Hi again Bruce, I think the response looks great. You have one small peak at 75hz which you could reduce with one filter from an equalizer, but why corrupt the entire audio signal for one peak?
The low freq is no problem as many people like a house curve on the bottom end, though you did say you wanted it flat.
But lots of people say flat does not sound good anyway. Besides there is very little musical info below 30 hz. So why worry about it?
You said your system sounds great, so whats the problem?
I tune my system by ear and it sounds great, I have a reference album with deep base that is increadible. I guess you could try moving your speakers or chair, that helps. You allredy got a great room and speakers to die for, what else could it be?
Personally I would not trust any of those measuring devices, trust your ears. Your ears are what you are trying to please, and they are more senisitve than any screwey test instrument!
Oh by the way only my mother calls me Wendell

Jack D.R.