The quality of the sound from contemporary gear and how it is set up is only one aspect of the state of the high end audio industry, but it is a very important aspect. Bonzo posts many videos of vintage systems, mostly horn and vinyl and tube based systems, and they can tell us a lot.
We have to go beyond this forum to see videos of contemporary solid state digital cone systems. But they exist on YouTube and they’re a big part of Jay’s audio lab website. Based on the comments below his videos, people like the sound of his systems.
For me, this video comparison is quite interesting. How can we be impressed with an old system jammed into a basement seemingly haphazardly with none of the fancy tweaks and accessories that have entered the industry and not drool over the quality of sound (even over one of these videos) of some of the greatest brands, super expensive with all the bells and whistle’s and highly profitable add-ons that are represented in the contemporary system?
It is safe to assume from the specific components in the second system that they were sold and set up by a dealer. Why is the sound so bad? What does that say about the state of the industry? Big bucks for what exactly? It must be an anomaly and not representative. For the sake of the industry, the famous brands, and the dealers, I sure hope so.