The official audio myth busting thread

Well, I was trying to help you with seeing the flaws in your attitude, as many others have tried as well, but obviously it has fallen on deaf ears. In your view, it's always other people's fault (sigh).

Regardless, I will from now on stay out of your Corner, or at least refrain from criticizing you, as long as you stay out of any thread that is not in your Corner as well. Which you have not done, but which you have to do according your arrangement with WBF. In fact, I will make sure that this is strictly enforced.

Yes dad, thanks for the advice. I wouldn't know what to do without you. Anyways, that restriction is over.
Yes dad, thanks for the advice. I wouldn't know what to do without you. Anyways, that restriction is over.

To paraphrase what somebody recently said, you could shoot someone on this site and have no restrictions. Unfortunately the rest of us don't enjoy that favoritism
To paraphrase what somebody recently said, you could shoot someone on this site and have no restrictions. Unfortunately the rest of us don't enjoy that favoritism

Or that option. :)
maybe a little less cheek and more anti-bias will help you get into the groove.;)

A wise man once said, well maybe not as wise as some on here, but fairly wise:

This is not "your" forum , it might be your corner .. but you have no right to bar anyone.
Did he say anything about having constant criticism?

Anyone who has anything to say that's not right in line with the status quo, deals with constant criticism. To me criticism is a sign that you're doing something right. So keep it up Bonzo, because I love the support :)
Like I said Mike challengers are always trying to pick a fight. Don't complain when one breaks out.
I'm just curious to see who will volunteer to be cannon fodder for your little charade. It is such an attractive want ad. I devoted a whole thread advising against accepting such challenges. There are those whose ego just will not let them resist. There will no doubt be someone who just wants to shut you up.

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Like I said Mike challengers are always trying to pick a fight. Don't complain when one breaks out.
I'm just curious to see who will volunteer to be cannon fodder for your little charade. It is such an attractive want ad. I devoted a whole thread advising against accepting such challenges. There are those whose ego just will not let them resist. There will no doubt be someone who just wants to shut you up.

It was closed

An ad for what. Digital? Is it something new that I'm promoting to the world? If passenger pigeon's weren't extinct today, would you use email?
Yes and we need to loosen up a bit. There should be no tension at all with any of this discussion. We are discussing audio formats, not the music itself, not family members, or anything that anyone should take personally. If were discussing cars, sports teams or anything like that, friendly banter and light hearted joking around between grown men would be perfectly acceptable. But when it comes to the topic of anything analog, it must be kept strictly formal. Like we are in a court room talking to a judge or something.

The only reason I'm even trying to challenge analog gear in the first place is because while I was discussing cool new ways to process digital, they were the ones coming after me, telling me that vinyl was superior. I have been told I'm clueless and have no experience with anything right from day 1 from these guys. They came attacking me, not vice versa.

? It was all well received and understood by me Mike; and I couldn't disagree with what you said above.
I know also the sensitive side of few members here, and that too I understand and respect as well.
That's the balance that only time to get to know each other can provide. And that balance I was referring to earlier, between humor and serious. ...Nothing else. ...All good and simple. :b


Actually, I had thought that Mike Lavigne had been too chickeny about this, but then, after reading his post, I thought his reasons for not doing the test were reasonable, and I applaud him for his post. You should read it again, honestly, you could learn from it.

You really do antagonize people, and your above reaction to his post proves it once more. You said that it was 'joking' or 'light-hearted' but it really doesn't come across that way. Rather:

1. your 'explanation' of it seems a huge copout itself, and
2. you really come across as a total ass

Your people skills are absolutely zero, or better, minus 1000.

You really need to grow up and work on your expression as human being and on your interaction with people.

? Me too I want to share Al. * It's a delicate act to interpret words that were obviously humorous. I disagree with the misinterpretation.
Couple words here I find harsh, and unwarranted, in my sincere opinion. Mike is not a kid, he's a man, and it would hurt me deeply to have someone telling me to grow up, very.
Mike is no ass either, he's your brother, your missing brother from when you were missing his love because he was gone travelling and started his life in another state. ...Way of speech.

Mike Lavigne's post was very nice, very civil and polite, smart. Mike L. is a true class act, a gentleman with control and equal to some of the very best.
Each word he spoke deserves full attention, and with control, with the right balance. ...A positive balance; that's the main essence...positive.

Mike Davis brings a lot, not just in technical stuff, but also in human's equality, interactions and relaxations. His life philosophy is "sounds". That's how he truly is, and I never met him...I just know.

Having said all that:
A big thumbs up to you and thank you for recommending the NADAC to Madfloyd!! It seems to be great, and I cannot wait to hear it. I told you I was open-minded, and even recommended it to Ian (Madfloyd) following your recommendation and link to that Positive Feedback article.

I also very much appreciate your help with Ian's set-up for the PCM --> DSD conversion in HQPlayer, which appears to be crucial to get the best out of the NADAC's performance. Ian had already thanked you publicly and so do I.

? That, is encouragement @ a high level. Well said, very well said.

You just have to get over your antagonizing people, and it will be all good. Your message will be heard much more. You really don't help yourself with how you currently present yourself and interact with people on WBF.

? I already replied above. ...And we can all use some positive balance. :b ...Me, me , me... :D
...Her too, that cute girl walking across the street, very cute, and very distinguished the way she walks when that piano jazz is that your wife Al?


Sensitive we all are, because we all love music...pure and simple. If we have that awareness, and if we can surmount all the tribulations, the hurts, the violations we all have suffered and still suffering from the ones that were and are so lost like we all were once too...
I don't want to bust our topic, or invent a new myth, I want what everyone else wants. :b ...What's superior sounding and for less money.

Yeah, the content of the posts are as good as the posters who post them. ...Positive balance...the essence.
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So are you saying tone it down a little Northstar?
I am saying nothing else than what I have already said above...while listening to some awesome jazz ? music with a female jazz singer on the radio.


* Now Paul Desmond on the piano. ...Just beautiful jazz music ecstasy.


Rodney, I like everyone, I listen to what they like to share.
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? It was all well received and understood by me Mike; and I couldn't disagree with what you said above.
I know also the sensitive side of few members here, and that too I understand and respect as well.
That's the balance that only time to get to know each other can provide. And that balance I was referring to earlier, between humor and serious. ...Nothing else. ...All good and simple. :b

? Me too I want to share Al. * It's a delicate act to interpret words that were obviously humorous. I disagree with the misinterpretation.
Couple words here I find harsh, and unwarranted, in my sincere opinion. Mike is not a kid, he's a man, and it would hurt me deeply to have someone telling me to grow up, very.
Mike is no ass either, he's your brother, your missing brother from when you were missing his love because he was gone travelling and started his life in another state. ...Way of speech.

Mike Lavigne's post was very nice, very civil and polite, smart. Mike L. is a true class act, a gentleman with control and equal to some of the very best.
Each word he spoke deserves full attention, and with control, with the right balance. ...A positive balance; that's the main essence...positive.

Mike Davis brings a lot, not just in technical stuff, but also in human's equality, interactions and relaxations. His life philosophy is "sounds". That's how he truly is, and I never met him...I just know.

? That, is encouragement @ a high level. Well said, very well said.

? I already replied above. ...And we can all use some positive balance. :b ...Me, me , me... :D
...Her too, that cute girl walking across the street, very cute, and very distinguished the way she walks when that piano jazz is that your wife Al?


Sensitive we all are, because we all love music...pure and simple. If we have that awareness, and if we can surmount all the tribulations, the hurts, the violations we all suffered and still suffered from the ones that were and are so lost like we were once too...
I don't want to bust our topic, or invent a new myth, I want what everyone else wants. :b ...What's superior sounding and for less money.

Yeah, the content of the posts are as good as the posters who post them. ...Positive balance...the essence.

If ever in doubt, George Carlin always had the right answers :)


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