The Alexia's are HERE!

So did you get them yet??

The speakers arrived at dealer last week. We are scheduled to have them come by this Friday to pick up my Sasha's and set up the Alexias. Family is leaving Friday for AZ spring break trip so I have Friday-Monday all to my self. Taking Friday and Monday off from work and plan to do nothing but play a little golf and enjoy lots of music over that four day period.
The speakers arrived at dealer last week. We are scheduled to have them come by this Friday to pick up my Sasha's and set up the Alexias. Family is leaving Friday for AZ spring break trip so I have Friday-Monday all to my self. Taking Friday and Monday off from work and plan to do nothing but play a little golf and enjoy lots of music over that four day period.

You deserve it! Enjoy...and make sure to set aside some time to update the rest of us! Enjoy!
The speakers arrived at dealer last week. We are scheduled to have them come by this Friday to pick up my Sasha's and set up the Alexias. Family is leaving Friday for AZ spring break trip so I have Friday-Monday all to my self. Taking Friday and Monday off from work and plan to do nothing but play a little golf and enjoy lots of music over that four day period.

Would love to know what you think re the sonic differences between the Sasha and the Alexia.
Would love to know what you think re the sonic differences between the Sasha and the Alexia.

+1 By the few accounts i have heard...closer to a mini-XLF than a big Sasha. In a comparable way that Maxx III was comparable to Alexandria Series 2...the question is how close does one get? Maxx III i am told was surprisingly close.
+1 By the few accounts i have heard...closer to a mini-XLF than a big Sasha. In a comparable way that Maxx III was comparable to Alexandria Series 2...the question is how close does one get? Maxx III i am told was surprisingly close.


I owned MAXX3's in the past and hosted X2 series 2 for a few weeks - sorry but they were not comparable. Perhaps the aspect is similar, but the sound quality of the X2 was an order of magnitude better - much better dynamics, resolution and could scale in a way the MAXX3 did not approach.
I guess some items that I'd like to hear about compared to the Sasha are:

- How much more scale, if any, is there with the Alexia? For example, going from the Sasha to the Maxx3's was a huge difference in scale. Does the Alexia fall right in the middle or is it closer to the Sasha?

- The Alexia has two different woofer sizes (vs the Sasha). Is the bass deeper? Is there more or less midbass?

- The Alexia has a different tweeter and I've heard it has a different texture in the highs (makes sense). But how does it compare from an overall balance perspective? Is it brighter, darker, exactly the same?

- If the Sasha is more 'open' sounding on top than the Maxx3 (and of course this is debatable and just an opinion), how does the Alexia compare?

- Is there any tradeoffs with the Alexia, e.g. Sasha did male voices better etc?
I guess some items that I'd like to hear about compared to the Sasha are:

- How much more scale, if any, is there with the Alexia? For example, going from the Sasha to the Maxx3's was a huge difference in scale. Does the Alexia fall right in the middle or is it closer to the Sasha?

- The Alexia has two different woofer sizes (vs the Sasha). Is the bass deeper? Is there more or less midbass?

- The Alexia has a different tweeter and I've heard it has a different texture in the highs (makes sense). But how does it compare from an overall balance perspective? Is it brighter, darker, exactly the same?

- If the Sasha is more 'open' sounding on top than the Maxx3 (and of course this is debatable and just an opinion), how does the Alexia compare?

- Is there any tradeoffs with the Alexia, e.g. Sasha did male voices better etc?

Will try to spend quality time with the Sashas prior to the switch and take some will take some time for the Alexia to settle in...but I will provide some quick thoughts over the will be a few months before they come off the casters. Good questions...
Interested in everyone's feedback on the speakers, especially in how the setup varies in each owner's room situation. And how successfully the speakers integrate into everyone's room. Seems that Wilson Audio has created a design that is quite flexible in this regard.

I know, at least in my case, speakers have seemingly always been designed for a sweet spot both in terms of room size, sitting position, and other factors. With my current speakers, due to the height of the tweeters, there was little way to get close enough to create a nice sound stage, without losing some of the high frequencies as they passed above my head, or losing proper time alignment among drivers.

Mine are at the dealer. Schedule for next Thursday (bringing a contingent or small battalion to move my Revel Salons up stairs) to install the Alexias. I've completely revamped my system over the past 6 months, with the Alexia's the last piece in the sonic puzzle. Really looking forward to them, especially after hearing the latest entries in the Wilson line, including the XLF and Alexia, at various dealer venues.

Unlike some other speakers I've listened to lately, most notably Magicos, that were very challenging to show off, or failed to impress in various challenging room environments, the Wilsons have all sounded great, despite being in smaller spaces than I thought were viable to generate proper bass sound levels, in particular. So, I'm really eager to hear the Alexias in my room.
i hope to hear the Alexias tom evening or Saturday. will be very interesting indeed having enjoyed the XLF.
Would be nice to hear our take on the Salon vs. Alexia. I know I'm tickled pink with mine!

I know, without having to bring them into my space, that the Alexia is a far more "open" and revealing a speaker. What will be most interesting is the difference in overall balance throughout the frequency spectrum. I'm pretty certain the upper range will be the key to the "openness" I sense while I'll be curious to see how the lower end is presented, both in extension and weight. I'm tempted to think this will in some ways be an apples to oranges comparison, at best.
Because the Salon 2 was on my short list and have only heard good things about them, AND could have saved a bundle of money.
Maybe when we get some breathing room at work, we could truck our Salon 2s to your place Bruce and do a comparison? May also put the Mark Levinso 53 amps inn the back of the van to bring while we are at it! :D
Maybe when we get some breathing room at work, we could truck our Salon 2s to your place Bruce and do a comparison? May also put the Mark Levinso 53 amps inn the back of the van to bring while we are at it! :D

Now that sounds like a cool idea!!
I would pit sasha vs Salon.. Alexia the next level.

I've only heard Sasha and Salon at shows, but the Salons have sounded better 100% of the time.

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