The official audio myth busting thread

You are not trail blazing Mike. The scores are likely to be in the mid range. Good (or bad depending on your perspective)enough for you to gloat but statiscally insignificant. You know that is the probable outime
That is why you predicted the outcome with such confidence.

The only reason you are against this test, is due to emotional attachment to the format. This is a personal thing to you, and has nothing to do with what's actually superior. I'm confident that the only way they will be able to tell them apart is with a lucky guess.
Yes, Bruce has the legacy, and former standard bearer, SME Model 30 turntable, and Class A SS Pass Labs electronics. Perhaps even a tubed phono, but I can't remember. Bruce would seem to be in a good position to answer Spazmatron's questions.

Bruce already knows what the outcome will be of these tests. Whether or not he will tell us is another story :)
I am open to you or anyone else convincing me that quad DSD is superior to vinyl when it comes to making a faithful copy of an original master tape.
What does it entail to convince you?

The result will not change my collection or cause me to abandon one medium and start from scratch to start another one with limited available titles, especially in an area which is notorious for creating new formats every couple of years.
What will it do?

Quad DSD will be replaced with something even better and new recording standards will be created and multi channel systems are around the corner.
Multichannel is around the corner? What do you call the current systems that play multichannel?
The only reason you are against this test, is due to emotional attachment to the format. This is a personal thing to you, and has nothing to do with what's actually superior. I'm confident that the only way they will be able to tell them apart is with a lucky guess.
I admire your candor.
That is a rather stale and often used response.
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What I would really like to know is if Mike L is confident enough with his listening abilities to be a part in this local event? If anyone would want to know the outcome first hand, you would think it would be him. Especially since it will take place right in Seattle. After the estimated $200k + he put into his vinyl and digital rig over the last couple years, you would think a guy like him would want to know if the sound coming from a $4200 DAC could be indistinguishable from everything else in his system.

If not it will be supporting evidence for his side. Either something is learned that can save $100's of thousands of dollars in the future, or all the guys he has been opposing can be put to rest. Win win if you ask me. Can't lose either way.
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What I would really like to know is if Mike L is confident enough with his listening abilities to be a part of this local event? If anyone would want to know the outcome first hand, you would think it would be him. Especially since it will take place right in Seattle.

I just spent all afternoon in my room listening with a nice couple from Vancouver, BC. they've been here twice before.....most recently 2 years ago.

the focus of the afternoon was related to the questions it seems you are discussing. how do the digital formats compare? where does vinyl fit in? will digital ever 'get there' and how close or far is it now from getting there? how much better is tape than anything else?

personally I deal with these questions for hours every day in my system. I've made the efforts to have top level performance in each format and good source media to use. my system can tell me everything that is on a recording.

i briefly looked through the thread to try to understand what 'local event' you might be referring to but could not find it, but likely I'm not interested in venturing beyond my room to satisfy someone else's agenda.

but like today; my door is open to anyone who has a curiosity about it. my visitors today had pretty clear conclusions.

you are certainly welcome to visit my room as I've previously suggested, and bring your own digital set-up if you like.
I just spent all afternoon in my room listening with a nice couple from Vancouver, BC. they've been here twice before.....most recently 2 years ago.

the focus of the afternoon was related to the questions it seems you are discussing. how do the digital formats compare? where does vinyl fit in? will digital ever 'get there' and how close or far is it now from getting there? how much better is tape than anything else?

personally I deal with these questions for hours every day in my system. I've made the efforts to have top level performance in each format and good source media to use. my system can tell me everything that is on a recording.

i briefly looked through the thread to try to understand what 'local event' you might be referring to but could not find it, but likely I'm not interested in venturing beyond my room to satisfy someone else's agenda.

but like today; my door is open to anyone who has a curiosity about it. my visitors today had pretty clear conclusions.

you are certainly welcome to visit my room as I've previously suggested, and bring your own digital set-up if you like.

Sounds to me like an elegant excuse for not having confidence in your listening abilities.
I just spent all afternoon in my room listening with a nice couple from Vancouver, BC. they've been here twice before.....most recently 2 years ago.

the focus of the afternoon was related to the questions it seems you are discussing. how do the digital formats compare? where does vinyl fit in? will digital ever 'get there' and how close or far is it now from getting there? how much better is tape than anything else?

personally I deal with these questions for hours every day in my system. I've made the efforts to have top level performance in each format and good source media to use. my system can tell me everything that is on a recording.

i briefly looked through the thread to try to understand what 'local event' you might be referring to but could not find it, but likely I'm not interested in venturing beyond my room to satisfy someone else's agenda.

but like today; my door is open to anyone who has a curiosity about it. my visitors today had pretty clear conclusions.

you are certainly welcome to visit my room as I've previously suggested, and bring your own digital set-up if you like.

Terrific idea Mike

For those fortunate to have been to your house and heard SOTA all formats it is very enlightening. I will never forget when we were there last April and you played The Doors, Riders On The Storm in every format (up to tape)at same SPL and it left no questions. It was a very enlightening demo Mike
got my new outlets installed this morning, had a great afternoon of listening with some super people, my wife made me a superb dinner, the music is sounding heavenly, i'll be damned if I'm letting you get me sideways.

go bother somebody else.

Exactly it would probably spoil your year, not only your day, if you found out that not only a $4200 DAC could match your 200K plus rig, but likely beat. And it would be by your own admission, on video, which would make it worse.
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The challenger is always trying to pick a fight.
The challenger is always trying to pick a fight.

No fight here, just guys who like to fight who are scared stiff to stand behind their claims.

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