I love high end anything. Because the high end represents the pinnacle of human endeavor, quality in everything including performance and aesthetics. Having fewer high-end things, that we use in our daily lives versus consumerism, where we buy loads of cheap disposable crap, that fills a short term dopamine hit, and will soon need to be replaced by more cheap disposable crap. Or, lead a more minimalist life, where you pursue quality over quantity.
Theodore W Denney III
Lead Designer CEO Synergistic Research Inc.
#highendaudio #highendaudioequipment #synergisticresearch #computeraudio #tidalmusic #Qobuz #stereophile #TheAbsoluteSound
Theodore W Denney III
Lead Designer CEO Synergistic Research Inc.
#highendaudio #highendaudioequipment #synergisticresearch #computeraudio #tidalmusic #Qobuz #stereophile #TheAbsoluteSound