Speaker upgrade

Has anyone heard these horn speakers . How good are they when reproducing the accuracy of the sound stage , the width, depth, height , and size of instruments .
Sadurni acoustics staccato gt loudspeakers.
@bonzo75 I listen to vocal music, jazz, country , rock and pop .
@Duke le jeune the sweet spot need not be very wide , my listening position is fixed and I don’t move around the room
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Yes Marty and I heard the Sadurni in New Jersey together some years ago
I was (semi) seriously considering them at one point, but the logistics of demoing them were too great. Ked has heard them, and deffo has an opinion.
I am also very hesitant to buy a brand like alsyvox . I am more comfortable with brands like magico and yg. Which magico do you own .
I am not able to find the crossover points for the magico so if you can get me that information I would appreciate that . Thanks

Here is a complete measurement review of the M2s along with the M2 review.


Also I would think at this point that Alsyvox is a bit more established than Sadurni. Not knocking Sadurni, I've heard them several times at shows over the years and liked them, have not heard much about them lately.
I am also very hesitant to buy a brand like alsyvox . I am more comfortable with brands like magico and yg. Which magico do you own .
I am not able to find the crossover points for the magico so if you can get me that information I would appreciate that . Thanks

no, i totally understand that and it's especially hard because it's tough to find places to listen to alsyvox. now, don't feel like i'm pushing you one way or another but all i'm saying is for that budget and gear you already have, i feel you should deff try to give it a listen. re yg, i am hesitant to buy yg's with yoav leaving. will the older products lose quality? of course not, but if i were a betting man (and i very much am), i am not liking the outlook for yg. others may disagree with me but, honestly, i felt the same with raidho after borreson left and if alon were to ever leave magico i'd feel similarly...just something i value/watch.

my magicos are the s5mk2 and i'm going to go against the grain here and say that while the m series is deff better, its not much different. it does everything a little better adding up to a better speaker but i think for the price difference you're getting a huge taste of the m series with the s5mk2. for your size room you could even push to the s7 but that model is a bit long in the tooth. i haven't heard the a5 but i'm not as excited about it as everyone else is. however, while i havent tried your amp on these, i do think magicos like big current amps - i noticed a big increase switching from my already powerful odyssey kismet to the even more power symphonic line kraft. i'm not sure if the ayre mx is the best pairing - it will sing and play loud for sure but i think big watt class a is what really brings the life out of the magicos

re cross over points, i can't recall where i read that - your best bet would be to email magico on their contact page. they are pretty quick to respond...i emailed about crates and peter got back to me in a day.
Has anyone heard these horn speakers . How good are they when reproducing the accuracy of the sound stage , the width, depth, height , and size of instruments .
Sadurni acoustics staccato gt loudspeakers.

I heard what may have been an early version at the Rocky Mountain Audio Fest years ago. My recollection is that I was hearing a "cupped hands" coloration on voices. I didn't stay long enough to form an opinion of the soundstage because I was exhibiting too.

Show conditions are notorious for making good speakers sound bad, and this is my take: If a promising speaker sounds good at a show, then it is good, because realistically bad room plus bad speaker will not equal good sound. But if a promising speaker sounds bad at a show, try to get a second opinion in a non-show-setting before scratching it off your list. Case in point: Larry Borden of Dagogo spent time with them in his home and wrote: "The Sadurni Acoustics Staccatos have the least coloration of any speaker I’ve heard." So take my "cupped hands under show conditions" comment with a big grain of salt.

Must admit that I do like Skanda's Alsyvox recommendation. If you haven't checked out Rhapsody's lineup yet you might do so, in addition to Alsyvox they also carry Magico and Diesis (the latter being an Italian hybrid horn line which looks very well thought-out to me).
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In my audio journey, I had 3 big leaps. One was going from Dynaudio C30 to kef blades. The other was from the blades to boenicke W11. Finally, from boenicke to Sonja. All of them of similar magnitude and importance.

Going from the blades to the boenicke opened a new world of detail and musicality for me. Everything was better, from top to bottom. But the soundstage and the top end were beyond any means of comparison. Not even in the same league.

Then around came the Sonja. And another big, big jump. The Sonjas are impressive in every direction. The bass is tight, precise and articulate. The mid-range has weight and presence. And the top end is detailed and sweet. I did not even think such balance was possible. For me, it has always been a trade-off game. But with the Sonjas I feel I am not leaving anything behind

So, I have not compared directly the blades to the Sonjas. But to me, the kefs, as good as they may be, would not hold a candle to the YG. Go for it. You won't regret.

I hope I could be of any help, and should you need more info, just shoot.

Good luck with your quest.
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Cessaro Horn Acoustics just released the new Alpha III modular horn loudspeaker system that would be a perfect fit for your room.

Industry disclosure: I'm a Cessaro dealer, but I'm also just madly in love with the speakers. They're brilliant and worth auditioning (my studio in TN or High Water Sound in NYC).
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In my audio journey, I had 3 big leaps. One was going from Dynaudio C30 to kef blades. The other was from the blades to boenicke W11. Finally, from boenicke to Sonja. All of them of similar magnitude and importance.

Going from the blades to the boenicke opened a new world of detail and musicality for me. Everything was better, from top to bottom. But the soundstage and the top end were beyond any means of comparison. Not even in the same league.

Then around came the Sonja. And another big, big jump. The Sonjas are impressive in every direction. The bass is tight, precise and articulate. The mid-range has weight and presence. And the top end is detailed and sweet. I did not even think such balance was possible. For me, it has always been a trade-off game. But with the Sonjas I feel I am not leaving anything behind

So, I have not compared directly the blades to the Sonjas. But to me, the kefs, as good as they may be, would not hold a candle to the YG. Go for it. You won't regret.

I hope I could be of any help, and should you need more info, just shoot.

Good luck with your quest.

what amps were you using on the sonja. don't mean to put words in anyone's mouth but I believe OP has a legitimate concern that the ayre monos may not be enough juice for the sonja. the yg's are excellent speakers but they are hungry
what amps were you using on the sonja. don't mean to put words in anyone's mouth but I believe OP has a legitimate concern that the ayre monos may not be enough juice for the sonja. the yg's are excellent speakers but they are hungry

YG will do very well with your symphonic line Kraft and not expensive to trade out Ayre for them. I don't see any point in planning such a speaker upgrade if he is not open to changing amps, and ever broader philosophy
YG will do very well with your symphonic line Kraft and not expensive to trade out Ayre for them. I don't see any point in planning such a speaker upgrade if he is not open to changing amps, and ever broader philosophy

@bonzo75 you know my love of symphonic line, so i am 100% with you on that. that said if he likes his current amp or dealing with trade out etc is a pain i totally understand.

@Newtoncr, where are you based? if you're in the states and are intrigued by symphonic line (don't let the lack of coverage here dissuade you - im obvi a fan boy but the amp is an absolute demon), give klaus at odyssey a call. for me, the only question the sl kraft has left is...what would 2 of them sound like? i think it would pair beautifully with your pre.

while it's a powerful amp, its less about the power and more about the tone it brings. for example, the alsyvox do not need that kind of power but if i were to get one i'd keep the amp because i bet it would sound fantastic on them as well.

new amps and stuff aside, when i was looking into the sonja i talked to bill over at GTT Audio. he mentioned that he has a client running sonja with sl and it was a great combo.

however, if you're set on your amp (given it's quality, nobody could fault you for that), i believe an easier to drive speaker would be a better pairing. if i had to make an educated guess, i believe the ayre stack would sound great on vocals and small scale jazz. for pop and rock you're going to want more. in my experience, both magico and yg sound dynamically constrained until given lots of power. one of those things where you only really notice it when you've tried it. ive run lower watt amps on 87-89db speakers and they all sounded great but throw a few hundred watts and high current and the speakers open up and get that "stat like" presence everyone always mentions.

the good news is that high powered ss isn't that expensive to do well. you don't have to go the flagship route...something like the kinki studios with job circuit, or odyssey amps (full disclosure, i'm selling mine soon. not soliciting but also don't want anyone to feel like i'm saying this just because i'm listing mine soon), or a vintage ss. you could snag any of these for cheap and just swap it in for when you want to really rock out and keep your ayres for the rest of the time.

the doubly good news is that you have tons of options in your budget range and already have a great set up. so there's lots of directions you can go in that will all lead to excellent sound.
Cessaro Horn Acoustics just released the new Alpha III modular horn loudspeaker system that would be a perfect fit for your room.

Industry disclosure: I'm a Cessaro dealer, but I'm also just madly in love with the speakers. They're brilliant and worth auditioning (my studio in TN or High Water Sound in NYC).

Hi Gestalt,

What is it about Cessaro that you like over Avantgarde, the Polish horn speakers, and others? How are they different/ better? Thanks
Hi Gestalt,

What is it about Cessaro that you like over Avantgarde, the Polish horn speakers, and others? How are they different/ better? Thanks

Why do you ask a dealer that? It is unfair to him and to others
Why would that be , seems like a normal question to me
I d like to think most audiodealers become a dealer because they like a certaim product over others.

Ps some play it safe and carry almost everything lol.

Yes, but do you expect them to say there were better sounding products but I carried this as it has a higher profit margin and markets itself well?
@bonzo75 you know my love of symphonic line, so i am 100% with you on that. that said if he likes his current amp or dealing with trade out etc is a pain i totally understand.

@Newtoncr, where are you based? if you're in the states and are intrigued by symphonic line (don't let the lack of coverage here dissuade you - im obvi a fan boy but the amp is an absolute demon), give klaus at odyssey a call. for me, the only question the sl kraft has left is...what would 2 of them sound like? i think it would pair beautifully with your pre.

while it's a powerful amp, its less about the power and more about the tone it brings. for example, the alsyvox do not need that kind of power but if i were to get one i'd keep the amp because i bet it would sound fantastic on them as well.

new amps and stuff aside, when i was looking into the sonja i talked to bill over at GTT Audio. he mentioned that he has a client running sonja with sl and it was a great combo.

however, if you're set on your amp (given it's quality, nobody could fault you for that), i believe an easier to drive speaker would be a better pairing. if i had to make an educated guess, i believe the ayre stack would sound great on vocals and small scale jazz. for pop and rock you're going to want more. in my experience, both magico and yg sound dynamically constrained until given lots of power. one of those things where you only really notice it when you've tried it. ive run lower watt amps on 87-89db speakers and they all sounded great but throw a few hundred watts and high current and the speakers open up and get that "stat like" presence everyone always mentions.

the good news is that high powered ss isn't that expensive to do well. you don't have to go the flagship route...something like the kinki studios with job circuit, or odyssey amps (full disclosure, i'm selling mine soon. not soliciting but also don't want anyone to feel like i'm saying this just because i'm listing mine soon), or a vintage ss. you could snag any of these for cheap and just swap it in for when you want to really rock out and keep your ayres for the rest of the time.

the doubly good news is that you have tons of options in your budget range and already have a great set up. so there's lots of directions you can go in that will all lead to excellent sound.
@bonzo75 you know my love of symphonic line, so i am 100% with you on that. that said if he likes his current amp or dealing with trade out etc is a pain i totally understand.

@Newtoncr, where are you based? if you're in the states and are intrigued by symphonic line (don't let the lack of coverage here dissuade you - im obvi a fan boy but the amp is an absolute demon), give klaus at odyssey a call. for me, the only question the sl kraft has left is...what would 2 of them sound like? i think it would pair beautifully with your pre.

while it's a powerful amp, its less about the power and more about the tone it brings. for example, the alsyvox do not need that kind of power but if i were to get one i'd keep the amp because i bet it would sound fantastic on them as well.

new amps and stuff aside, when i was looking into the sonja i talked to bill over at GTT Audio. he mentioned that he has a client running sonja with sl and it was a great combo.

however, if you're set on your amp (given it's quality, nobody could fault you for that), i believe an easier to drive speaker would be a better pairing. if i had to make an educated guess, i believe the ayre stack would sound great on vocals and small scale jazz. for pop and rock you're going to want more. in my experience, both magico and yg sound dynamically constrained until given lots of power. one of those things where you only really notice it when you've tried it. ive run lower watt amps on 87-89db speakers and they all sounded great but throw a few hundred watts and high current and the speakers open up and get that "stat like" presence everyone always mentions.

the good news is that high powered ss isn't that expensive to do well. you don't have to go the flagship route...something like the kinki studios with job circuit, or odyssey amps (full disclosure, i'm selling mine soon. not soliciting but also don't want anyone to feel like i'm saying this just because i'm listing mine soon), or a vintage ss. you could snag any of these for cheap and just swap it in for when you want to really rock out and keep your ayres for the rest of the time.

the doubly good news is that you have tons of options in your budget range and already have a great set up. so there's lots of directions you can go in that will all lead to excellent sound.
I have the odyssey stratos in my second system, upgraded by Karl . I have talked to him and am very familiar with the symphonic line. The Mx-r twenty in my opinion are superior amps to them .
I have upgraded my amps 4 times and am finally happy with the Mx-r twenty which are no slouch at 300 w/channel at 8 ohms . 600 plus at 4.
I went through Parasound jc-1, krell duo 300 xd, dandagastino momentum monoblocks ( lots of oomph) and finally settled on the ayre . The best solid state amp I have ever auditioned . Amazing tone , zero feedback double diamond output . So I am not changing my amps as there are none better out there in my opinion a valve like magic to their tone .
The guys in yg use the dan dagastino in their main room but most of them use ayre in their home system with yg speakers . They love it .
So the yg seems to be a winner so far .
I am going to listen to yg in their factory and they said they could ship my amps to listen with the yga.
The concept of horn speakers are intriguing to me based on the fact they have superb micro and macro dynamics. And that i may not need so much room treatment.
I am based off Cleveland.
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Dagostino are great too. I have no experience with Ayre driving speakers like YG. The one time I liked them were when they were driving audionote AN E speakers, and those speakers sounded much better than when driven by AN amps
In my audio journey, I had 3 big leaps. One was going from Dynaudio C30 to kef blades. The other was from the blades to boenicke W11. Finally, from boenicke to Sonja. All of them of similar magnitude and importance.

Going from the blades to the boenicke opened a new world of detail and musicality for me. Everything was better, from top to bottom. But the soundstage and the top end were beyond any means of comparison. Not even in the same league.

Then around came the Sonja. And another big, big jump. The Sonjas are impressive in every direction. The bass is tight, precise and articulate. The mid-range has weight and presence. And the top end is detailed and sweet. I did not even think such balance was possible. For me, it has always been a trade-off game. But with the Sonjas I feel I am not leaving anything behind

So, I have not compared directly the blades to the Sonjas. But to me, the kefs, as good as they may be, would not hold a candle to the YG. Go for it. You won't regret.

I hope I could be of any help, and should you need more info, just shoot.

Good luck with your quest.
That’s nice to hear ,
What amps do you use and how powerful are they .
My Mx-r twenty are 300 w /channel at 8 ohms.

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