The progress at Taiko continues and its far from over as we are now on NSM gapless player 2.3.13 +1 . I have found in my system the gapless to work almost flawlessly although I was reading many alpha testers were hearing some pops and screeching with DSD 512 and DSD256. I have played the past 2 days playlists all of which are native DSD.512 yesterday I wondered if I briefly heard some screeching but it was so brief that I couldn't be certain. I have heard no pops. Today Ed installed some new back end patch which improved DSD handling. and I only listed to DSD today. Sonically DSD sounded fine as I honestly heard no screeching or pops in the DSD512 files I played. There were several issues however that are yet to be ironed out.
1. I was playing native DSD512 but the miniplayer was showing only DSD64
2. Of all the DSD 512 files I played all but one played from start to finish.I found the miniplayer would hiccup around 4'45" or sooner and skip to the next track....which BTW was almost gapless
. It seemed that the end of each track had 3 seconds of silence during which the next track loaded and played . I noticed this on all of the DSD tracks I played....for example if the song duration was 2'45",the last 3 seconds were always silent so I wonder if this helps the gapless issue.
3. I found that the dancing bars often lagged behind the file which was playing
4.On one occasion after deleting one playlist from queue and then adding a 2nd DSD512 playlist, none of the songs would play. I had to restart XDMS to no avail and then a Resart of the Extreme solved the problem and the files played but again none played start to finish except for one file of 3'36"
The best fix I found to play the DSD file was to push stop which halts the dancing bars and then push stop again which makes the dancing bars go away. Having done that pressing the play button in the queue of the track I want always rights the ship.
My biggest challenge today was to listen for aberrant sounds and I heard none. It was an annoyance that almost always it was the shorter files which played but the files of 7+ minutes always skipped midway through to the next rack
Is it just me as it has been a while since Ive done. detailed listen with DSD files but I wondered if the sound was a little brighter than normal at the opened.I could not convince myself of this with all files