And also a great tool for setting speed, even if you don’t want to use constant feedback during playback. I normally start my compressor and let the TT spin during amplifier warmup time. That way the air system, belt and TT motor reaches a stable temperature before playback, finally i connect the controller with the Roadrunner dropping the needle( for proper needle drag) mid LP, let the RR set the speed at 33,333 rpm and disconnect it again. The speed during playback will consistently move from 33,330 rpm in the start of the record to 33.336 rpm in the end of the record with my SME 3012R arm, and less deviation with my LT arm.I can't speak about other similar devices but the Road Runner is extremely accurate. I've checked the readings against a digital tach and it's spot on and with more resolution. They're in daily use with all the AS tables.
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