Dear Mike,
I have only tried the Master Sig with SME and Axiom. With the Axiom, there was a little less sibilances than with the SME. However I think this was because the phono I used with the Axiom was Ayon which is more forgiving on the highs than the EMT phono that I am using with the SME's. I never tried with SAT. However, I think it is in the DNA of this cart. I already tried tuning azimuths, vtf's and Vta's. I used your favorite Dean Martin song, Blue Moon, to easily compare sibilances with my other carts. When he sings "Blue moon. You SSSaw me SStanding alone" that's where easily heard. But nothing gets more real than the Master Sig when he ends the song with "Without the love of my own."
@Ron. When I wrote my comment about sibilance, I actually was thinking about you. The ZYX and Opus do have less sibilances. But apart from this sibilance, I could really hear deeper into his vocal and music with the Master Sig. Nothing is perfect.
@Peter. Loading shapes off sibilances very minor but could have more adverse effect on energy of music.
Kind regards,
Thank you, Tang! I appreciate you thinking of me!