So we don't like the science. And we don't like what listeners say what they like. What is left to go by ?
the science is just fine. it's simply not the point in and of itself of what i believe is being pursued. scientific proof of performance is not what is important. but if science helps then fine. i use science (measurements) in some aspects of my system set-up. but choosing gear i use my ears in extended listening to potential gear. so i'm not anti-science. i'm pro enjoyment.
the goal of assembling a system is enjoyment of art. not proving something least for me personally.
so we visit these friends systems where we can listen and decide which approach seems to take us further into the art consistently........that moves us and involves us in the music. like Myles said, we know the answer.
what else is important?
i realize this is not attractive to some who need to scratch the techie/measure then listen itch. knock yourself out, measure your brains out.