Well over 300 comments and counting…
It’s called a Think Piece for a reason. It doesn’t pretend to have all the answers but it is intended to get people to consider the issues – and it certainly seems to have done that. There’s the usual degree of partial consumption and selective comprehension, but hey, it’s an audio forum.
I’m not interested in protracted arguments and have my experiences and reasons for thinking as I do, many of which can’t be aired in public. But what’s more entertaining is the almost Pavlov response from Lee Scoggins. Do you think I touched a nerve? Suggest that there might be a glass ceiling and the first and loudest denials always come from the people who benefit from it – and they’re normally redolent with bluster and BS. Sadly (for him) simply stating a point of view doesn’t make it a fact and arranging those ‘facts’ in a row and repeating them doesn’t prove anything. Actions speak louder than words, so let’s look a little closer at the Scoggins modus operandi…
His repeated citing of Wilson to argue against performance stagnation is bizarre. Not only am I a well-documented admirer of the latest Wilson speakers, but aren’t these the very essence of gradual evolution? Doesn’t that make them the antithesis of the sort of breakthrough developments and technologies that I’m suggesting are getting stifled? On the other hand, for every Wilson Audio that has moved forward, I can probably point to ten ‘established’ (and highly visible) companies that haven’t. Meanwhile, the Wadax Pre 1 was launched in 2010 and the significance and potential of its technology was clear to anybody willing to take note – it’s just that most of the major English Language titles didn’t bother. Over a decade later they’re only just recognising their mistake, while Mr Scoggins appears to still be in denial (see below).
At the same time he’s only too willing to ignore the fact that the Wilson WAMM MC and XVX have both received considerable attention in all of the serious, mainstream EL magazines: yet during the same period, the equally accomplished and interesting Tidal La Assoluta, Living Voice Vox Olympian/Palladian and Göbel Divin Majestic have been almost entirely absent from those pages – and that’s just four speakers that I’ve personally spent time with and can vouch for. I’m sure that you can list others. It’s an act of collective ignorance on the part of EL magazines that beggars belief. And before you point out that this just reflects what a great job Wilson and their distributors do, I agree. But isn’t it the job (and promise) of magazines and journalists to reach beyond the easy and the obvious?
On another thread on this site, our intrepid publisher is busy repeating potentially damaging, unsubstantiated and factually incorrect gossip about the measured performance of the WADAX Reference DAC, a product that has never been independently measured. He happily dons his TAS and Hi-Fi+ hats and puts it all out there online. Does he bother to check his facts or wonder about the motivation of their source? Why let the truth get in the way of a good story? I’m not sure what is more shocking: the fact that he did this or that he’s obviously ignorant of basic journalistic ethics and responsibilities. And no – he’s not posting as a private individual: not when his posts claim the status of Nextscreen CEO and publisher of multiple titles.
Then, when another poster expresses dismay at the fact that 80% of one print magazine is written by a single person, he’s at it again, apparently ignorant of the fact that the title in question is one of those he’s responsible for. You know Lee, I realise it’s hard for you to look past your own navel, but you couldn’t make this up – and you couldn’t do a much better job of proving my point. It’s priceless…
But hey, there is no and never was a glass ceiling operating in high-end audio… Take a look and you can see right through it!
On a purely factual level: he claims/describes me as a friend.
To the best of my knowledge, I’ve met him once. We’ve never had a conversation. And he absolutely, definitely isn’t on my Christmas card list…
And this is the guy that questions MY grasp on reality. Really?