Taiko Audio SGM Extreme : the Crème de la Crème

Got the update as I was sleeping last night -- thank you Emile and Taiko! Roon sounds great and I don't even have the Switch and NIC, which Emile says will extract more goodness out of the OS update.

I probably speak for some percentage of Extreme owners when I say that the new product I am most excited about is the new DAC (TACDA). A DAC that is internal to the Extreme would greatly simplify my digital front end. It would also allow me to sell a lot of gear that would create funds for things like the Taiko Switch and Router. I'm happy to wait, knowing that it will be ready when it's ready and that Taiko is working on this. It will certainly be my next purchase from Taiko.

What would be really helpful, and I know this is probably unrealistic, would be to have some ballpark estimate of the pricing of the simple TACDA piece. The price will determine how soon and whether I can proceed to budget for other gear. Like I said, it's probably an unrealistic request, but I know there are other folks in the same position. Any general ballpark range you might be willing to give, @Taiko Audio, or if not now, when you might be ready to announce this? Thanks.
It looks like Harmon has acquired Roon.
Thank you Emile for installing the update. I haven't yet toggled to Roon but I hear a meaningful and positive improvement in XDMS. I'm sure we all appreciate you including the XDMS upgrade along with the Roon fix. Many Thanks to the Taiko team for the quick response!
re-visiting my first SQ evaluation of the taiko extreme (link below)

[the beginning is excerpted from my Feb 2021 first impressions post]

the relaxed, easy presentation is very good...
however, i'm certain there is more to be obtained here...
once upon a time, i achieved what felt like audio nirvana with an even easier, more relaxed yet detailed presentation (but without the bass i get now).
i have to admit, in retrospect, that it was nothing but dumb luck that got me to that synergistic, holy &$! moment but clearly low noise, batteries, grounding,
maybe the clock achieved something that hit way way above it's weight. that digital network, for those interested, was hqp embedded running on a generic
ubuntu pc (shared with SageTV so also running my DVR and video streamer as well), cat 6 cable through a 24 port netgear router and 50ft cat 6 cable to a
microRendu (not ultra or optical) powered by a SoTM battery. usb out of the microRendu went to a SoTM txusbHD (a usb to aes/ebu) equipped with the super
clock option and also battery powered, to a TotalDAC d1-dual. MAGIC.........and then audio nirvana (an audio buddy said back then after hearing the system,
"you're done") was corrupted by audio nervosa and i 'upgraded' stuff and destroyed the best sounding system i had ever heard. i have spent years trying
to get back to that sound that i can still hear in my head and know is achievable, totally relaxed with infinite detail at the same time.

[update added] i'm convinced now that software changes/updates to both HQP and the microRendu led to the loss of "MAGIC"

to be clearer, the extreme has given me the best bass and best vocal projection i've ever heard, period. the soundstage and detail are top notch but
not YET the absolute best i've ever heard. when that is nailed, time seems to slow down as an infinite sequence of tiny details pop out of the silence
and your attention to (and awareness of) each one fills each second of music with more details than were ever obvious before, but in a completely
relaxed (and unobtrusive) manner.

i even have a couple of specific items i'm tracking on my way back to audio nirvana:
i hear a great jump factor with lead instruments (loud) but i think there could be more for sounds further down in the mix.
there could be a more relaxed, easy presentation of sound stage while maintaining infinite detail (e.g. guitar behind baez can have more delicacy and
detail of fingers on strings, more modulation and breath on vocal).
starting from something great, even greater can be expected. it's like being fortunate enough to attend an astonishing concert that forever colors your
views of what music can be (keith jarrett @ carnegie hall, grateful dead@watkins glen soundcheck, where you hang from every note in amazement and joy
at being so lucky)

with all the upgrades and focus on networking and real-time-optimized NUCs and cables, i have made many improvements but the MAGIC was still beyond the horizon.
the taiko extreme is the only thing that has brought me within sight of this holy grail and the discussion and evaluation on this forum was so consonant with
my search that i made the plunge for the most expensive audio purchase i have ever made..........and i have no regrets.

[update added] the NUC and streamer experiments followed in the path pioneered by RayDude, AustinPop and others, whom I followed over to WTB and this thread.

i'm happy to be on the bus and truly looking forward to the continuing progress of this journey.
it's great to be in the hands of emile and team, who are clearly our leading experts in this field where EFTM.
[end of 2021 excerpt]

With the latest Nov 2023 update to XDMS, I can now see the light at the end of the tunnel, having heard, after a long journey, a taste of the MAGIC and (most important to me) the slowing down of time itself (a relativistic observation as of course YMMV)
that i have been looking for. I trust that the next generation XDMS and the BPS will achieve end game (or damn close) levels of performance.
My gut feeling that Taiko was on to something, and really knew what they were doing, has been more than validated and I'm enjoying music as much as ever.........now back to music.

Thank you Emile, Ed and the rest of team Taiko.
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re-visiting my first SQ evaluation of the taiko extreme (link below)

[the beginning is excerpted from my Feb 2021 first impressions post]

the relaxed, easy presentation is very good...
however, i'm certain there is more to be obtained here...
once upon a time, i achieved what felt like audio nirvana with an even easier, more relaxed yet detailed presentation (but without the bass i get now).
i have to admit, in retrospect, that it was nothing but dumb luck that got me to that synergistic, holy &$! moment but clearly low noise, batteries, grounding,
maybe the clock achieved something that hit way way above it's weight. that digital network, for those interested, was hqp embedded running on a generic
ubuntu pc (shared with SageTV so also running my DVR and video streamer as well), cat 6 cable through a 24 port netgear router and 50ft cat 6 cable to a
microRendu (not ultra or optical) powered by a SoTM battery. usb out of the microRendu went to a SoTM txusbHD (a usb to aes/ebu) equipped with the super
clock option and also battery powered, to a TotalDAC d1-dual. MAGIC.........and then audio nirvana (an audio buddy said back then after hearing the system,
"you're done") was corrupted by audio nervosa and i 'upgraded' stuff and destroyed the best sounding system i had ever heard. i have spent years trying
to get back to that sound that i can still hear in my head and know is achievable, totally relaxed with infinite detail at the same time.

[update added] i'm convinced now that software changes/updates to both HQP and the microRendu led to the loss of "MAGIC"

to be clearer, the extreme has given me the best bass and best vocal projection i've ever heard, period. the soundstage and detail are top notch but
not YET the absolute best i've ever heard. when that is nailed, time seems to slow down as an infinite sequence of tiny details pop out of the silence
and your attention to (and awareness of) each one fills each second of music with more details than were ever obvious before, but in a completely
relaxed (and unobtrusive) manner.

i even have a couple of specific items i'm tracking on my way back to audio nirvana:
i hear a great jump factor with lead instruments (loud) but i think there could be more for sounds further down in the mix.
there could be a more relaxed, easy presentation of sound stage while maintaining infinite detail (e.g. guitar behind baez can have more delicacy and
detail of fingers on strings, more modulation and breath on vocal).
starting from something great, even greater can be expected. it's like being fortunate enough to attend an astonishing concert that forever colors your
views of what music can be (keith jarrett @ carnegie hall, grateful dead@watkins glen soundcheck, where you hang from every note in amazement and joy
at being so lucky)

with all the upgrades and focus on networking and real-time-optimized NUCs and cables, i have made many improvements but the MAGIC was still beyond the horizon.
the taiko extreme is the only thing that has brought me within sight of this holy grail and the discussion and evaluation on this forum was so consonant with
my search that i made the plunge for the most expensive audio purchase i have ever made..........and i have no regrets.

[update added] the NUC and streamer experiments followed in the path pioneered by RayDude, AustinPop and others, whom I followed over to WTB and this thread.

i'm happy to be on the bus and truly looking forward to the continuing progress of this journey.
it's great to be in the hands of emile and team, who are clearly our leading experts in this field where EFTM.
[end of 2021 excerpt]

With the latest Nov 2023 update to XDMS, I can now see the light at the end of the tunnel, having heard, after a long journey, a taste of the MAGIC and (most important to me) the slowing down of time itself (a relativistic observation as of course YMMV)
that i have been looking for. I trust that the next generation XDMS and the BPS will achieve end game (or damn close) levels of performance.
My gut feeling that Taiko was on to something, and really knew what they were doing, has been more than validated and I'm enjoying music as much as ever.........now back to music.

Thank you Emile, Ed and the rest of team Taiko.
I can’t speak for Roon and really don’t care if it was acquired by Harmon as once again for me the magic is XDMS. Once Emile added some of that NSM secret sauce to the Roon patch it was as if my entire sound system had changed I agree that vocals and bass are the best I’ve ever heard in my system. What I find mesmerizing is the sense of presence felt when listening to XDMS. To coin an old cliche it was as if a fog had lifted and I could hear so deep into the music that the detail I was hearing brought me to a “ you are there” moment
re-visiting my first SQ evaluation of the taiko extreme (link below)

[the beginning is excerpted from my Feb 2021 first impressions post]

the relaxed, easy presentation is very good...
however, i'm certain there is more to be obtained here...
once upon a time, i achieved what felt like audio nirvana with an even easier, more relaxed yet detailed presentation (but without the bass i get now).
i have to admit, in retrospect, that it was nothing but dumb luck that got me to that synergistic, holy &$! moment but clearly low noise, batteries, grounding,
maybe the clock achieved something that hit way way above it's weight. that digital network, for those interested, was hqp embedded running on a generic
ubuntu pc (shared with SageTV so also running my DVR and video streamer as well), cat 6 cable through a 24 port netgear router and 50ft cat 6 cable to a
microRendu (not ultra or optical) powered by a SoTM battery. usb out of the microRendu went to a SoTM txusbHD (a usb to aes/ebu) equipped with the super
clock option and also battery powered, to a TotalDAC d1-dual. MAGIC.........and then audio nirvana (an audio buddy said back then after hearing the system,
"you're done") was corrupted by audio nervosa and i 'upgraded' stuff and destroyed the best sounding system i had ever heard. i have spent years trying
to get back to that sound that i can still hear in my head and know is achievable, totally relaxed with infinite detail at the same time.

[update added] i'm convinced now that software changes/updates to both HQP and the microRendu led to the loss of "MAGIC"

to be clearer, the extreme has given me the best bass and best vocal projection i've ever heard, period. the soundstage and detail are top notch but
not YET the absolute best i've ever heard. when that is nailed, time seems to slow down as an infinite sequence of tiny details pop out of the silence
and your attention to (and awareness of) each one fills each second of music with more details than were ever obvious before, but in a completely
relaxed (and unobtrusive) manner.

i even have a couple of specific items i'm tracking on my way back to audio nirvana:
i hear a great jump factor with lead instruments (loud) but i think there could be more for sounds further down in the mix.
there could be a more relaxed, easy presentation of sound stage while maintaining infinite detail (e.g. guitar behind baez can have more delicacy and
detail of fingers on strings, more modulation and breath on vocal).
starting from something great, even greater can be expected. it's like being fortunate enough to attend an astonishing concert that forever colors your
views of what music can be (keith jarrett @ carnegie hall, grateful dead@watkins glen soundcheck, where you hang from every note in amazement and joy
at being so lucky)

with all the upgrades and focus on networking and real-time-optimized NUCs and cables, i have made many improvements but the MAGIC was still beyond the horizon.
the taiko extreme is the only thing that has brought me within sight of this holy grail and the discussion and evaluation on this forum was so consonant with
my search that i made the plunge for the most expensive audio purchase i have ever made..........and i have no regrets.

[update added] the NUC and streamer experiments followed in the path pioneered by RayDude, AustinPop and others, whom I followed over to WTB and this thread.

i'm happy to be on the bus and truly looking forward to the continuing progress of this journey.
it's great to be in the hands of emile and team, who are clearly our leading experts in this field where EFTM.
[end of 2021 excerpt]

With the latest Nov 2023 update to XDMS, I can now see the light at the end of the tunnel, having heard, after a long journey, a taste of the MAGIC and (most important to me) the slowing down of time itself (a relativistic observation as of course YMMV)
that i have been looking for. I trust that the next generation XDMS and the BPS will achieve end game (or damn close) levels of performance.
My gut feeling that Taiko was on to something, and really knew what they were doing, has been more than validated and I'm enjoying music as much as ever.........now back to music.

Thank you Emile, Ed and the rest of team Taiko.
@cat6man, The journey you've been on to re-discover the memory and experience of the music you once had is really interesting. I think we're all pulling for you find it. It reminds a little of a story I heard about a guy who had a brief meeting with a woman who then disappeared and he spent the rest of his life trying to find her.

How long did you have your audio nirvana before it fell apart?

I also had one of the most powerful live music experiences at a sound check at an outdoor concert. The confluence of the mind, heart and music can be a mysterious alchemy.
Emile installed the most recent XDMS update/Roon patch early Monday am.

Listened this evening after leaving system on since Sunday evening.

The only thing left to say, other than expressing gratitude to Emile and the Taiko team, is what the normally unflappable professional golfer Ernie Els said after seeing Tiger Woods hit an amazing wedge shot 190 yards at the third round of the 2000 Bridgestone Invitational out of a very nasty lie in very thick rough with two big red oaks overhanging the front of the green, and lands the ball on the green: “F**k Me!” ;)
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Got the update as I was sleeping last night -- thank you Emile and Taiko! Roon sounds great and I don't even have the Switch and NIC, which Emile says will extract more goodness out of the OS update.

I probably speak for some percentage of Extreme owners when I say that the new product I am most excited about is the new DAC (TACDA). A DAC that is internal to the Extreme would greatly simplify my digital front end. It would also allow me to sell a lot of gear that would create funds for things like the Taiko Switch and Router. I'm happy to wait, knowing that it will be ready when it's ready and that Taiko is working on this. It will certainly be my next purchase from Taiko.

What would be really helpful, and I know this is probably unrealistic, would be to have some ballpark estimate of the pricing of the simple TACDA piece. The price will determine how soon and whether I can proceed to budget for other gear. Like I said, it's probably an unrealistic request, but I know there are other folks in the same position. Any general ballpark range you might be willing to give, @Taiko Audio, or if not now, when you might be ready to announce this? Thanks.

I wanted to announce this last week but something unexpected came up :)

Will announce after the update turmoil!
Announcement - New Taiko Audio Extreme Router Firmware now available

Dear all, the recently announced Taiko Audio Extreme Router Firmware Update is now available!

To download it, please connect to the Extreme Router's Web Interface and follow the steps in the Guide below. For future reference, this guide can also be found in the Downloads section on the Taiko Audio Website.



  • Taiko Audio Router Firmware update Guide.pdf
    316.1 KB · Views: 35
I'm taking over the Extreme Music Server updates from Emile who has to leave at 14:00 CET today. E-mail your Extreme's teamviewer details to support@taikoaudio.com.
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Judging from the grey FIRMWARE button, the update is not yet available for you. If it is RED, then the update is available for you.

I see. I thought it was available to everyone.
@Christiaan Punter When I try to update the firmware I get an “unknown error”.

View attachment 120747

Hi David, I was just informed that the rollout is, in fact, not staggered, and it should indeed be available for everyone. I performed the update earlier today, and that worked without any issues.

You could try to click on the update button again, wait a while, and click again. Please do not click many times in a row. Let us know how you get on.
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Hi David, I was just informed that the rollout is in fact not staggered and it should indeed be available for everyone. I performed the update earlier today and that worked without any issues. We're looking into why you are not receiving it.

I don’t know if it matters but I have a personal login to the router. I changed it from taiko.
I don’t know if it matters but I have a personal login to the router. I changed it from taiko.
I don't think that should matter. You could try to click the update button again, wait a while, and click again. Please do not click many times in a row. Let us know how you get on.
I don't think that should matter. You could try to click the update button again, wait a while, and click again. Please do not click many times in a row. Let us know how you get on.

I will try again shortly. I assume the update doesn’t affect any of the personalized settings?
I will try again shortly. I assume the update doesn’t affect any of the personalized settings?
If that does not work, please try refreshing the browser window to trigger this.
Any personalized settings remain untouched. :)

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