My Dutch vdh broker sent me some
Duende Criatura Platinum Headshell wires to overcome the fade out of the platinum Colibries.
This is, what the marketing text is saying :
A high end solid platinum set cartridge leads of Duende Criatura, hand made by a world famous Goldsmith and High end developer. These leads are made from a 99,999999 % pure Swiss laboratory quality solid platinum 0,3 mm diameter. Each lead is 5,5 cm long and has a high quality isolation. Terminated with 24 K gold plated Van den Hul 1.2 cartridge clips.
My Dutch vdh broker sent me some
Duende Criatura Platinum Headshell wires to overcome the fade out of the platinum Colibries.
I liked the tonality of the platinum Colibri a lot, as the ares of critical sibilants was much mir integrated and smooth than with the current gold wires.
Due to the high DC resistance of 500ohm the Platin Colibri were difficult to load on a phono stage, best results were with the 5K input with the Aestethix IO3
But now are this platinum headshell leads available, for around 200,- eur not cheap, but in the price region of other high end headshell cables.
To overcome potential impedance match problem I tried out the cables with my Soundsmith "The Voice" on the 47kohm input.
The difference of the platinum wires to copper and silver are as known from before.
The Platinum adds a kind of natural flow, a kind of smoothness, a little richness in the mid bass area which I like a lot. The room/stage seem to wider, the positions a little better.
Than I tried it with a standard vdh Colibri . Even without changing the load on the phono stage the effect was very much the same.
So I will order now more of this head shell wires, my Lyra Titan will like the plating as well.
And the silver wires an can use than on the Madake
I placed this comment in the Master Signature thread, as to my knowledge some users like to have the MS more smooth, so this Platin add on might be the missing little step to full satisfaction.