This is a gorgeous rack, indeed.
But I think I remember that wooden support under the copper housing Taiko switch (and presumably the other copper housing items) was a less than ideal approach.
But I think I remember that wooden support under the copper housing Taiko switch (and presumably the other copper housing items) was a less than ideal approach.
Taiko's Router/Switch/Power Distributer will have a comfortable final resting place! Been working on this Network Rack. No wonder I have 2 new knees! This Red Oak is north of 125 years old. Lots of plaining/joining and cutting. Nice when you have a friend with a proper wood working shop. His radial arm saw had a frigging laser! I am pleasantly surprised I was able to rejuvenate this Oak to this extent. The pic doesn't show how pretty the grain is. I still have to finish the wood. Most likely a natural finish to go with the ebony frame...