A walk across the street is a hard slog if you live in a neighborhood full of deep, sticky mud, Frank. Get yourself a really well-designed, well-executed active system. Plug it into some reasonably clean power. You will hear all of the clean, crisp transparency you now describe. You will get "truth
and tonality," "detail
and liquidity." The sweet spot on wheels? The tweeter that can't be located with your ear an inch from it? The really lousy recordings bringing the performance to life in your living room...even when the system is in an upstairs bedroom? I think you'll have to keep tweaking the hear all of that. And of course, once you start tweaking, you'll screw up the good active system, and all bets are off. But I'm getting the "truth
and tonality," "detail
and liquidity," as I'm sure many here are, even with passive systems.