Hi Romaz,
The Extreme is a wonderful piece of equipment and a masterpiece of product development. I am more interested in discussing high vs. low power CPUs (HPCPU & LPCPU) The question for me is; what is the HPCPU actually doing to improve the sound quality? If you look at the reason for going to LPCPUs is the first place it was about managing noise generation. The higher the CPU’s power, the more noise it generated....that was the generally accepted rule of thumb.....but now we discover that with certain high power CPUs servers combined with LPCPU end points , the low power end points negatively influence SQ. Well that’s understandable, logical even from a noise generation standpoint. The server’s HPCPU is cleaning up the incoming stream, but adding its own noise in the process that the LPCPU endpoint has insufficient capacity to deal with, without adding latency, so dual HPCPUs is the solution.
That is a very interesting question because Romaz, Taiko and Eurostar are always putting his HPCPU as and advantge.
I see very clearly that SGM hasn´t a clear goal from its beginning and it explains the actual solution for the Extreme.
They believe that HQPlayer was the solution for cheap Dacs. Classical T+A Dac with SGM2015.
That was the argument they said to me:
" With HQ Player doing PCM to DSD conversion, and the 1-bit data stream being fed to a DSD converter, the actual / functional Digital to Analog conversion is not going on in in the DAC, but in software, in the PC, in PC clock time. This realization started the experimentation with replacing the computer motherboard clock with more short term frequency stable types including TCXO, and OCXO's with different frequency stability specs. From our extensive testing of motherboard clocks, the sound improvements are coming from three sources, the high frequency power supply we power the clock with, the lower low frequency phase noise of the crystal, and the greater short term frequency stability. A very interesting effect is we achieved a 6% reduction in total system power consumption and a 2 degree Celsius overall lower operating temperature depending on the clock model and its surrounding circuitry. The sound quality improvement is not as huge as we get from pushing the RF noise floor down, but it brings a pristine quality to the sound and a coherence, that our other customizations don't bring. For us on the team, it's a must have."
As you can read the only improvement effect was less power consumption and temperature. Even they said the improvement wasn´t as huge as reducing noise floor....

That was a bad solution that i´m glad to know they don´t implement on the Extreme because replacing the oscillator that the Asus board itself carried by means of a coaxial cable, welded to the motherboard ruins all accuracy of the device. The difference between the masses to be mounted in this way, the welds of the cable to the plate, etc... and the consideration of that the server runs as slave of the dac. So it is the clock´s dac who manage the jitter.
This is only one example that experimenting isn´t the way to reach your goal.
On the price side, it wasn´t very logic to spend 16000€ on a Server for a 3000€ Dac.
But now they have discovered that bit perfect sounds better than HQPlayer because now top Dacs doesn´t require it.
It is very funny that affirmation.
But why they continue using HPCPU?
Because their technology is still based on HQPlayer.
Bit Perfect is an unaltered signal and both CPU and Ram are a noise focus.
In digital audio application, the critical RAM/CPU parameters are bandwidth and latency, but there are other details that have final influence. The design of the memory chips within the module itself has an influence on the final result. It is the contamination of the masses and the currents of return to the source that makes the final result vary. The only solution is to develop a sophisticated power supply that dampens that 'pollution' obtained from rapid memory and CPU switching. We are not talking about 0 and 1 as Romaz said, each number represents a voltage. The best final processor is the result to balance power and 'silent' electric.
What power needs Bit Perfect? Nothing from bit perfect side. Only for metadata, etc....
Even now less than ever with the launch of Roon Valence...

Roon Signal Path shows the speed processor up to 100x. So as you can see, playing both streaming as internal storage the Speed Processor isn’t showed because the processor only works less than 1% of its potential.

So SGM is a victim of itself technology.
IMHO the Extreme is a multifuction Server.
It is designed to work in any Dac putting different solutions that are contradictory each one with the other.
Resuming. A top Dac doesn’t need a HPCPU server because all the processing needed is inside the Dac.