likely degrees of energy projection and space mostly based on what i've read. i've not actually listened to the .38 Koa Strad in my system.
i bought the $8k .38 Koa Strad (there are a number of reviews) and then before i received it, also bought the .7mv Sig Strad. i decided not to use the .38, and only tried the $11k .7mv Sig Strad, which i wrote about and liked alot. i ended up letting Jazdoc try the .38 Koa Strad for a few days (that's where the 10 hours came from), he returned it to me, and i've never used it. when i sold my NVS and standard Telos and then only had the one tonearm i've just used my GFS cart and never had occasion to try the .38 Koa Strad.
i know Dre did a review directly comparing the Koa Strad and Stad could read it. and before i sold my .7mv Strad Sig i did loan it to Jazdoc briefly. Jaz is not one to live with the dark side of vdh.......he's like Ron in that way. a Benz LPS kinda guy..
Mike, I saw your 0.38mv Colibri on the market. You made an interesting comment about Jazz...maybe for the less initiated you could elaborate on what a Benz LPS kinda guy is.. Aren't they both on the warm side ( LPS and VDH) and both have the same engine wound by Van Den Hul himself? Different body design. LPS vs. VDH Colibri...your thoughts on the differences