Taiko Audio SGM Extreme : the Crème de la Crème

The “clean” B-side operates at 100Mbit in stead of 1Gb and therefor deteriorates performance.
Emile, thank you for this explanation. I connected the EtherREGEN on A ports after exploring the comment by romaz in post 9732.
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Hi everyone in this group. I am Laszlo from Hungary. This is my second post on wtb. I’ve been following this thread for 2 years. In my opinion this is the most informative and interesting thread on wtb. A lots of nice people. I’ve learnt a lot from you guys, thank you for that. I would like to share my experince on Sablon Evo usb. It might be helpfull for someone looking for a new usb cable for Taiko.

Post in thread 'Sablon Evo usb cable'
I’ve been following this thread for 2 years. In my opinion this is the most informative and interesting thread on wtb. A lots of nice people.
What thread have you been reading? :oops:
Seriously, we chase the "not nice" people away!
I’ve learnt a lot from you guys, thank you for that.
That's the main reason most of us are here.
Welcome, Laszlo.
Hi everyone in this group. I am Laszlo from Hungary. This is my second post on wtb. I’ve been following this thread for 2 years. In my opinion this is the most informative and interesting thread on wtb. A lots of nice people. I’ve learnt a lot from you guys, thank you for that. I would like to share my experince on Sablon Evo usb. It might be helpfull for someone looking for a new usb cable for Taiko.

Post in thread 'Sablon Evo usb cable'
Hi and welcome to WBF

I couldn't. agree with you more. IMO this is for me the best thread on WBF. Started by CKKeung in Feb 2019, this thread now has well over ONE MILLION VIEWS !!!! and close to 10,000 POSTS

This thread is the first I search out and read every morning. The ampount of information put forth by Emile and his Taiko Team is the gasoline that fuels the fire of this thread. When "Emile talks, the world listens"

IMO there isn't a finer server in the industry today that has customer service second to none. Emile keeps everyone informed as to everything happening at Taiko. This together with all of his work on TAS and the soon to be released XDMS is keeping all of us glued to this thread. AS for a community giving so much input in this thread it has become THE SINGLE MOST POPULAR thread on WBF

This compounded by the famous Taiko support 24 x 7 makes the Extreme IMO the best server in the market today. Oh and did I mention about all of the free updates to our Extremes as Emile has taken on a project which IMO will rock. the digital world when he releases XDMS as well as some other goodies this year.

If there were awards to give out Taiko would IMO be the number one recipient here at WBF

Emile has become our leader and we follow his instructions as if they were gospel.

In some other very popular threads here (Lampizator), Lukasz Fikus is to Lampizator as Emile Bok is to Taiko. Two more devoted people in this industry simply don't exist

I mention this as so many Extreme owners also own a Lampizator and to take it a step further we Lampi zealots have put a name to Lukasz Fikus, our fearless leader....To us Lukasz, is Master Yoda to us all

I think the time has come to give a similar designation To Emile and his Taiko team.....Two names come to mind but I feel such a term of endearment is necessary for Emile

Those which I offer up to designate Emile is

"Obi-Wan" or "Spock" (who seemed to nail the Taiko spirit when he said "the needs of the many out weigh the needs of the few which out weighs the needs of the one"

If Lukasz is Master Yoda, can we hereby assign to him the noble title of Obi Wan ( or Spock) which going forward becomes a term of endearment to all of we wookies who follow him to digital nirvana

For those who have met Emile and know how great a person he is, I am sure you will agree that such a designation would show our deep thanks and respect to him

So if Emile is reading this, can your followers, who read this thread every day, assign the term of endearment Obi-Wan to the captain at the helm of our Starship
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Hi everyone in this group. I am Laszlo from Hungary. This is my second post on wtb. I’ve been following this thread for 2 years. In my opinion this is the most informative and interesting thread on wtb. A lots of nice people. I’ve learnt a lot from you guys, thank you for that. I would like to share my experince on Sablon Evo usb. It might be helpfull for someone looking for a new usb cable for Taiko.

Post in thread 'Sablon Evo usb cable'
Welcome, Laszlo! Welcome to the Funhouse.

Steve Z
Hi and welcome to WBF

I couldn't. agree with you more. IMO this is for me the best thread on WBF. Started by CKKeung in Feb 2019, this thread now has well over ONE MILLION VIEWS !!!! and close to 10,000 POSTS

This thread is the first I search out and read every morning. The ampount of information put forth by Emile and his Taiko Team is the gasoline that fuels the fire of this thread. When "Emile talks, the world listens"

IMO there isn't a finer server in the industry today that has customer service second to none. Emile keeps everyone informed as to everything happening at Taiko. This together with all of his work on TAS and the soon to be released XDMS is keeping all of us glued to this thread. AS for a community giving so much input in this thread it has become THE SINGLE MOST POPULAR thread on WBF

This compounded by the famous Taiko support 24 x 7 makes the Extreme IMO the best server in the market today. Oh and did I mention about all of the free updates to our Extremes as Emile has taken on a project which IMO will rock. the digital world when he releases XDMS as well as some other goodies this year.

If there were awards to give out Taiko would IMO be the number one recipient here at WBF

Emile has become our leader and we follow his instructions as if they were gospel.

In some other very popular threads here (Lampizator), Lukasz Fikus is to Lampizator as Emile Bok is to Taiko. Two more devoted people in this industry simply don't exist

I mention this as so many Extreme owners also own a Lampizator and to take it a step further we Lampi zealots have put a name to Lukasz Fikus, our fearless leader....To us Lukasz, is Master Yoda to us all

I think the time has come to give a similar designation To Emile and his Taiko team.....Two names come to mind but I feel such a term of endearment is necessary for Emile

Those which I offer up to designate Emile is

"Obi-Wan" or "Spock" (who seemed to nail the Taiko spirit when he said "the needs of the many out weigh the needs of the few which out weighs the needs of the one"

If Lukasz is Master Yoda, can we hereby assign to him the noble title of Obi Wan ( or Spock) which going forward becomes a term of endearment to all of we wookies who follow him to digital nirvana

For those who have met Emile and know how great a person he is, I am sure you will agree that such a designation would show our deep thanks and respect to him

So if Emile is reading this, can your followers, who read this thread every day, assign the term of endearment Obi-Wan to the captain at the helm of our Starship
We will meet in the Lampizator forum soon. My Horizon is on the way. Unfortunately my dac doesn’t work with the Extreme well. I couldn’t use Taiko’s usb driver. So I have to move on. Move to the Horizon Your event and feedback was the last push to order it blind. Thank you Steve.
Thanks. I’ve been around here for a year. I am like Steve, check this thread every day. Btw I found a couple of good tracks from your playlist you posted earlier.
Glad you found some you like, Laszlo -- sharing music is one of the great pleasures of life.

Steve Z
IMO this is for me the best thread on WBF. Started by CKKeung in Feb 2019, this thread now has well over ONE MILLION VIEWS !!!! and close to 10,000 POSTS

Thank you Steve. It sure has evolved into something none of the crew ever expected.

"Obi-Wan" or "Spock" (who seemed to nail the Taiko spirit when he said "the needs of the many out weigh the needs of the few which out weighs the needs of the one"

I’m more a “Trekkie” then a “Warsie”, “to boldy go where no man has gone before”, but Edward would definitely be “Spock” in that narrative :)
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What an extraordinary resource this thread is for current and future Extreme owners. I am anxiously awaiting the pending shipment of my Extreme. I will be using an Ethernet input on my Nadac. Of the approximately 20% of WBF Extreme owners who are running an Ethernet cable into their DAC- which Ethernet cable are you using?
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For consideration, here is another data-point re: power cables for the Extreme.

After research and outreach to Extreme users with Shunyata power cables, I purchased the Omega XC and have been running it for about a week now. Excellent.

The Extreme (in fact, all gear) is on a TT7 and now with the XC from TT7 to Extreme. This is contrary to popular opinion and Shunyata advice. TT7 is on a Sablon King, .

Most users recommend the XC for wall-to-conditioner use, and the QRB or NR products for components. Shunyata recommended this to me as their intended use case, but they are open minded.

As I would like the Extreme to have access to whatever it wants for power, I went for the XC. I read the patents for the QRB cables and I understand what they purport to do, but I wanted the biggest pipe possible.

In fact, I will soon run a 6-gauge cable from the panel to replace the #10 THHN in FMC currently feeding things.

Recently, a hifi pal, unaware of the new XC visited, and his first comment was, wow the music has a lot of "weight" to it. I agree. The OS update added some additional presence, but the XC is additionally impressive. And the system is fast!

And I love fast. Plenty of detail. Super-fast. Plenty of meat on the presentation bone. FYI for anyone considering power cable options.
What an extraordinary resource this thread is for current and future Extreme owners. I am anxiously awaiting the pending shipment of my Extreme. I will be using an Ethernet input on my Nadac. Of the approximately 20% of WBF Extreme owners who are running an Ethernet cable into their DAC- which Ethernet cable are you using?
I was running a Shunyata Sigma Ethernet cable however with the recent update to the Extreme I’m now using a basic Cat5e cable and don’t find there to be a big difference like there was previously.

My suggestion would be to wait until you receive your Extreme before investing in anything, borrow a couple of higher end cables to demo if you can and compare against a basic Ethernet cable - you might find that a higher end Ethernet cable isn’t necessary and you can put those $’s elsewhere into your system
For consideration, here is another data-point re: power cables for the Extreme.

After research and outreach to Extreme users with Shunyata power cables, I purchased the Omega XC and have been running it for about a week now. Excellent.

The Extreme (in fact, all gear) is on a TT7 and now with the XC from TT7 to Extreme. This is contrary to popular opinion and Shunyata advice. TT7 is on a Sablon King, .

Most users recommend the XC for wall-to-conditioner use, and the QRB or NR products for components. Shunyata recommended this to me as their intended use case, but they are open minded.

As I would like the Extreme to have access to whatever it wants for power, I went for the XC. I read the patents for the QRB cables and I understand what they purport to do, but I wanted the biggest pipe possible.

In fact, I will soon run a 6-gauge cable from the panel to replace the #10 THHN in FMC currently feeding things.

Recently, a hifi pal, unaware of the new XC visited, and his first comment was, wow the music has a lot of "weight" to it. I agree. The OS update added some additional presence, but the XC is additionally impressive. And the system is fast!

And I love fast. Plenty of detail. Super-fast. Plenty of meat on the presentation bone. FYI for anyone considering power cable options.
Thanks for sharing Markus - out of interest, have you tried the XC cable into the Extreme direct from the wall rather than via the TT7?
Hello @Levitator I did not try the XC/Extreme direct to the wall. I did try a VooDoo AirSpectra and TriodeWireLabs Obsession direct; I liked them both direct to the wall. That was Extreme-only on dedicated 10ga. line, so still plenty of juice available. Very smooth.

I would "guess" XC/Extreme direct to the wall would also be dreamy. I think a demo of the Omega QR is now available to me, and I may try that out, but I'm pretty happy with the XC.

FWIW: my take is the TT7 does indeed add an openness and some speed to the music. A few members have described it as foundational and must-have. I'm not comfortable making that claim, but I have spent a lot of energy optimizing network and power infrastructure, and my inbound electrical service is pretty good, I think, so my *need* may be smaller than others. That said, it is a good piece of gear and I am glad to have it here. The groovy shoot-out I did not make would have been Everest vs. TT7. I think that would have been a good test.
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I was running a Shunyata Sigma Ethernet cable however with the recent update to the Extreme I’m now using a basic Cat5e cable and don’t find there to be a big difference like there was previously.

My suggestion would be to wait until you receive your Extreme before investing in anything, borrow a couple of higher end cables to demo if you can and compare against a basic Ethernet cable - you might find that a higher end Ethernet cable isn’t necessary and you can put those $’s elsewhere into your system
I currently run a Synergistic Research Galileo SX Ethernet cable from a maxed out Buffalo 2016 switch to the Nadac. The Ethernet cable I run from my server to the switch is a cheap CAT 6 I bought years ago which I have always found to just sound right compared to various other low cost CAT 8 cables. I’m thinking about ordering a Triode Wire Labs Freedom Ethernet cable as an alternative to the old CAT 6 cable I already have To try with the Extreme. I know Steve is using the TWL cable and is happy with it. My feeling is that the unshielded CAT 6 cables may just sound better than the shielded CAT 8s.
FYI for those comtemplating Roon build 913:

There should be another release featuring a bug fix very soon.

Steve Z
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The groovy shoot-out I did not make would have been Everest vs. TT7. I think that would have been a good test.
I have yet to hear of a direct comparison between Everest and TT7. By all accounts, the TT7 is amazing.

I own an Everest and it had a transformational effect when inserted. I have also experimented with my integrated amp (Crayon CFA 1.2) and Extreme going direct to wall on a 10AWG dedicated circuit (just to be clear, I did not have both components on the same dedicated circuit at the same time; they were tried separately). The Everest is on my other 10AWG dedicated circuit. For me, the differences were fairly subtle but still audible.

I did this experiment about a year ago and preferred both Extreme and Crayon into the Everest. I figured I should repeat the experiment after Taiko's recent OS and USB driver upgrades and reached the same result. FWIW, the Everest is connected to the wall with a Shunyata Sigma v2 XC, the Crayon is connected to the Everest with a Shunyata Alpha v2 NR, and the Extreme is connected to the Everest with a Sablon Prince.

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  • What’s Best Forum is THE forum for high end audio, product reviews, advice and sharing experiences on the best of everything else. This is THE place where audiophiles and audio companies discuss vintage, contemporary and new audio products, music servers, music streamers, computer audio, digital-to-analog converters, turntables, phono stages, cartridges, reel-to-reel tape machines, speakers, headphones and tube and solid-state amplification. Founded in 2010 What’s Best Forum invites intelligent and courteous people of all interests and backgrounds to describe and discuss the best of everything. From beginners to life-long hobbyists to industry professionals, we enjoy learning about new things and meeting new people, and participating in spirited debates.

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