The Alexia's are HERE!

Bruce - congrats on the new speakers !

Desert Silver is one of my fav Wilson finishes - my Sashas are Desert Silver as well.

Have you ever considered trying the Dag Momentum amp ?

Yes, I'd love to have a pair of the Momentums in here....
Non, mais j'ai fait le download de la critique des SoundLab M2 - c'est trés rare de voir des essais sur les SoundLab. Je ne suis pas un abonné, mais quelques fois j'achette sporadiquement des magazines de hi-end aux aeroports de Paris ou Lyon. Juste pour lire durant le vol ...

No, but I did download the criticism of SoundLab M2 - it is very rare to see trials SoundLab. I am not a subscriber, but sometimes I achette sporadically magazines hi-end the airports of Paris or Lyon. Just to read during the flight
No, but I did download the criticism of SoundLab M2 - it is very rare to see trials SoundLab. I am not a subscriber, but sometimes I achette sporadically magazines hi-end the airports of Paris or Lyon. Just to read during the flight


Do I smell the scent of the Google translator? ;)

Do I smell the scent of the Google translator? ;)
Did you not kniow I was fluent in French?English is my second language. lol.
Just found this forum and joined in. Glad to hear your Alexia experience has been going so well.

I'm expecting my pair early next month. I went all black (wish they would use black screws as well, to make it all "invisible", since I'll not put the grills on).

Recently embarked on full makeover of the audio system. Had been a bit of a tubeoholic for decades. Finally decided that I might achieve a better overall sound with the latest technology from Spectral, along with going digital, via built from ground up PC front-end. So far it's been a real eye-opener. The Alexia speakers are the final, and most important, piece of the puzzle -- replacing a decade old pair of Revel Salons.

Had heard the speakers initially at Innovative in NYC (already having heard her bigger brother at my local dealer in the East Bay of S.F. - Music Lovers). And have heard them since in the same room as the XLF's at my dealer. They are even nicer in a larger space. Mine is somewhat narrower. Will be interesting to hear how my room accommodates the Alexia's full capabilities. I'm pleased that they afford the user/dealer some degree of setup flexibility. Will probably take some time to "dial in".
Welcome to WBF. I'm in the East Bay, and will be upgrading from Sasha to Alexias shortly.
Let us know how they sound after arrival.
Just found this forum and joined in. Glad to hear your Alexia experience has been going so well.

I'm expecting my pair early next month. I went all black (wish they would use black screws as well, to make it all "invisible", since I'll not put the grills on).

Recently embarked on full makeover of the audio system. Had been a bit of a tubeoholic for decades. Finally decided that I might achieve a better overall sound with the latest technology from Spectral, along with going digital, via built from ground up PC front-end. So far it's been a real eye-opener. The Alexia speakers are the final, and most important, piece of the puzzle -- replacing a decade old pair of Revel Salons.

Had heard the speakers initially at Innovative in NYC (already having heard her bigger brother at my local dealer in the East Bay of S.F. - Music Lovers). And have heard them since in the same room as the XLF's at my dealer. They are even nicer in a larger space. Mine is somewhat narrower. Will be interesting to hear how my room accommodates the Alexia's full capabilities. I'm pleased that they afford the user/dealer some degree of setup flexibility. Will probably take some time to "dial in".

Wouldn't Spectral be at the complete opposite end of the spectrum from tubes? Thin & analytical versus lush and textured?
Having started out in the mid-60's building my own equipment, often with kits from various makers of tube gear, you could almost be sure to get the best sound, with the least cost. Solid state was a very poor solution for anyone who sought both realistic sound, imaging, etc. That's not to say that solid state gear didn't have its own attributes, which were not really available to tube gear. And tubes designs had their own "upkeep" issues. But since we all dealt with the trouble of vinyl and associated vagaries of tonearm and cartridges, what with inner groove distortions, skating, etc. and keeping vinyl clean, the notion of the care and feeding of tube gear seemed of much less concern. Well at least if you weren't burning amplifier tubes at an alarming rate.

Come forward to today and solid state gear has caught up, and in many ways surpassed what most tube designs can hope to offer. That's not to say that tube designs haven't improved as well. I'd say there's been quite a bit of convergence. Still, it's far from easy to find high current, high output designs at reasonable prices. I recently replaced a 25 year old pair of VTL monoblocks (VTL-300) that served me well. However, despite upgrading them in various ways over the years, they fell well short of what VTL is producing today. However for what I get from a Spectral stereo amp I can't hope to get from a VTL unless I'm willing to spend many times the price. I grant you that tube designs and the resulting sound still has much to admire. But I'm no longer interested in the care and feeding of such systems. Maybe I've just gotten lazy, or that I'm aiming for a higher level of consistency from my system.

As for you comment about "thin and analytic", it doesn't seem to be the case based on my recent experience. What I do find is a far more revealing sound system. Warts and all is how I'd best describe what all my gear is now providing. What's amazing to me is that I have mono releases from decades ago that sound far better than many things I listen to from today's productions, whether it's rock, jazz, symphonic or other fare. And sometimes what you hear in the same album can vary. I like that in a system - showing me just how good a producer can be.

Funny, now that I've come to this I know how we have always lived with vinyl pops and tics and let the performance dictate what we'll listen to. I guess I'm one who always wants to feel as much as hear the music. The space between the notes, the location and air around the venue, even the mistakes and audience on recordings mean a lot. All of this draws me into the performance.
Wouldn't Spectral be at the complete opposite end of the spectrum from tubes? Thin & analytical versus lush and textured?

Is this your experience, or hearsay
Is this your experience, or hearsay

Combination of hearsay and my general experience with matching solid state amps with Wilson.
Thanks. Seems quite a few folks on this forum live North of me. So, the weather isn't the only reason keeping everyone indoors listening to their music systems.
My Alexia's should ship this are a few pics sent by WA of my units going through paint stage. Color is Dark Titanium

Way cool Enatai...enjoy!!!
No pics but my order is shipping to the dealer next week. The anticipation is building.

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  • What’s Best Forum is THE forum for high end audio, product reviews, advice and sharing experiences on the best of everything else. This is THE place where audiophiles and audio companies discuss vintage, contemporary and new audio products, music servers, music streamers, computer audio, digital-to-analog converters, turntables, phono stages, cartridges, reel-to-reel tape machines, speakers, headphones and tube and solid-state amplification. Founded in 2010 What’s Best Forum invites intelligent and courteous people of all interests and backgrounds to describe and discuss the best of everything. From beginners to life-long hobbyists to industry professionals, we enjoy learning about new things and meeting new people, and participating in spirited debates.

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