TechDas Air Force One

I haven't been reading this lately - a lot of things to take care of at work; however, to settle the price issue: the AF-1 will selll for $97,000 by itself; as the U.S./Canadian/S. American distributor, I can also offer the dedicated Phantom ELITE (shown only in our room at CES, and about $9500 by itself) with cabling sourced from Nordost - to my specifications - for $103,000 as a package system.

Some, like contributor Paskinn (post #253) will complain that any turntable over $1000 is too much, but then again, how about $200k or $300K speakers,$15k cartridges, $100K+ electronics, and expensive cable systems, all of which seem to have an active following. In this day and age, controlled, it seems, by financial powers greater (and, it seems, more often than not, reckless) than ours, this price is commensurate with other works of lasting quality and unsurpassed engineering and beauty. Not to mention the sound - or lack of it! This turntable has no releveant signature, and when combined with the new Elite arm will provide, I say here and now, the closest approach to the real thing this side of a master-tape. Anyone seriously interested can contact me for details... Sales pending already, even in advance of upcoming reviews, too...!

- Bob Graham

Dear Sound Affair
thanks! I thought the TechDas goes for 125.000... or maybe a little less (all inclusive?)

Technology is the basis for good reproduction quality...

View attachment 8150
I can also offer the dedicated Phantom ELITE (shown only in our room at CES, and about $9500 by itself) with cabling sourced from Nordost - to my specifications

- Bob Graham


can non TechDas owners purchase the Elite tonearm for use, in my case on a Clearaudio Master Innovation ? I current use a Supreme on that table but want to take things to the next level. You can PM me if you like. Thanks.
Proves to me how some little on line buzz about this item suddenly causes the price to go up. I rarely comment about stuff such as this but honestly guys where does a $15-20K increase in MSRP come in a few weeks

I bet the retort will be that that initial price was the show introductory special as there was a show discount of 20% ;)
It could possibly be a case of charging what the market will bear. Buy it now before the price increases to $175K.
It could possibly be a case of charging what the market will bear. Buy it now before the price increases to $175K.

My Master Innovation was $24k since I was one of the first one's in North America to get one. It's now $28k...go figure. I see a pattern.
what happened to the initial $85K MSRP that we all read about prior to CES :confused:

It could possibly be a case of charging what the market will bear. Buy it now before the price increases to $175K.

Smells like continuum, diidn't the caliburn retail for $65k when it first made it to market?


It is a definitely a case of charging what the market can bear. You will hear from time to time the cost to build the item ... If that is a satisfying rationale for the person who can afford it more power. I have to wonder where the ceiling is at times.
Does anyone want to bet that the price will be $100K + before the end of this year?

It is a definitely a case of charging what the market can bear. You will hear from time to time the cost to build the item ... If that is a satisfying rationale for the person who can afford it more power. I have to wonder where the ceiling is at times.
Does anyone want to bet that the price will be $100K + before the end of this year?

That's why I was only half-way joking when I said buy it now before the price increases to $175K.
Before you guys burn Bob at the cross, don't you think you should wait for his explanation?

Usually in this country, one is presumed innocent until being proven guilty.

BTW, has anyone looked at the exchange or shipping rates or if there have been additions to the design since being initially shown? Or even that the price initially quoted was solid?
Before you guys burn Bob at the cross, don't you think you should wait for his explanation?

Usually in this country, one is presumed innocent until being proven guilty.

BTW, has anyone looked at the exchange or shipping rates or if there have been additions to the design since being initially shown? Or even that the price initially quoted was solid?


As far as I know, there is no explanation needed. Perhaps because I am not going to buy a TechDas AirForce One I do not feel affected by this rise in price. :)
Hi-end products of this type are specialized products manufactured in small quantities and pricing this turntable is beyond my capabilities or any one in this forum. Speculation on why the the price presented at CES is now increased may be funny and generate many comments, but of no real value to establish if this turntable is really better than the competition.
Proves to me how some little on line buzz about this item suddenly causes the price to go up. I rarely comment about stuff such as this but honestly guys where does a $15-20K increase in MSRP come in a few weeks

Steve, perhaps we should all count ourselves lucky that the price was only increased by a measly $20K...I mean it could have been increased by another $100K or more....I mean why not:rolleyes:

As far as I know, there is no explanation needed. Perhaps because I am not going to buy a TechDas AirForce One I do not feel affected by this rise in price. :)
Hi-end products of this type are specialized products manufactured in small quantities and pricing this turntable is beyond my capabilities or any one in this forum. Speculation on why the the price presented at CES is now increased may be funny and generate many comments, but of no real value to establish if this turntable is really better than the competition.

Steve, perhaps we should all count ourselves lucky that the price was only increased by a measly $20K...I mean it could have been increased by another $100K or more....I mean why not:rolleyes:

I am going to throw something out there but correct me if I am wrong......could the increase in the price be that added on by the distributor. Just a thought. I have no idea.
Steve, that is a distinct possibility. Or, the desire for a higher profit margin by all parties. BTW, I just finished reading an old review of the Magico M5, which as we all know started out at $90K and is now available for what???
Just saying:D
AFAIK, the M5 isn't available anymore...
With that said, Magico raised their prices across the board on Jan. 1st.
has anyone noticed how much steak has gone up over the past five years ? :D
Yet the gov't says there is no It's always a moving target on how they (The Gubment) can make/report the best no least that is what they want us to think...:mad:

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  • What’s Best Forum is THE forum for high end audio, product reviews, advice and sharing experiences on the best of everything else. This is THE place where audiophiles and audio companies discuss vintage, contemporary and new audio products, music servers, music streamers, computer audio, digital-to-analog converters, turntables, phono stages, cartridges, reel-to-reel tape machines, speakers, headphones and tube and solid-state amplification. Founded in 2010 What’s Best Forum invites intelligent and courteous people of all interests and backgrounds to describe and discuss the best of everything. From beginners to life-long hobbyists to industry professionals, we enjoy learning about new things and meeting new people, and participating in spirited debates.

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