OMG, Romaz! And i thought it was ME who went the extra mile w 16mm SWA feed to 8kVA balanced power transformer and dedicated Oyaides to Furutech duplexes, a full loom of Sablon cables, 18 upgraded SR fuses and full Entreq grounding. I comparison to you, not so much Lol.
A serious Q...if it truly takes SO much trouble to get streaming to perform, so many steps to shield RF/EMI, so much computer power which then by definition produces swathes of noise, isn't some of the joy taken out of streaming as a concept?
Ie, don't you and others at all miss the relative simplicity of cd/sacd? One or two dedicated lines to transport and dac, a couple of good power cords, that green felt tip pen, and you were good to go.
I look at the efforts you've made, and it seems way more complex than optimisation in any other facet of high end audio.
If you think my OCD is bad, Emile's is even worse
I have found the largest gains by improving the quality of my power delivery, not just with respect to noise but also keeping line resistance as low as possible and so I have worked very hard to optimize my power infrastructure.
Not all of my efforts have been fruitful and what works in one system may not work in another and so one really has to try to know. Fortunately, I have had the good fortune of access to many things and so if the opportunity presents itself to try something, my curiosity generally gets the best of me. While comparative evaluations can be tiring, ultimately, they provide perspective and allow me to better appreciate something that is really well done. And this perspective has shown me that you don't have to necessarily go to so much trouble.
Digital vs analog, I think both are equally challenging to implement to taste as there are so many different permutations on both sides. How long did it take for you to figure out your preferred combination of turntable, tonearm, cartridge, phono preamp, and associated cabling? What is so good with the Extreme is that Emile's OCD is at such a level that he has tried and compared more things than I could ever try given his resources and so for the consumer at large, it is really as simple as buying one knowing that the Extreme has already been optimized and then hitting the play button because as Steve has indicated, Emile himself walks you through the initial setup. If you can figure out how to use Roon, that's all you need to know and as far as ease of use, Roon is the best that I have personally tried..
Will the Extreme benefit from improving what is upstream of it? Sure, in the same way as any other component would, digital or analog. As for going to the level I have with my network infrastructure, if the ability is there, why not do it but during my visit to Emile's shop, as we did comparative testing between a simple inexpensive network cable plugged into one of the stock Ethernet ports of the Extreme and an optical cable plugged into the SFP port, while I had a preference for optical, I found the inexpensive cable to be very good and something that I suspect all could live with..
As I stated in my post about my visit to Emile's shop, his listening room intentionally uses no extraordinary power measures, cables, switches, or fuses because he wanted to simulate real world conditions and yet, his room, to my ears and for my tastes, matched or outperformed any other room that I have recently encountered at audio shows.