Anyone suggesting that Stereophile has never said anything negative about a manufacturers product is just wrong. As a long time intermittent subscriber, I refer you to the Letters to the Editor Section and the Manufacturers Comment section. I assure you the discussions are quite heated regarding the content of reviews.
Heh just look at the action taken by Totem due to mention of a possible fault and a reasonable review (was not glowing though), was quite surprising at the action and manufacturer response.
Other negatives include certain pro/audiophile amps such as Bryston and Chord Electronics recentish by MF, I am sure I can find others quite easily and lets not forget that JA's measurements in a way is a review looking at performance-behaviour and here JA is candid about products where we see several having questionable responses to specific test measurements.
Touching more in general, I think most need to realise that a reviewer has to walk a fine line between two different aspects; entertainment as the magazines need to sell every month and analytical review for those who are looking for specific type of information to assist with purchasing decisions.
I subscribe to five publications that include Hifi+/Stereophile and for me it is primarily about enjoyment, entertainment, and interest in anything audio but I am not looking to change my equipment anytime soon.
So for me I am rather more agnostic when it comes to being a critic regarding publications, that said how many who feel very strongly against reviews are committed long term subscribers to multiple audio magazines?
Without following what is happening in various publications and pondering their scope/focus I feel it may diminish some of those critical posts, and I feel pretty confident in saying that when I see generalised comments on this subject from various forum boards, that said there are pertinent points made as well.
Last point, it is worth remembering these publications are made for the majority (their subscribers) who may want more than a sterile and purely analytical review done like a whitepaper.
This does not dinimish an individuals feeling towards reviews, just that maybe this should also be balanced against their critique that should possibly consider other factors such as majority readers/subscribers, entertainment and enjoyment value.
To stress, I am not arguing against any points that make the case against fraudalent/blatant factual errors/justification made by a reviewer without it being emphasised as hypothesis on some technical products and what they feel they hear/etc.
This is the purpose of the editor IMO, it is them that safeguard against this, or should anyway
Apologies if there are many mistakes, I just found the advanced post button and spent the time typing this mostly in the smaller quick response window doh
