You keep attacking videos after repeated warnings. And I am negative?
Actually, I don't attack specific videos anymore. I promised to Tango that I would not say negative things anymore about the sound of *specific* videos that were posted. I did reserve the right to criticize video sound quality in general when it comes to *general* discussion about videos. Tango was happy with that. You can go through the archives and look up the exchange if you want. If you can prove that I misremember this, I will gladly stand corrected, but I believe I got that right.
As far as I know I kept my promise. I have almost entirely kept silent on specific videos. I did comment on a recent Bruckner video on Tango's thread, but in a *positive*, complimentary way.
I also commented on a cable comparison on Tango's thread where I took the sound of what I heard through the video at face value. I came to different conclusions than others and did at some point wonder if that was because of the video sound being differently translated on different playback devices, but I did *not* criticize "crappy video sound" on that occasion.
I also commented on a specific video on this thread (which I had forgotten in an earlier response after being attacked), and I did have negative things to say about the sound -- not of the video, but about the system. I did take the sound, in particular the tonal balance, of the video *at face value*, as if representing the system, and discussed it as such. Once more I did *not* complain about "crappy video sound" or such. Big difference. But in your unhealthy obsession with videos as if they were the end-all be-all of course this important difference eluded your perception. Yes, I did make a remark that it's easy for my system to at least equal the liveliness of another system through video, but that was no dig at "crappy video sound" (which I did not bring up in the discussion), but an obvious statement of fact related to undeniable limitations of videos.
Other than the above listed instances, I have made no other comments on particular videos after my promise to Tango. If you think I do not tell the truth, then prove it. If you can, I'll gladly concede a mistake in my memory of things.
As I said, I did reserve in my promise to Tango the right to critizise video sound quality as a whole when it comes to *general* discussion about them, which I did later in this thread.
I must say I have heard tons of videos that I did not like or even found ridiculous in the meantime, after my promise to Tango, but I just smiled and kept my mouth shut rather than criticizing any specific video other than in the one instance mentioned. There as I stated, I took the sound at face value, as being correctly representative *of the system* in the video (which of course I cannot assume, but took as basis for discussion), rather than complaining about "crappy video sound".
Sorry for the lengthy post, but I found it important to set the record straight, in detail.