TechDas Air Force One

Disclaimer:The tt and arms I posted where to illustrate a point, I did not present them as competition.
And what is your point?

I expect air bearing turntables to have air bearing arms. (I siaid "me")
The Red Point has a non-elastic belt where tension can be adjusted by positioning of the pulley
There is no reason for not having both a pivoted arm with mechanical beating and tangential arm with air bearing on the Air Force One.
At six figures there should be no financial problem
I think it will be very interesting to see if the current Air Force One buzz has legs. It sure looks like an awesome table. I hope I get a chance to hear it. The best table that I have heard to date is the one that Christian owns and I lay no claim to having heard all of the major contenders. Maybe the Air Force One will be the new King of the Heap. I look forward to hearing more about this table. It's funny that there is still room for improvement in this stone-age technology!

There is one reason that I am hell bent on the Air Force One: Truly silent vacuum hold down. As a collector of first edition pressings, most near mint, I live daily with the warps and wow and flutter that result from it. Some of these are decades older than myself not only valuable because of present market value but more so because many have been passed down to me. Some of my favorites are warped enough to be distracting. Many would cost an arm and a leg to find equally pristine, non warped specimens. The volume and value of these alone offset the price.

Having DJ'ed and beat matched for 3/4s of my life I am extremely sensitive to W&F and drift. Second nature. I used to be able to calibrate my SDS to 33 1/3 by ear using Michael Franks voice. Why only Michael Franks? I have no idea!!!!!!! LOL.

I lived with a periphery ring and every time I had more than one beer, a scotch or a snifter of cognac, fear of losing a toe was always at the back of my mind.

I am getting one. I've already placed an order with Stella Inc. While I was at it I ordered a Tech DAS D7 24/192 DSD for my second system as well. Don't be surprised if Tech DAS becomes part of my siggie below in the very near future.
There is one reason that I am hell bent on the Air Force One: Truly silent vacuum hold down. As a collector of first edition pressings, most near mint, I live daily with the warps and wow and flutter that result from it. Some of these are decades older than myself not only valuable because of present market value but more so because many have been passed down to me. Having DJ'ed and beat matched for 3/4s of my life I am extremely sensitive to W&F and drift. Second nature. I used to be able to calibrate my SDS to 33 1/3 by ear using Michael Franks voice. Why only Michael Franks? I have no idea!!!!!!! LOL.

I lived with a periphery ring and every time I had more than one beer, a scotch or a snifter of cognac, fear of losing a toe was always at the back of my mind.

I am getting one. I've already placed an order with Stella Inc. While I was at it I ordered a Tech DAS D7 24/192 DSD for my second system as well. Don't be surprised if Tech DAS becomes part of my siggie below in the very near future.

I am curious how they implement the vacuum hold down with TAF1. Remember the Versa Dynamics and how early models ruined the "B" side of albums because of dirt on the platter?
I expect air bearing turntables to have air bearing arms. (I siaid "me")
The Red Point has a non-elastic belt where tension can be adjusted by positioning of the pulley
There is no reason for not having both a pivoted arm with mechanical beating and tangential arm with air bearing on the Air Force One.
At six figures there should be no financial problem

Very happy to see some one who prefers the original and true Air Force One - the Forsell. ;) Three air bearings with separate pumps and surge tanks - flywheel, platter and tonearm. And it did not cost me six figures ...


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Congrats Jack! It sure looks like one hell of a table. I can't wait to hear your impressions after you receive it. Are you getting the new Graham arm too?

I think keeping the LPs clean (and the platter as well) comes with the territory anyway so it shouldn't be an issue for clean LPs to the point of OC-ness guys like us. :)

It's also a reason I switched from a one side at a time RCM to a Double Matrix. With the latter both sides come out pristine. It was tough when I was using a cork mat in my old RCM. putting a rubber mat helped but I always found it easier and best with no RCM platter at all with the LPs clamped only at the label surface area.

I loved the periphery ring, with the matching clamp, the darned thing just flat out worked. Problem was it (and the clamp) were large and heavy. Just finding a place to put it down while changing LPs was a constant bother. In hind sight, this probably contributed to my non-stop search for digital I could live with. I'm pretty much there now with my present CDP and the DAC I'm burning in for a client. My only fear is that if the Tech DAS does more than just give me back my precious LPs, that gap might just widen again.

So much for "Almost Done". Oh boy, I should have known I'd eat those words sooner or later!
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Congrats Jack! It sure looks like one hell of a table. I can't wait to hear your impressions after you receive it. Are you getting the new Graham arm too?

I'll be moving my Phantom II. The Phantom I, TriPlanar U2 and TW 10.5 will stay on the AC-3.

You know me.........cartridge addict. The Atlas will probably go on the AF1 but with wands so easy to swap, I expect I'll get to try the XV-1t, Proteus, A90 and Ultra Eminent BC on it as well.

My phonostage is a very simple one with four inputs fitted with 3 pairs of custom toroid SUTs from Germany with a power supply that is virtually battery powered. It lives and dies by the tubes used. I use matched and balanced Telefunken 801s and 803s. Right now they have Mundorf caps but I may try Duelund or Venhaus teflon foils in the future.
Great work Jack

It seems that the buzz on this TT has quietened the noise on just about every other new TT just released

Thanks Steve. I had my eye on Basis but I have developed a sighted bias against tables that are constructed "all acrylic". All speed, not enough body for my tastes. I've always preferred Copper, Aluminum or Stainless Steel composite platters with or without mats. One of the reasons I am still enamored with EMT and vintage idlers.
The Basis table looks like it was designed by a machinist and looks too industrial for my taste. The Air Force One table looks like a form-follows-function table and it just looks *right* IMO. It's simply beautiful.
When the Air Force lands, I suspect you will be done with turntable lust. Congrats Jack.

I have my present table positioned in a null and under my ceiling bass traps a good 12 to 15 feet away from my loudspeakers. I've also got it on a CLD platform on a very inert rack which includes elbow bearing interfaces between them. Feedback was never a problem. The TW has a fantastic platter and a fantastic bearing too so self noise was likewise never an issue. I was pretty much done with TT lust until the silent vacuum hold down showed itself.
Congrats Jack. I had the pleasure of hearing the TechDas AF1 recently. I spent about 6 hours with it and can say the vacuum hold down works very well. In that short amount of time I did not notice a dust problem. No static electricity issues either which would attract dust. I'm sure you'll love it. How long till it arrives?

I'm leaving for the US on the first and will be back a couple of weeks after so I requested that the delivery be end of January. I've got lots of Delta miles racked up so I might even go to Tokyo which is only a few hours away to pick it up myself. :D
I'm leaving for the US on the first and will be back a couple of weeks after so I requested that the delivery be end of January. I've got lots of Delta miles racked up so I might even go to Tokyo which is only a few hours away to pick it up myself. :D

Cool. Maybe you'll get to tour the factory.

congrats jack. I guess the dedicated arm is not ready yet.

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