No thanks .
I have it from ralph karsten / atmasphere who did analogue recordings, digital and direct to disc recordings afaik.
And who actually listened to direct mic feeds , did you listen to direct mic feeds often ??
Plus what are you re credentials in the recording bizz to dismiss all that ??
Its most likely not in cables , the electric department
The speed of electromagnetic waves is certainly known and is defined to be exactly 299,792,458 m/s in vacuum (same as the speed of light).
Okay through copper slightly less , but still pretty fast i reckon , for us humans undetectable .
View attachment 68774
Interesting. I have no credentials. Would my being Ralph's friend suffice as possessing credentials?
Not to presume much of anything here, but wouldn't Meitner's use of a guitar and amp used first for the recording be pretty close to a live mic feed? According to TAS Mar/Apr 2009 issue, Meitner then played back the recording using the same amp and then concluded something catastrophic must be occurring at the recording mic's diaphragm. That said, couldn't Meitner have easily derived at Ralph's same conclusion that all (or at least one) formats are inferior? Why do you suppose he did not?
Presuming Ralph's and Meitner's listening skills were somewhat on par with each other and presuming Ralph was clearly more satisfied with the live mic feeds, wouldn't Ralph's experiments between a live mic feed and analog and digital formats really do little more than potentially disprove Meitner's supposed findings?
Exactly how did Ralph's experiments between live mic feeds and analog and digital formats prove much of anything except perhaps that the input signal's fidelity is better preserved when it by-passes certain electronics?
Wouldn't Ralph have been more accurate had he concluded that he narrowed the problem (was the problem ever stated?) down to either electronics and/or formats?
Why do you suppose Ralph chose formats only as the culprit and leave the additional electronics out of the equation? Is it possible that segments of Ralph's playback chain outside the direct mic feed were less than stellar?
What credentials does Ralph possess that led you to believe Ralph's conclusions have merit? Do you think Meitner possesses credentials too? If both derived at incorrect conclusions (they did), what might that say about the real value of possessing credentials in high-end audio? Better yet, what does that say about our faith when we trust in those with supposed "credentials" conducting questionable experiments and deriving at incorrect or incomplete conclusions?
I guess I'm more curious how excactly does any of Ralph's stated endeavors translate to his (and now your) conclusively proving all currently avaiable formats are (grossly?) inferior?
Seems like a pretty big leap to me. That's why I said, folklore.
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