Thanks people
I set the mss up yesterday. I am at 1.5gr vtf, 1gr anti-skating (min. I can get with a 4 point, how does Tima deal with this?), vta/sra parallel, azimuth correct and I used the Kuzma supplied protractor for 66mm and 120.9mm 2 point protractor and the cartridge aligned at both null points. I have my preamp set at input 1mV and 60ohms loading.
Now, the frequency extensions on both sides, resolution and liveliness gives me great hope that I will achieve a very good sound out of this cartridge. However as of yesterday, the upper-mid and treble energy was overpowering. The sibilance is very much present and to a very high degree.
There are a few things I will try tonight and I am also open to suggestions for proper setup from the experienced people here. I am suspecting the problem is not at only one point.
One part of it may be the preamp settings mismatch. I will try different settings. Yesterday, I was going to try the 300ohm load which is the preference by some people here but even 100ohm was too bright so I opted for 60ohm last night. If I sort out the highs then I may try a higher load after that to get more liveliness. As for the input sensitivity, I can go higher with the input set to 2mV or lower to 0,50mV and less in gradations. It is set at 1mV now and my mss is a 1.1mV one. I was surprised to have lower volume than my 0.3mV cart set at 0,3mV input sensitivity.
For vta, I tried briefly tail down and tail up, a slight tail up gives the most clarity and clean but strong bass but then again having already too much highs, with the tail up the sound is a little more brighter. Tail down creates a blurrier image and did not get rid of the harsh sibilance either. Frankly I don't think I could find the spot where vta creates big differences yesterday. It did not react to much to it.
Now, I emailed Franc Kuzma about the lower anti-skating bias than 1 gr. He told me to take off the weight completely or try a smaller weight that he can send. However there was no mis-tracking on the records I listened to yesterday. Maybe I should take the weight off and try.
So, ddk, tima, sujay, bazelio, shakti, rockitman, jackellson and tang, may I hear about your settings

I have read the thread and got some but a comprehensive list with every parameter including the preamp settings could be a great info exchange between us and would help me.