The Alexia's are HERE!

I'm an engineer, barely know English... How the speakers breaking in?

I've had them on continuous play with all of Dave's masters. The first 2 days was really good. They were starting to open up and the bass was getting bigger. Between Wednesday and Thursday morning I thought it took a step back. I felt the treble was getting a little hard and the bass was subdued. I got home after the "Music Matters" even at Definitive audio and sat down to do some critical listening and it's a world of differnce. Much more relaxed and musical experience without being too analytical. Bass transients are tight with great overtones. Was listening to Dean Peer and Brady Mukelroy on bass and you can hear the richness of the strings. The many layers of just one note.. These speakers are the gem in the Wilson lineup. No wonder they're backed up 'til August with deliverys. I think this is going to be another W/P as far as sales figures for Wilson.....
Thanks guys. To me impedance always includes phase (and magnitude), or real and imaginary parts, however you want to express it. Just making sure I hadn't missed some new term invented by audiophiles. :) Of course, in my world of traveling waves, S-parameters are more often used, but Z is found everyone, too.

ESLs are essentially big capacitors so are an ugly low and reactive load at HF.

What is truly unfortunate for any speaker is when the amp driving it happens to be particularly unstable right at a speaker reactive peak (or impedance dip)... I have seen SS amps oscillate at HF (above the audio band) with ESLs.
Ah the dreaded Apogee probably the worst for that as well.

Just to add about audophiles inventing new terms, hey that is obligatory :)
However worth noting more seriously Keith Howard has a very strong classical science research background (MSc Neurocommunications at research lab) but also with a strong engineering background, although rightly as you mention not classical engineering degree/PHD, which use terminology as concise as a lawyer :)
Smiling as I remember how many times John Curl (his background originally physics) used to gripe about the differences in terminology between what he used and some of those with traditional engineering education/background that would correct him :)
That said Keith Howard was a vice chairman and charman of the UK AES for awhile, and ran some pretty technical lectures.

Apogees were very (VERY) low, but fairly flat over frequency IIRC. Just flat-out ugly the whole way... :)

Actually, I know the name but not much else about Keith Howard, don't think I ever met him, wasn't me who said he wasn't an EE (unless I forgot, possible). John Curl is an interesting character; met him briefly but have not really followed him. Heckuva' sharp guy, for sure!
Thanks... haven't heard if anyone else on WBF has Alexia's or not. Hopefully I'm the first and can share my experience with others.

Successful businesses are very polarizing. Magico, Apple, Wilson and others have haters and zealots. There doesn't seem to be many in-betweens. I've got thick skin and can roll with the punches. Unfortunately this business also has a lot of politics and the business has become too PC....


I am in your area code and get my Alexia's in a few weeks...on order since just after Christmas. Will replace the Sasha's and be powered by ARC Ref 250's. I have really enjoyed reading about your set up and break-in...look forward to starting mine soon. I also get the dCS Vivaldi stack arriving on Tuesday (sans transport) which will replace the ARC Ref DAC which I am moving up to the Cabin with the Ref 150 and WA Duettes. I will share my thoughts on Alexia vs. Sasha soon.
Apogees were very (VERY) low, but fairly flat over frequency IIRC. Just flat-out ugly the whole way... :)

Actually, I know the name but not much else about Keith Howard, don't think I ever met him, wasn't me who said he wasn't an EE (unless I forgot, possible). John Curl is an interesting character; met him briefly but have not really followed him. Heckuva' sharp guy, for sure!

Not many have working Scintillas these days, although John Curl does if I remember, hehe I liken him to Marmite and is one of those characters you either like or not, I am in the like camp but yeah incredibly sharp mind.
I just mentioned Keith's background more so as quite a few probably think of him as an audiophile first, rather than his background and experience that includes some interesting tools and lectures.
Just could not resist mentioning classic background engineers are pretty tight with their terminology-definitions :)
In your defense you are pretty laid back for a lot of what is discussed using loose terms hehe.
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I am in your area code and get my Alexia's in a few weeks...on order since just after Christmas. Will replace the Sasha's and be powered by ARC Ref 250's. I have really enjoyed reading about your set up and break-in...look forward to starting mine soon. I also get the dCS Vivaldi stack arriving on Tuesday (sans transport) which will replace the ARC Ref DAC which I am moving up to the Cabin with the Ref 150 and WA Duettes. I will share my thoughts on Alexia vs. Sasha soon.

Congrats...look forward to your observations of the new Alexias. Almost even more interested in your observations of the Vivaldi vs the Ref DAC. I have heard all the ARC digital from CD3 to 8 plus DAC 8, but not Ref DAC. When you get some time. Thanks!
-- Hi Enatai, and welcome! :b

Yes please, share your thoughts between the Alexia and the Sasha.
...ARC, dCS Vivaldi, ... nice. :cool: ...Your cabin, she'll be well equipped too.

Cheers, and regards,
Congrats...look forward to your observations of the new Alexias. Almost even more interested in your observations of the Vivaldi vs the Ref DAC. I have heard all the ARC digital from CD3 to 8 plus DAC 8, but not Ref DAC. When you get some time. Thanks!

Will do...I have an ARC DAC 8 which was replaced by the Ref DAC. Will start a new thread on DAC comparisons once I get the Vivaldi set up. I started using the Naim products for Digital audio (HDX, NDS and Qutes) about 4 years ago when it came out and have about 1550 CDs ripped and about 300 hi Rez FLAC files. The Vivaldi Upsampler has a UPnP player and will use that interfacing with the HDX server as my main source. I will post a thread on my Naim journey there as well. The Alexia's will go into my main system which is a hybrid 2 channel/ HT system with Wilson Center3 and surrounds V2 along with 2 JL F212s. For 2 channel listening only the Alexia's are used. Based on my listening at the dealer....I expect great things from the curious how well the Alexia's integrate with the older Wilsons in HT applications. That room typically has the front Left/Right hooked up to Ayre MX-Rs so kids can turn on HT without playing the tube amps....when I listen to music...I switch to the Ref 250s.
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I am in your area code and get my Alexia's in a few weeks...on order since just after Christmas. Will replace the Sasha's and be powered by ARC Ref 250's. I have really enjoyed reading about your set up and break-in...look forward to starting mine soon. I also get the dCS Vivaldi stack arriving on Tuesday (sans transport) which will replace the ARC Ref DAC which I am moving up to the Cabin with the Ref 150 and WA Duettes. I will share my thoughts on Alexia vs. Sasha soon.

Hello Enatai,

nice list of gear you got there. congrats on getting the Alexia's.

as i work in Factoria your moniker name is a familiar place to me.
Hello Enatai,

nice list of gear you got there. congrats on getting the Alexia's.

as i work in Factoria your moniker name is a familiar place to me.

Thanks Mike...look forward to becoming active in this great forum and learning from some of your knowledgable members...and one day....a dedicated room...

As you called out....the name comes from that part of Bellevue...and the model Cobalt I have

I am in your area code and get my Alexia's in a few weeks...on order since just after Christmas. Will replace the Sasha's and be powered by ARC Ref 250's. I have really enjoyed reading about your set up and break-in...look forward to starting mine soon. I also get the dCS Vivaldi stack arriving on Tuesday (sans transport) which will replace the ARC Ref DAC which I am moving up to the Cabin with the Ref 150 and WA Duettes. I will share my thoughts on Alexia vs. Sasha soon.

Welcome to the forum... You'll love the Alexia's. I was at the "Music Matters" event at Definitive and they were using ARC Ref 250 mono blocs to power the speakers, as well as a whole ARC system. Sounded SWEET!!!

I am in your area code and get my Alexia's in a few weeks...on order since just after Christmas. Will replace the Sasha's and be powered by ARC Ref 250's. I have really enjoyed reading about your set up and break-in...look forward to starting mine soon. I also get the dCS Vivaldi stack arriving on Tuesday (sans transport) which will replace the ARC Ref DAC which I am moving up to the Cabin with the Ref 150 and WA Duettes. I will share my thoughts on Alexia vs. Sasha soon.

Welcome, Enatai! I'm looking forward to hearing your impressions of the ARC/Alexia combo!
Welcome to the forum... You'll love the Alexia's. I was at the "Music Matters" event at Definitive and they were using ARC Ref 250 mono blocs to power the speakers, as well as a whole ARC system. Sounded SWEET!!!

Hi Bruce,

I didn't make it to Music Matters this time. Did you listen to the new Dan D'Agostino preamp? What speakers did they use?
Hi Bruce,

I didn't make it to Music Matters this time. Did you listen to the new Dan D'Agostino preamp? What speakers did they use?

They were playing the Wisdom Audio.. I think it was the L75 and the STS sub. They were playing music from soft to gradually getting too loud. I think as well it was a DSP system. Didn't sound that great... unless you were having a house party!!
I see. I was not impressed with the Wisdom demo at last years MM so I'm not surprised. On wall speakers just don't cut it. Even $80k ones. DSP is another no-no in my book unless it's just the bass.

Thanks for your thoughts.
Bruce I am sure you are enjoying your new Wilson's. Deb from Wilson told me today that ship date for mine is 3/ a few weeks yet for me...along with a few months on casters...but soon
Bruce I am sure you are enjoying your new Wilson's. Deb from Wilson told me today that ship date for mine is 3/ a few weeks yet for me...along with a few months on casters...but soon

Can't wait to hear your impressions....
Keep on what you're doing Bob...!

My mind on speaker selection. In the order of importance:
1: Sound, choice of materials and construction
2: .....
3: looks
Good thing too because otherwise I would not have bought my current speakers Kef 207/2. Which looks only its mother must like hihi :p But I love 'em :D !
Bruce - congrats on the new speakers !

Desert Silver is one of my fav Wilson finishes - my Sashas are Desert Silver as well.

Have you ever considered trying the Dag Momentum amp ?

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