not really related to current-build super-uber digital compares. those mostly vintage turntables don't have the commercial concerns of current manufacturers involved. and there was no buy<->not buy angst involved. or the more numerous brand perspectives of dac owners. which makes the digital discussions so polarized.Rare, but not impossible. That is why this sub forum on turntables is so interesting when combined with the various visitor reports.
Reference Turntable, The Step Beyond
Given the dominance of digital and all the new high end widgets showing incredible super powers perfecting “The Perfect Sound Forever” what’s the current resurgence of vinyl and turntables about? At every show one can see a plethora of new and old tables, arms, cartridges, phono stages, etc.
so something more like a display, not so much a compare and choice type thing.
OTOH i do agree that that forum made for very interesting reading. and plenty of eye candy too. turntable gazing is mostly friendly and a cheerleading exercise. dac love is pugilistic. everyone is a self proclaimed expert/zealot.
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