The thing to keep in mind is that the integrated amp is considered an analog device while the Rossini is a digital one according to Shunyata. So, it’s not surprising that using an SG for the Rossini helped things on both counts.Steve does that mean the dCS DAC and Upsampler DO work/benefit?
I don’t have a dCS myself, but at the demo of my dealer we used a Rossini Streamer/DAC and it seemed to benefit quite a bit. Although we didn’t test it separate from the Tube integrated, which we both connected to the CG at once. But connecting the Rossini DAC to a separate SG gave more ease and refined to the presentation.
Maybe Shunyata wants to keep a list (at least internally) of components that are quite common like the dCS, MSBs, Lampizators as well as the Common amp manufacturers so that they can give a basic indication where grounding probably works best and also where to best connect it to.
Personally, I‘m really looking forward to try it at home. The benefit I would greet the most would be reducing unwanted (digital) artifacts that irritate our ears and keep us from relaxing more into the music. The other audiophile categories like more decay or airy soundstage are of course very pleasant positive „side effects“.
I know from speaking with representatives of Shunyata that they have been working closely with both early testers and dealers to identify all components and their behavior with respect to the Altaira CG and SG as well as alternative cabling options/lengths. And this can be complicated. Some hardware designs are unconventional, or as in my case with the Spectral, quite deliberately designed to already manage grounding and noise issues and are negatively impacted when attempting to use ”outside assistance“.
I certainly hope your Shunyata dealer is soon trained/certified to sell/install Altaira for you via the Shunyata-supplied demo kit. It can take quite some time and effort to fully analyze a system, based on its size and complexity.
One thing that has already been brought up and needs to be “put to bed” is whether or not the use of a CG, with a later installation of a separate daisy-chained SG, is acceptable and possibly a better solution when segmenting, or not, down the road.
Methinks there is potentially more testing to come...