You know how we like to post our order of precedence in what causes the most effect in the audio chain in the pursuit of excellence (ie with reasonable good gear).
For example:
signal source
Well, after Franks intial postings, it became evident to me that we all have expectations and ear/brain interfaces, so I added to my list, in order of precedence,
Listener expectations, for want of a better term as of now, thus:
Listener expectations
Frank and Vince can fully imerse themselves in their illusions, with two speakers, with plain old stereo, somehow. I call this listener expectation but maybe I need to work on that term to be more universally reveling of our ear/brain interface.
Stereo is a weak illusion by any standard, it is easily helped with all sorts of things, not the least of which is a center speaker to put some meat on the illusions bones.
Some of Franks comments do catch me by suprise, lastly , the one about if you are at a live event, up close, and as you leave it, although fletcher munson is in effect, it still does not sound less live. Interesting point. But, you know you are at a live event to start with. There is no illusion.