Sorry to keep on, but this is exactly what I was referring to. This style of thinking explains why someone might select one arm or cart - not two. The missing link is that when you have two, your choice of one is dependent on the choice of the other, and not necessarily your two independent favorites. So what will happen is what alluded to to Peter in post 253 - you will do a direct swap comparison, and then end up listening to only one, not the other. For example, even if the AF1 P might in some ways be a better complete TT compared to the EMT, Tang ends up listening more to AS and EMT, not AS and Techdas. This is because he has two. If he had to only listen one, he might have listened more to Techdas over EMT.
Your point also ignores that with two you do not have to listen to sibilant vocals on the VDH. Data points from David's 11 installs across 5 systems, Myles, Dr. Dre, Munich 3 rooms, have been ignored regarding VDH, not that it matters because with two carts sibilance is not an issue even if it exists.
Apart from that, there are two points (not relevant to the above logic point)
- The General prefers LTs - this is also because he has experimented and found they better preserve vinyl. As one, if not the largest collector, archiver, and reseller of Lps that is important to him. So with that hat on, he will listen more to the LT vs almost any pivot. Now, with the sonic hat on, he has not heard the Odin. That will be your choice entirely and irrespective of whether you like it or not, you will listen to only that or the SME with one of your Zyx and Opus, ignoring the other combo, once you have done a few compares.
- You can easily PM Fremer via stereophile to check more on Bergmann. I already have. But that should not affect the above issue I keep mentioning, as even if he tells you it is the best arm, it will still not stop you from ignoring one or the other of your combos after a few listening sessions