Sigh! This is the kind of thing I try hard to avoid, and which is why I generally do not get embroiled in chat-rooms. There are as many personalities and moods as there are people alive, and reading something into someone else's thoughts is tricky business. In the case of Msr. Paskinn (chat name), no denigration was intended. But from his post, it sounded very much as though he didn't think that much of analogue as the preferred medium, and that the AF-1 was a passing fancy. Such a comment often comes from a digital enthusiast, or someone who is not heavily invested in turntables.
In this instance, I was mistaken (and see how hard it really IS to figure someone out, especially having never met), and to the degree that the good Mr. Paskinn feels slighted, I apologize. But I was trying to make the point that pricing is all relative; to some, cables costing the price of a small automobile are OK, but don't try to sell them a $15K cartridge. It's all personal, and I think Dr. Astor has touched on these issues in his posts.
But Mr. Paskinn could, I think, have been a bit more gracious in trying to come back with a public slam about the problems (which I didn't know about, but which surely would have been taken care of at no charge, and possibly with a "freebee" accessory thrown in to help ease the pain). Our reputation for quality is well-earned, and if anyone in my company sometimes miss something, well - I don't like it, and try to make sure it gets prooperly taken care of, and soon.
As for being "outdated", that's also an unfortunate rewrite of what actually happens. New models do not come out annually; often it's two, three or more years for something to appear. If an update does lend itself, then I make it immeditely available, and at very low cost, to recent purchasers of our products. We are also known, I believe, for not "outmoding" our products with irrevocable changes; all the 2.x arms and the current Phantom arms can be brought up to current specs, and again at a very reasonable price. And beyond all that, why does an improved model suddenly make the older one so "inferior"? It is, after all, just as good as it was when it was the top dog; surely, older models don't go into self-destruct just because a newer one is available....
We find our policies - which I am extremelly grateful to see posted by Mr.Duavit (#288), bring in more friends and appreciation of our efforts than do those who, like the readers who dislike a comment in the audio magazines, go off in a huff and publically declare their subsctiption cancellation. Sorry also that reader Paskinn felt the need to huff off in this manner. No one wins in those situations....