We read listening experience after listening experience. We travel all over to listen to other systems and attempt to 'upgrade' the SQ of our own systems...and all along we seem to be fighting the one thing that is the bane of our a'phile existence
IMO, that thing is getting the bass to sound realistic ( read accurate, extended and NOT boomy) in our rooms. Most speaker manufacturer's seem to have as much trouble designing their speakers to allow for bass...never mind accurate and extended bass. Many/Most simply give up and give us a smaller cabinet with a small or mid size bass driver ( pretty safe). Some ( Like Wilson and a few others) give you a larger cabinet, BUT with the consequence of much higher price and more complexity. The result, depending on the listener's room is bass that can be reasonably accurate, BUT nowhere near what we hear 'live' or in the concert hall! Unlike the other frequencies that the speaker has to contend with and reproduce...mids and highs, IMHO the bass is the place!!
As the impressions of the ML Neolith speaker are being made available to us, the bass and its 'issues' are still a BIG ( MAJOR) part of its perceived flaws.
Add sub woofers and maybe the bass comes more into focus..or you end up with the 'boom' that most of us detest. Too bad that this hobby and music in general, relies so heavily of the bottom end reproduction....and that almost no speaker ( or designer) seems to have an easy time with it. Lets face it, how many times can you count, that the bass wasn't an issue with the SQ ( or in one's system)...perfect pitch, extension, accuracy, resolution and definition. Plus, the room worked like a charm to support all of that......
The Bass-----is the place!
Your thoughts......................