My friend, please don't speak like a politician with so heavy words and don't change the facts for blaming me.. "rubbish" and "Chinese crap" goes to vinyl records and NOT to people they own them and 'love'..I DO respect all members but I have also learned to tell straight and clearly my opinion independently who is in front of me..
At last it' s a men's forum. what is the 'acceptable' way, to say "what an angelic voice coming out from a garden with red poppies" ??
I do have an old Fiat car and adore it, do you mean if someone tells me that it's a crap shall I feel affected ?? comeooooonnnnn..
Manos_Bits, you have had some VERY strong opinions upon entering my thread...none of them state --"In My Humble Opinion"---or even IMHO
Your opinion ( and that is precisely what it is...and nothing more) is that ALL of the Sheffield Lab Direct to Disc LP's are crap. My opinion is that you are talking out of your backside when it comes to these LP's.
One thing I hope that we will agree upon, is that we are both entitled to our opinion.