been wooed and swapped sides?
And what were the deciding factors?
Marc, I know of a few members who own both formats but have lately been listening to more digital. I can't really speak for them, but my sense is that as they have upgraded their digital sources for improved sound quality, they have listened less to their analog rigs. One guy wrote me that his digital now sounds better than his analog. He blames a specific component in his analog chain. Perhaps you should start another thread asking this specific question.
Regarding your OP, only you know what you like about each format and the music you listen to. In the end, it comes down to your own personal priorities. I would guess each member here has made this choice and examined his options. I doubt many members arrived at a decision based on what others told him to do. There are plenty of valid arguments for going either way.
I was not aware of the changing nature of your relationship with Bonzo. Sorry to hear that. I would not have made the suggestion to travel together, had I known. So, forget that advice and find someone who you like, trust and can discuss this subject with. Then, go and have fun listening to other people's rigs and learning something more the various options for each format. Gear is getting very good and you should be able to find something that will make you happy long term. Hold out for a good price from Audiophile Bill for all of those treasured LPs.