Tad Cr1

IMO, the darTZeel will handle the TADs just fine. It does get very hot, and it shuts off when it reaches a certain temperature limit. You might be getting those shut downs frequently not because of your speakers, but because the amps have no room to breathe in your rack.
I'd try the CTH where the AR preamp is right now, and crank up the volume.

Reading your posts, you seem to have been thorough and methodical. My instincts tell me:

- Try the Dartzeel pre with your Omega monos (ie, substitute out the Ref5SE)

If you can try this, and can sharing your 'listening notes', it might help guide you. I think the Omegas have plenty of power, and the Dartzeel the pristine delivery you clearly like. So if that does not do it for you, I think we might need to find out what about that combo you wish to improve.

is it possible for you to try this?

I don't understand if you refer to the 8550's pre out or to de nhb-18ns. Any way, i have tried the first and was no really satisfied with the result. Today will try this combination with the Esoteric as source to listen the improvements. The Esoteric is more familiar to me than the DAC8.
IMO, the darTZeel will handle the TADs just fine. It does get very hot, and it shuts off when it reaches a certain temperature limit. You might be getting those shut downs frequently not because of your speakers, but because the amps have no room to breathe in your rack.
I'd try the CTH where the AR preamp is right now, and crank up the volume.


The Dartzeel can't handle the TAD's. I could live with it if there wouldn't chance but the Omegas put in evidence the lack of power or how much hungry are this speakers.
I didn't have never ( during 4 years ) any shut off on the Dart.

Thanks for your opinión.
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I don't understand if you refer to the 8550's pre out or to de nhb-18ns. Any way, i have tried the first and was no really satisfied with the result. Today will try this combination with the Esoteric as source to listen the improvements. The Esoteric is more familiar to me than the DAC8.

Hi...I meant the Dart Pre...but if you have tried the 8550 pre-out and did not like it, perhaps the Dart pre might not be enough. I have to imagine the 8550 pre-out is quite good.

The only other option I can think of (since you like the Dart) is to go for super-powerful monos that have the qualities it seems you are looking for in the Dart (the pristine quality)...bigger Dartzeel, Soulution, Technical Brain, D'Agostino? Personally, I like Gryphon and am told Vitus has some comparable qualities.
OK, granted, these are 86dB speakers. I thought they were more like 89dB.
If you never had your CTH shut down, you likely weren't really pushing it to its limits.
With my old Dynaudios (like 90dB 4 ohms), they would shut down after playing 2 SACDs or LPs, or 4 CDs. I'm guessing the extra bandwidth made the amp work harder.
Anyway, if you don't like what the CTH is doing to the TAD, and you like what the TADs do with other amps, it's only fair to try the CTH with other speakers too :)

TAD + Dart

How large is your room in sq meters? I find my dart 108 has great control on the CR1's in medium sized rooms and have never seen the dart eyes blink.

Ever thought of the CJ Premier 350SA? A bit random I admit, but just a thought given Joe's comments below. The 350SA is a pretty substantial amp and capable of driving with quite a lot of power but its character seemed quite 'pristine' to me in comparison with the same generation of tube amps from CJ (about 10 years?).

I do agree with your assessment Joost. I have realized, for my taste, I prefer my CJ GAT/ART monos to everything else on my TADs. The CJ gear has a totally grain-less, deep, layered and holographic presentation of everything I've tried. Having all those tubes is a commitment for sure but in the end, it's worth it.

Congratulations on the TADs, please keep us updated.
Hi Lloyd,

A blast from the past. I still stand by by comments on the CJ GAT/ART gear. However if Stereophonic or anyone else can give the Hegel H30 a listen, I feel it is a better amp than the CJ Pr. 350. The H30 is outstanding.

Another tube amp to try on the TADs is a Music Reference RM-200-T II. That is also an amazing performer but with only 100 wpc.
Hi Lloyd,

A blast from the past. I still stand by by comments on the CJ GAT/ART gear. However if Stereophonic or anyone else can give the Hegel H30 a listen, I feel it is a better amp than the CJ Pr. 350. The H30 is outstanding.

Another tube amp to try on the TADs is a Music Reference RM-200-T II. That is also an amazing performer but with only 100 wpc.
Interesting...good to know. I'll keep that in mind for future reference.
I don't need to put every amplifier to its top volume. I don't know you, but to me the requeriment to put it to high levels to stract the desire sound indicates that the amp is above its possibilities.
My room has 4mx6m. As i have said i can't listen the Dart above -5db's. It arrives to +14db.
I'm not talking about watts. I'm talking about the quality of this ones.
I'm a SS amplification man. My religion doesn't let me put tube amplification on the setup.
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I don't need to put every amplifier to its top volume. I don't know you, but to me the requeriment to put it to high levels to stract the desire sound indicates that the amp is above its possibilities.
My room has 4mx6m. As i have said i can't listen the Dart above -5db's. It arrives to +14db.
I'm not talking about watts. I'm talking about the quality of this ones.
I'm a SS amplification man. My religion doesn't let me put transistor amplification on the setup.

I think you are saying the power is so that at all levels you wish to listen to...its effortless, no strain, no compression, no 'collapsing of massed strings' but effortless delineation.

Vitus and Gryphon come to mind straightaway.
I listen at low levels most of the time. Occasionally at medium volume. So I understand. I do not need tons of power either. The Dartzeel is a great match also.

Well, you have your opinion, and that's fine. I just don't agree with it :) When it comes to "quality of watts", the darTZeel leads the pack. IMO, a Classe doesn't get anywhere close.
I don't know if you still have your CTH, but your problem seems to be one of gain, not power/watts. Did you adjust the gain on the individual inputs? I believe you can do up to +10dB on each input, via the built-in menu. That is one tweak precious owners of the CTH end up doing, but it helped extract more performance out of a few systems here.


Well, you have your opinion, and that's fine. I just don't agree with it :) When it comes to "quality of watts", the darTZeel leads the pack. IMO, a Classe doesn't get anywhere close.
I don't know if you still have your CTH, but your problem seems to be one of gain, not power/watts. Did you adjust the gain on the individual inputs? I believe you can do up to +10dB on each input, via the built-in menu. That is one tweak precious owners of the CTH end up doing, but it helped extract more performance out of a few systems here.


Hi asiufy.

Thank's for your answer. I'm talking about the Classe Omega Monoblocks. Do you have listened it?

I have tried the +10db gain and have obtained a less coherent sound.

I have changed the DAC8 and have connected the Esotericx 03se. The bass is more accurate and the sound more airy. This one is an old player so i could expect more improvement on the new Esoteric series.

I have put too the speakers farer from the walls and the sound have become more tight.

Maybe in one week i'll listen to the Dart nhb-18ns.
Hi asiufy.

Thank's for your answer. I'm talking about the Classe Omega Monoblocks. Do you have listened it?

I have tried the +10db gain and have obtained a less coherent sound.

I have changed the DAC8 and have connected the Esotericx 03se. The bass is more accurate and the sound more airy. This one is an old player so i could expect more improvement on the new Esoteric series.

I have put too the speakers farer from the walls and the sound have become more tight.

Maybe in one week i'll listen to the Dart nhb-18ns.

No, not the Omegas. I think they were beefy monoblocks, with matched faceplates with the preamp.
If you like the Omegas, and don't like the darTZeel, perhaps that's just it: you don't like it. As I said, perhaps if at a later date you change speakers, you might give the darTZeel another try, but with the TADs, you're just not getting what you want... And I don't think the 18NS will give you what you want either...
I just wanted to keep it clear that the CTH should not lack for power, on your speakers. Of course, comparing it side-by-side with 600W monoblocks will make it sound underpowered, wouldn't it? :D

I personally went through some amazing gear that I wish I still had, all to make the TADs sound enjoyable. In the end it was the TADs that I didn't like. I hope you find the combination to make you happy.
Anyone thinking about TAD speakers must be aware of the touch of forwardness in the treble, this is mentioned in several reviews and not difficult to pick up in auditions. It requires top notch front end and amplification as any flaws can get highlighted. I think it becomes more/less of a problem depending on musical preferences. I can definitely see it being a show stopper for some.
TAD speakers are insanely great for late night, low to mid level listening. Everything is there from top to bottom.

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  • What’s Best Forum is THE forum for high end audio, product reviews, advice and sharing experiences on the best of everything else. This is THE place where audiophiles and audio companies discuss vintage, contemporary and new audio products, music servers, music streamers, computer audio, digital-to-analog converters, turntables, phono stages, cartridges, reel-to-reel tape machines, speakers, headphones and tube and solid-state amplification. Founded in 2010 What’s Best Forum invites intelligent and courteous people of all interests and backgrounds to describe and discuss the best of everything. From beginners to life-long hobbyists to industry professionals, we enjoy learning about new things and meeting new people, and participating in spirited debates.

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