Steve, let me belatedly congratulate you on the Ultras. As Steve mentioned, we share a common heritage – for 30 plus years, we both lived in the Wilson ecosystem, with tubed amplification. Steve took the Audio Research & Lamm route, while I took the path of VTL and Tenor tube/hybrid. I took my Zellaton ‘leap of faith’ in in 2022 and have never looked back. From the moment they were installed I never had a moment of doubt, never a moment of buyer’s remorse, and my admiration for them continues to grow.
However, Steve, if you're anything like me I think you're going to run into two big problems. First, when you get down to that last 30 days before delivery, you will spend every waking moment like a kid waiting for Christmas morning - it was painful. Second, when you get the speakers, I guarantee you that you are going to live in your listening room, re-experiencing all of your music. Therefore, if you have projects around the house, I suggest you get them done now.
As to the Zellatons, with all of the amazing speaker options, my Zellaton zealotry might come across as over-the-top, bolstered by confirmation bias. Yet sophisticated audiophiles with vastly different high-end systems have also come away just as impressed and some even stunned.
Although this post has done an excellent job describing the sound, let me emphasize three key Zellaton points:
- The top to bottom, “electrostatic” coherency, and seamlessness. I began my audio journey with Acoustats. Hearing music as a seamless singular whole, back then, was magical as was the original Quad mid-range. Add a sweet extended top end, deep bass resolution, and the power and range to pressurize the room to symphonic and hard rock levels, and you get a tantalizing insight into Zellaton sound.
- I originally heard the predecessor of Steve’s Ultras, the Reference, in Munich several years ago in an atrium room. I would classify the room as large – maybe 20’ x 40’ x 15’. Listening to familiar music, the low-end was rich, detailed, and powerful. My first reaction was to look for a subwoofer, with none to be found. Over the past year in my room (30’ x 20’ x 10’) I am not only in awe of the visceral power, but with their low-end resolution, the bass exceeds anything that I have ever heard. Nothing else is needed. Add extraordinary tonal color, beauty, spectacular imaging, and the ability to disappear into the music – you’re entering Zellaton heaven.
- All the above is merely academic but does not address the emotional connection to the music, which is the critical factor for me, and Zellaton nails it. I am fortunate to have some incredible copies of master tapes, and last Saturday we listened to The Best of Bread. When you're listening to music that you've heard hundreds of times and the emotion, resolution, and transparency cause involuntary gasps while listening, and you're left emotionally exhausted and speechless, just staring for minutes after the music ends, then there is something very special happening. The Zellatons connect you to the music.
I've been fortunate to hear some of the very best speakers in the world. I am positive that when you get your speakers you will be in for an amazing journey. Hopefully, I can wrangle an invitation to hear the Ultras!
(Sorry about any formatting issues, I still don't have all the site intricacies down pat.)